I didn't keep up with the TB thread, but Jeff Berlin's whoel attitude seems a bit arrogant:
"But some guys over there just talk the talk and don't have the musical experience to know that what they subscribe to in regards to music education doesn't work. But, they think that it does. "
That just reads me to as: "You guys aren't famous musicians, you're wrong, I'm right because I'm Jeff Berlin. Deal with it."
There's a thousand and one ways to teach music. As long as you're teaching the actual correct information I don't think there's a wrong way. I know he's a Berklee alum so I imagine he was advocating a strict traditional academic music education, which is great for some people, but some people learn best other ways.
I don't imagine TB is innocent to be honest, I don't like it much because it's way too cliquey, I can imagine the mods practicing double standards.