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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. Very nice work - I've spent the week going back trying to learn some of the basslines I gave up on years ago and good GOD was Jim an underrated bassist. I know the whole Cardiacs story is one of criminal under-appreciation but Jim (JIM!) is maybe the biggest victim.
  2. I'm still working on it - sounding like a swarm of horny space whales having a laser orgy may be of debatable usefulness, but it IS a lot of fun.
  3. Peppered with the DIY fruits of lockdown labour -
  4. Yeah, I tend to think of it as alternating 4/4 and 7/8, but 15/8 is probably neater. There's a couple of bars of 7/4 here and there if I remember correctly too. They do the same thing the other way round in different people (the main riff) - alternating 7/8 and 4/4. As much as I love vertigo/infinity land Biffy, I am very glad they're still peddling weird rock in stadiums and festival main stages.
  5. It's likely exceeding the current capacity of the supply, a cursory google says the donner has a max draw of 140mA. Not sure which Joyo supply you're using but on most of them most of the outputs are 100mA max. You'll need to figure out which output has a higher current capacity (probably 500mA) and try it on that one.
  6. They're not very common at all, madbean does a kit that does it (the dreamtime delay) but the tremolo isn't controllable beyond the speed. If you fancy building a kit that'd be a good option but it's a difficult one. Edit: I've got one and I absolutely love it, apart from tremolo it does regular modulation and an almost ring mod kind of sound.
  7. I'd probably just treat it all as 4/4 (except for the banjo bit obviously - 6/8). They're shifting the feel around about a bit, extending it by a couple of beats here and there, technically it's probably a mix of 4 and 2, it's generally easier to just treat those as straight 4.
  8. What always works for me - look at what you could get with the money and draw up a shortlist. Make it a real, direct connection in your head rather than an abstract. I get very attached to gear and don't like to let anything go, but as soon as I start looking at stuff I've wanted for a while, that pedal i haven't used for ages start to look like £150 rather than a pedal I might maybe possibly use someday.
  9. It's pretty stark to hear them AB'd like that - there's maybe a little more trebly twang on the boss, but £150's worth? I was blown away by my thunderstorm (flanger from the same TC range) - got it on a complete whim and I was blown away. Pretty much the same circuit that all the boutique flangers will be using - complete with reissue Bucket Brigade ICs. How they're doing this range for £30 I have no idea. Good video BTW, I wish more people would use that format - especially in A/B tests, I don't want to hear how fast you can play pentatonic scales or how quickly you can jump octaves - I want to hear the same, normal riff played 100 times.
  10. It's always nice to see some StT love - how they weren't huge I'll never understand - x-french tee shirt is a masterpiece (anthemic sing along ending over a single chord? Mad genius). I could list songs and bands all day long that you've most likely never heard of, but based on your original ideas I think you're looking for things more ensconced in the bosom of popularity. Building on Mountains - a lot of the newer Biffy stuff still uses odd time sigs - Different people (main riff is a 15/8 feel), Spanish Radio (5/4), Bubbles (ends in 7/4) and a lot of the older stuff (Glitter and Trauma, now the action, jaggy snake etc...) Deftones sneak a few in every now and then - Poltergeist (Very fun 7/4 bass riff), DIamond eyes (11/8 feel chorus), Leathers (11/4 feel verses) Radiohead of course - 2 + 2 =5 (in 7/8 not 5, oddly), 15 step (again 5/4, not 15...) Obligatory plug for my favourite band Oceansize, especially tempting bait to a drummer - maybe a bit on the proggy side for some people but very musical and melodic -
  11. Mostly just patience, I marked the labels and the boxes with the mid points then peeled the back off just a tiny bit of the corner, i found that way i could align the bulk of the label with the midpoints then press the corner down, then you can pull the back off and it'll stick itself, smoothing it as you go. Not all mine are completely straight but they're close enough. One annoyance I did find is that the clearcoat I use (plastikote gloss) took a full day and a half to dry on the labels, as opposed to overnight for the painted bits. I just got some inkjet gloss label paper from amazon, with a decent clearcoating it should hold up just fine. I think you can get some thicker, fancier stuff from specialist places but it's expensive. Oh and a final tip, you'll notice the stargate one (bottom right) looks quite dark and blue saturated, because the clearcoat has soaked through on to the dark blue of the enclosure. I couldn't be bothered redoing it but I learned my lesson for the phaser - i put that label on to another plain white label first to give an extra backing and the results are much better.
