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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. The biggest problem i've found is belt rash, i always have to wear a belt, it's not just scracthing the bass, it feels really uncomfortable, but right around the nutcracker area is where it's most comfortable to play, plus i'm 6'3" and i've got more back problems than my 80 year old grandad, but i do feel this probelm, it's not just rock and roll'ness, i don't find it too comfortable high up eitheir. What i usually do is wear it just low enough so the belt's not a problem, and put my left leg on a monitor or something for quick high register stuff, or rest my right leg on my amp and rest teh bass on it for longer stuff. Wow, that's a lot of talking about my weird physicallness
  2. Hey, i've got an old russian muff thats dead, so i decided to build a feedback loop in the enclosure. Anywho, i found [url="http://experimentalistsanonymous.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=134"]this[/url] which is pretty helpful, but when ordering stuff, i found footswitches are pretty expensive (i'm trying to build it for<£10) and it occured it to me that i don't actually want a true bypass box, and i wouldn't use it, and i'd only use the feedback loop pedal when kneeling down to make noise with my pedals so i don't mind activating it by toggle switch. Anywho, how would i wire it up so that it's just the in and out jacks, and a pedal hooked up to the send return jacks, and the pedal works as normal when the feedback toggle is off, and feedbacks when it's on? (so much for physics students being problem solvers........) cheers
  3. DO NOT tape the bottom plate if you ever plan to take the tape off, i did, and the tape took the the paint right off, but you coul take the plate off and flip it round, and tape that gently, i it's gonna be living ona board it doesnt ed to be on too securely, that's what i'd do
  4. [quote name='Hellraiser 5' post='395759' date='Jan 30 2009, 09:25 PM']The Beatles - come together. Cool riff with the right bass sound[/quote] A lot of people think i'm insane, but i still say that song invented stoner/blues/psychadelic rock, It's quite simple, repetitive, got that huge bass groove running right down the middle, it just rewminds me a lot of early sabbath/blue cheer/hawkwind, maybe it's just me. Anywho, to actually contribue to the thread, i just finally got down "Here's to life" by streetlight manifesto, took long enough. If you've never listened to it, do. A lot of people say the bassline is a lot of showing off and trying too hard, but i think it first perfectly to the song, and it captured perfectly the essence of ska
  5. I've got a behringer limiter, it's not half bad,i agree with most people, it does what it says on the tin, but it is made of plastic, i'm too afraid to stomp on it, i activate it very gently by hand and leave it. It's not gonna last 50 years like a boss or a highe end boutique pedal, but for £10 -£15 it doesn't have to
  6. does Tia Carrera count?
  7. At the moment it's full of clothes and books because the drawers are for important stuff like cables and batteries but when going to a gig/practice/jam it conatins Tuner Spare Strings Allen keys screwdriver picks (just in case) Maybe a small pedal or 2 Dustcloth Cables Straps Buff Lemon Oil if i have some Soldering Iron Solder Solder braid (never hurts to be prepared) Batteries Gaffer tape Wire strippers/cutters Tic Tacs (Spearmint only) Various papers, tabs setlists etc Scale and chord books The strongest Painkillers i can find (Bad back) The strongest Booze i can find (nothing under 50%) And a pair of womens underwear (not mine, they wound up there after the best post-gig party ever, they never leave the bag, to remind me of good times) And the bass of course
  8. because i'm a nice guy (so they tell me) and the fact that the bottomplate of my crybaby is held on by 1 screw....here's my trim pots: sorry for the crappy camera phone pic, if you can't make it out, mine are the same as yours, and mine have never been touched, so i would say we both have virgin trim pots
  9. [quote name='robert43' post='394191' date='Jan 28 2009, 11:24 PM']Ha you should see my 15 year old guitar son room , I think there is wild animals living there, We have given up at the moment . [/quote] ahh, the joys of being a student and living alone 8 months a year, see that big rubbish bag in the second photo? That all used to be on the floor
  10. [quote name='BOD2' post='394142' date='Jan 28 2009, 10:46 PM']There should be an extra wire from BOTH pickup leads. The extra wire is the screen cable around the pickup wire and also forms the earth. So, yes the extra (bare) wire goes to ground but check the red pickup wire too as there should be the same bare shielding wire around that too.[/quote] ahh yea, i stripped it off a bit more and there is some shielding wire there, looks like a lot of it got yanked off when the switch came out, cheers
  11. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='394139' date='Jan 28 2009, 10:42 PM']Bare wires are nearly always to ground. So thats a no. You would not be wrong in assuming it goes to ground. While you're waiting to order a new switch, can you please get your bedroom tidied up? It's a disgrace. bloody guitar players [/quote] Thanks, and i'm a bassist first, i only have the guitar to look cool and pick up girls , and today is a clean day, visible floor is a rare treat
