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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. [quote name='cheddatom' post='549759' date='Jul 24 2009, 09:25 AM']Right, but why is anyone using a wah on bass without a blender?? Surely the whole idea of a wah is that you loose low end when your foot's all the way down?[/quote] Not neccaserily, the 105q only sweeps the mids and highs, leaves the lows alone, i'd imagine other bass specific wahs are like that
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='549015' date='Jul 23 2009, 03:20 PM']Also, (and I know it's too big) I LOVE the wahs on the XP-100[/quote] They only sound good with a blender on bass though, they cut all the low end and sound really clanky, except the envelope filter patch, that sounds absolutely awesome
  3. bobbass4k

    bazz fuzz

    I think the major thing to remember is that nobody's trying to pass someone else's work as there own. Al fully acknowlodges this is a mammoth clone, which itself is a modified fuzz face clone. The argument is a tricky one though, the fuzz face is a fuzz circuit, one of the first, but there's only so many ways to build a fuzz circuit, all of which share a few core elements, does whoever sold the circuit first get eternal credit for it, and anyone else who builds a circuit and calls it fuzz is just ripping them off? Is everyone who currently makes and sells cars just ripping of Henry Ford? (I know he didn't invent the car, but he was the first person to mass-produce and sell them, which is kinda my point) My point is that most pedals of a certain type are just varations on a theme, Fuzz-Faces and shin-ei's and muff's are cloned so often not because builders are too lazy to deisgn new circuits, but because they're the ciruits that work and that people want. Just a thought
  4. alas no, the custom paint defamation is a lesson about the evils of alcohol
  5. I think they've fallen under the radar a little, the pitchfactor and modfactor have been quite revolutionary, there haven't been that many pitch and modulation pedals with the versatility and control of these, but all in one delay boxes have been around for a while (dd-20, dl-4), I think the idea is they're basically just rack units in pedals, and like you said, knowing the quality and reputation of the pitch and mod factors, I'd be very suprised if the timefactor was anything short of amazing, but they bloody better be for what they cost
  6. bumperoo
  7. bobbass4k

    bazz fuzz

    [quote name='steve' post='544361' date='Jul 18 2009, 09:56 PM']thanks for that, but if you read through the above posts, you'll realise neither of us are intending to do that. I was hoping this would turn into an interesting thread about modding fuzz circuits and swapping out components instead of an misplaced lecture[/quote] I wasn't trying to imply anything, hell, i consider myself a borderline communist, I love the idea of building your own stuff, I don't believe any one person can own an idea, if I had more time and energy i'd be building loads of clones myself, I was just trying to point out that the rather hefty price the "mooly wammoth" sells for is probably not a result of gouging and greedy business, a lot of people seem to have the attitude that if they can make something for cheap, then a mass produced professionaly built version should also be cheap, and the fact that it isn't is a result of the greedy corporate machine, which i accept is probably true for a lot of businesses, but something i don't really associate with the boutique pedal industry, certainly wasn't a comment on anyone
  8. Nice board man, but any specific reason for 4 delays?
  9. bobbass4k