  12. Ooops sorry haven't been on in a while. It'd definitely be a massive help if you had one knocking about, I'd only need it for a few days (assuming I could figure it out in that time...), I'd massively appreicate it. On a different note, the fruits of lockdown - I've finally got into label printed graphics (waaaaay better than transparent waterslide decals) and I apologise for nothing. Top - EQD Ghost echo clone, lovetone doppelganer clone (phaser), madbean dreamtime (an amazing FV-1 delay in a 1590a) Bottom - Frostwave funk-a-duck clone (absolutely mad envelope filter), DBA space ring with improvements (deadendfx wurmloch, ring mod) Rate LEDs on the phaser are tempoerarily a bit rough because the 10mm LED bezels I thought I had were actually 8mm, so they're bezel-less for now
  13. To be fair, a fresh resistor going open on it's own is pretty rare, you've been very unlucky there. I would say routinely checking all your parts pre-soldering is waaay overkill. A common cause of opens is mechanical stress on the leads, make sure you're not bending them too sharply, some people do it with pliers which can be fine but its easy to overdo it.
  14. I've never seen one with a 30V out I'm afraid, it's not a standard voltage - the rusty box is the only pedal I know of that takes 30V DC in (a lot of other pedals run n 30V but they take 9V or 18V in and step it up internally). You could get one with 2 x 15V outputs and use a series cable to combine them into a 30V (has to be an isolated output brick for that to work).
  15. No one did it better than Melvins in their Big Business phase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpgZ5MUnkkE
  16. Couldn't get the time together this month unfortunately, bad form I know, but too many half finished ideas and not enough time... Great crop though, not all what I expected but all the better for it.
  17. Evil tinkering - finally getting round to doing the XP-All mod to my old Digitech XP-100 - https://www.circuitbenders.co.uk/newsarchive/XPALL.html Annoyingly I bought all the stuff years ago when I worked at a PCB assembler and had access to an EPROM burner - but didn't have the foresight to burn the chip while I had access so I'm hoping to find some kind soul who has one knocking about in the loft. Backup plan is to use my spare raspberry pi, which can apparently do it from the GPIO.
  18. I've seen people do DIY paste stencils with vinyl cutters etc. - but I think very quickly you hit a point of diminsihing returns with SMT in DIY - but it might be something we have to contend with as the big manufacturers are gradually pivtoing away from through-hole packages for a lot of ICs/Transistors. As an aside - does anyone happen to have an EPROM burner and the burning (see what I did there) desire to be super helpful?
  19. A man can dream.
  20. What you want is a super hard-on with a standard volume control instead of just bias, enter the EQD black eye - https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=116920.0 Or the LPB, I think fuzzdog does a kit for that, basically you're looking for any boost with a standard grounding volume output control.
  21. I've had a eureka moment, I was trying to do lots of creepy intervals and dissonant chord shapes on guitar but found it difficult to get going - ended up in a frankenstein tuning that just sings foreboding evil (F# F# B F# G# E low to high)
  22. The input side of C1 should be grounded when it's in bypass, as the bypass switch wiring that fuzzdog uses grounds the circuit input in bypass (to prevent noise bleed). But it shouldn't be grounded when the effect is engaged - if it's reading ground in both switch positions then you likely have a problem with your switch wiring.
  23. Hmm, I didn't get that far in the build doc, but it's a mistake. The 386 is a very low wattage power amplifier, even if you did patch the pinout it's never going to replace an op-amp, it might pass sound but it would not sound great. Yank it out, put a tl071 in there and email JMK to get that changed.
  24. Ahh, got it, the board is laid out for a CA3130/TL071, you';ve used a 386 which is NOT a drop in replacement, different pinouts and different functions. You'll need to get a single op-amp. TL071, CA3130 etc. - Slightly more awake now and realized it's a BBOD clone - you might struggle to get a CA3130 (long obsolete and a lot of fakes about due to the demand), a TL071 will do the job.
  25. It might be hiding but looks like you're one connection short, is the circuit output connected at the top right?
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