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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. One last shameless bump, PLEASE don't make me sell it on evilBay people, but if it's not gone by wednesday that's where it's going......
  2. for minimum size, catalinbread is the way to go, i think the v8 is the only fuzz they do, they're bantam sized and apparently still very good, if you've got a little more space to spare, you should give devi ever a look, most of their new stuff is mxr sized and there's more fuzz flavours than you can shake a stick at. but that would look strange.
  3. I was thinking about building one of these for my cherry pop (very high gain gated sounding fuzz) a while back after reading the stickied thread, my workloads died down and i can spare the money for the supplies so i figured i'd give it a go, but I'm a little stuck on the circuit, so anyone got any ideas/schematics? I assume it's just a few transistors and resistors. I'm not bothered about it being variable or having a footswitch, my bass has 2 passive soapbars and a 9v active preamp
  4. [quote name='Dan-Himself' post='447505' date='Mar 27 2009, 05:00 PM']They're like drugs I need more![/quote] I've had that problem, a quick bout of poverty and having no money for food tends to cure pedal addiction
  5. No one? This is cheaper than you'll find one on evilBay with none of the horrible headachey feelings evilBay creates Oh well, bumpage
  6. Trace Elliot's dual band one is highly regarded among bassists, It sounds very good, and can have quite an effect on the signal, but can still do subtle and transparent, it compresses the low and high frequencies seperatley which is very useful I just happen to be selling one (shameless, I know) in the For Sale: Effects forum if you're interested, I could even record some sound clips if you're interested
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' post='445697' date='Mar 26 2009, 09:12 AM']bobbass how come your chorus isn't in your feedback loop?[/quote] It doesnt like it for some reason, just buzzes, it does run on 18v, and the looper's a real simple homebuilt passive jobbie, they just don't get on
  8. Couple of new arrivals, still no actual board, but y'know, can't have everything, crappy camerphone pic: The chains not obvious from that, it goes: Bass/Guitar > XP-100 Whammy (dry out) > Craptastic tuner Whammy (wet out) > Crybaby bass Wah > Feedback Looper (Send) > EHX Microsynth > Cherry Pop Fuzz > Modded Bad Monkey OD > Feedback Looper (Return) > Cool Cat Chorus > Trace Elliot compressor > Boss DD-20 delay > headphones/amp I'm selling the Trace compressor, It's great, but it's shown me that i just don't need a compressor, so I'm flogging it in the effects sale forum if anyone's interested
  9. Another shameless bump for a price drop, now £75 posted
  10. Shameless - it's not that far down but somethings come up and i need the money and really want to avoid evilBay - Bump
  11. Hey, just got this off evilBay, it's a fantatsic pedal, but I've decided compressors just aren't for me Apparently these are quite renowned so i assume anyone who wants it is familiar with the spec, but if not, this is disticnt from most compressors in that it has seperate high band and low band controls, and a high band bypass switch No pics of my own because my phone's on the fritz, but this is from the ebay listing: It's in great condition, except the battery compartment cover is missing and I don't have a power supply for it which are apparently notorious problems, there's a quite elegant foam and gaffa tape solution that seems to be doing the trick for the battery cover, it runs of 2x9v batteries or an 18v power supply, I'll include the batteries I only bought this a few days ago, and really want to avoid evilBay, which means it's yours for £75 Posted
  12. [quote name='josh3184' post='443057' date='Mar 23 2009, 08:35 PM'][size=1]cricket is awesome[/size][/quote] No argument there, being a yorkshireman, cricket is a way of life, we must carry a set of emergency wickets with us at all times, there is no dispute that can't be settled by a few overs, and there is no greater honour than defeating lancashire (damn that red rose)
  13. [quote name='josh3184' post='442989' date='Mar 23 2009, 07:48 PM']those designs are great, gotta love a pedal that references the greatest sport know to mankind![/quote] Snail stomping?
  14. [quote name='burno70' post='438792' date='Mar 18 2009, 11:26 PM']Is that the standard (and pricier) Box of Rock or the Vexter Box of Rock which was the one I tried? I spent more time with this one that the others as I really did want to like this pedal - it's small and looks ace, but it just didn't sound right to my ears.[/quote] The only difference between the vexter and regular models is the paint job, the regular ones have fancy (read: expensive) handpainted enclosures, the vexter ones are plain painted, teh vexter innards should be identical
  15. [quote name='dangerboy' post='438103' date='Mar 18 2009, 10:53 AM']I have one of these for sale in the 'Effects' forum. [url="http://www.martoneaudio.com/PulseSynth.htm"]http://www.martoneaudio.com/PulseSynth.htm[/url] And it's even got extra switches! Lovely synth-ness for half your budget.[/quote] The pulse synth actually looks very interesting, which means you have PM
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='438453' date='Mar 18 2009, 04:53 PM']Where?!?[/quote] [quote name='Chris V.' post='438547' date='Mar 18 2009, 06:43 PM']You bought a little fatty for 450 squids? You sir, need to spill the beans.[/quote] I agree, where the FUNK did you get a little phatty for less than half price? Was it at a police auction perchance? I'm not sure a drug dealer would have such good taste though.....
  17. Some very helpful stuff [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40389"]here[/url]
  18. Thanks for the advice people, what i'm probably gonna do is splurge on a deep impact, sell if it i dont get along with it, and get a decent octaver and envelope filter to combine with my fuzz/od to make a constituent synth sound
  19. It's in html code, it won't display here for some reason, if you PM me your email address i can mail you the proper file edit, didn't think to make an image: This is the table of settings kiwi gave in that thread hamster linked to I can still mail you the file if you want
  20. That £150 mf-101 looks very interesting, dont they usually go for £250+?, can the mf-101 do more extreme sounds? Subtletly isn't really a requirement for me, i prefer my effects extreme. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_bk-9EghNQ"]this[/url] is kind of the sound i'm going for (which will be a deep impact), but i really want a wide range of sounds, i tend to have a paticular sound in my head and try and achieve that with what i have, rather than base a sound on what i have
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