    bazz fuzz

    You have to remember a lot of the cost of the original (are we avoiding the actual names for legal reasons, or just to be all cool and sleuthy?) is the hand painted enclosure, hand wiring, paying employees, distribution, marketing, all the costs associated with a business, yes you may be able to make a clone for a lot cheaper, but if you made them and sold them on the scale of the original, the cost would quickly skyrocket
  10. The oc-2 is defiintley special, even boutique snobs who hate boss like it, the tracking probably isn't as good as the oc-3, pretty much anything below A just gets chewed up, but it's tone just can't be beaten, lovely warm and fat
  11. Looking good man, good to hear the green stache is treating you well, if you ever get a chance try it on guitar, i almost kept it just for that, and i'd replace the oc-3 with an oc-2 if i were you
  12. "I just remembered about this" Bump
  13. Bumpski's, open to offers on the price
  14. Interested in splitting them up? I'm interested but only for a few plugs
  15. Damn, I'd have gone for this, but I'm only back in york for the summer and my amp's back in canterbury, oh well, good luck
  16. Shameless bumpage
  17. Interested in a whammy-4?
  18. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='534520' date='Jul 7 2009, 11:13 AM']The exposed polepiece issue should be easy to circumvent. MEC, Bartolini and EMG (to name but three) all do [i]most[/i] pick-up styles without exposed poles J, JJ/TJ, P, MM, Soapbars etc. SD do soapbars without polepieces, too! This opens another avenue; Purchase a bass whose design you like and which meets your other criteria, then swap the pick-ups out. For example, Imagine a Bongo H/S 4 with pole-less barts! Mmm. Tasty. A nice, smooth, uninterupted look.[/quote] I have actually looked into this before, I was gonna get some quarter pounders for my fretless, but I couldn't find them anywhere poleless, same with some other pups I looked at, could just have been looking in the wrong place, any specific UK sellers you know that have a good range of poleless pickups? I syill need some for my fretless
  19. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='534521' date='Jul 7 2009, 11:14 AM']I don't know if it's just me, but, what? Play with one hand, and screwdriver in the other or something?[/quote] Probably should have been clearer on that, yea, on my fretless the saddles are on screws, same on my guitar so you can hit a 12'th fret note then adjust it with the screwdriver till the tuner says it odesnt suck anymore On my spector, the saddles are just free blocks, kept in place by their neighbours, so I have to chekc what the intonation is, completely slacken the string, then move the saddle (which isn't easy, usually involves pliers) at a guess, then retune, and check the intonation again, lather rinse repeat
  20. Oh well, I spose I can still get a really nice stock bass, I figured a grand probably wouldn't cover it, so I spose my question becomes what's available at that price point nowadays? second hand isn't a probelm, to be honest I'd prefer it as I could get far more mileage out my expenditure. Specs wise, here's the full OCD list (just remember, someone asked for this): Hardware: 4 string 34" scale Active with a good preamp (not sure what's available) and active/passive switch 2 Pickups, preferably humbuckers (not sure if they exist withoutu exposed poles though) single coils are fine too, a decent distance apart, the bridge pickup can't be too close to the bridge. That's one of my biggest beefs with my spector. Absolutely no exposed poles. I think they're the single ugliest thing on the planet and completely ruin many a great bass. May seem a tad OTT, It's purely an aesthetic thing, but I just hate them. Preferably a thru-neck but I'm not married to it, a deep scooped heel is important though, I play a lot of high register stuff and need unbridled access to the whole board Ebony fretboard 24 Frets, another non-negotiable point, otherwise I'd have given in and got a fender already Fret markers, but not too fussed Brass nut A bridge whose intonation can be adjusted while playing. Not sure if it means a loss in quality, but that's another pet hate of my spector, I need the intonation to be perfect all the time, and it's impossible to adjust on my spector's bridge let alone while playing Nice simple, small, closed tuners, I hate the ornamental fireplaces that stick out of the top of fenders Looks: Body shape wise, warwicks are probably my favourite, the horns shouldn't protude too far, and the maximum protusion of the curves should be very near the bridge end, and it should be quite curvy (if that makes sense) Neck wise, i like wide but shallow No black, white, green, yellow, purple, gold, silver......I'll save some time and say blue, red or orange, or natural wood (as long as it's dark) are the only finishes I'd go for, prbably prefer natural wood Pickguards aren't out of the question, but only black Sound: Sound's a difficult one, all I can say is I don't like the sound of warwicks (as all my other requirements are met by a warwick you might hav realised) It needs to be versatile though, most of my sounds come from my pedals but a lot of s them are very transparent so the tone stll shines through. To be honest I've never heard a bass that can do all the tone I want, I want the spector growl, the j bass twang and the p bass boom, I know something will probably have to give somewhere Wow that's a lot of fussiness, any help would be appreciated, what's out there that fits that very specific bill for a grand (or possibly a little more)?
  21. Thats pretty much what I figured, I only really thougt of a custom because I haven't seen a lot of production models I like, like I said I'm rather picky, ive never really found the exact combination of looks, sound and features I want, and for that kind of money compromise really isn't an option. It's not like I want it carved from the wood of the yggrdasil and the pickups handwound by blind tibetan monks using magnets salvaged from the wreck of the titanic, I just want a specific spec in a specific style, any chance of getting that for a grand?
  22. Looks like I might be coming in to some money soon, and seen as I haven't bought a bass in 5 years I've been considering indulging myself with a lovely high end bass, but as I'm very very picky about my basses (2 pickups, no exposed poles, 24 frets, the list goes on) there's only a select few production ones I've seen I actually like, so I've been thinking about a custom. My question is how much do custom's usually run for? Had a look round the shuker website and there's no pricing information but I love the look of his stuff and I know he's very well regarded round these parts, Ideally I'd be looking to spend £1000
  23. Bumpage
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