  12. Thanks for the help, would i be wrong in assuming the extra wire from the blue pickup wire goes to ground?
  13. This is problem is with a guitar so delete/boycott if you wish, but i trust you folks a hell of a lot more than some random guitar forum, and its more of a general wiring question anywho basically the 3 way selector selector switch on my cheapy prs copy guitar broke, but how it broke is it got yanked out of its socket when i knocked it, and it ripped all the wiring off, so i have a replacment switch, but no idea how to wire it. But i want to wire it back up and be able to use it as a killswitch, so i want one position to have both pickups, one to have the bridge pickup, and one to be a mute, it has 2 humbuckers btw. I'm not certain how to wire it up though, crappy camera phone pics follow: In case you can't see, the rightmost blue and red wires are coming from the guitar, for the pickups, not sure which is for which pickup, but i'm not really bothered which switch position is which. The blue wire has one plastic coated wire, and another none coated one, the red one doesn't. The leftmost red wire is wired to the tone pot. this is the switch, i assume the 3 central lugs are for the positions, and the extra lug is the ground I'd really appreciate any help with this, i'm confident with the actual soldering and everything, i'm just new to guitar tech stuff and i'd rather get it right than potentially screw it up trying to figure it out. cheers
  14. [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Tja6_h4lT6A"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Tja6_h4lT6A[/url] - pretty much that, but that sound isnt entirely chorus, he has quite a trebly middy sound anyway (not sure if he plays with a pick on this one too), but thats a pretty good example
  15. [quote name='photographymatt' post='388042' date='Jan 21 2009, 10:31 PM']my carpeted laney bass combo is my cats stratch post...she doesnt understand thats not cool:-)[/quote] Mine does that too, but he's even worse, ive got a Trace combo with tuning holes, hes climbed inside the amp more than a few times, but then he cant get out for some reason so i have to take the bloody speaker out, very annoying
  16. Decent headphones are a wise investment, at the moment i've got some sennheiser hd595's, they're fantastic, but the bass response isn't the best, you can hear the bass frequencies sure, but you can't really feel them as much as i'd like, and they're an open design so they leak a LOT of sound, they were around £100, my dads got some bose's for around £120, you can feel the bass a lot more in them. I've also had 2 pairs of sony mdr v-700's, they were fantastic, the first pair broke inside 6 months, but i liked them so much i got another pair, which broke the exact same way, they're very badly designed and built but sound great (like all sony stuff), but they may have imrpvoed them, this wears a few years ago, or brought a new version out. [url="http://www.headphone.com/"]this[/url] site is quite helpful for buying advice, and lets you compare the technical performance of 4 pairs of headphones if you understand that stuff. [url="http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/"]this[/url] site's good too. Sorry for the long post, i'm quite into headphones
  17. Hey, i'm building a true bypass/feedback loop pedal, i'm confident about the actual building, but this is my first pedal type thing, so i'm pretty much just following [url="http://experimentalistsanonymous.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=134"]this[/url] word for word to start off. My current problem is the audio jacks, ive come across more types than i thought even existed, so which of [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/electronics/jacks-c-277_1_81_86.html"]these[/url] would i need? cheers
  18. i've got a bad monkey and i love it, at low settings its more of a boost than an od, and it can add a lovely tubey warmth, but gets quite dirty aswell. I've got one with bass repsonse mods, done by one of our members, silentfly, but ive never tried the stock model, so i'm not sure what the low end loss is like. Having owned an odb-3, the bad monkey is miles ahead in my opinion
  19. Explosions in the sky - A Song for our fathers, very fun line to play, exactly my style
  20. only really added the limiter since my last post, but i won't be able to post another pic for a while:
  21. bobbass4k

    Crazy Scheme

    I've got a lot of plans for my pedalboard, first im gonna build a board so "pedalboard" is actually the right term, decent cabling etc., i'm also building my own true bypass box/feedback loop pedal in an old russian muff enclosure, anywho i need a little advice on my latest insane idea. Very Long story short (ha!), the idea i arrived at is wanting to blend all the effects in the chain that are on with my clean (not neccesarily clean, but a seperate) signal, and control the blend amount via expression/volume pedal. I'm also looking to include a bypass/loop strip, with size 14 heavy boots it's getting kinda hard to turn on one pedal without stomping another........ Unfortunately "idea" is the right word, i haven't a clue how to acheive this, so any advice one what i need and how i'd need to hook it up, to achieve the expression pedal blending, and putting everything in a bypass/loop pedal? Cheers
  22. some nice stuff there, how do you find the crybaby compared to the synth wah? 'cos i'm considering swapping out my crybay for the synth wah, can it do regular wah sounds? And would you say an expression pedal is a must have?
  23. Not sure they're under rated, or rated at all, but i've got an ernie ball strap, one of the cheap fake leather and plastic toggle ones, which has lasted 5 years of constant use, some heavy gigging, and for the last 3 years my very heavy spector, and still looks new. For £5 i'm throughly impressed
  24. I'd highly reccomend the danelectro cool cat (i've got the old 18v version, not sure how the new ones compare), doesnt have a lot of control though, only 2 knobs, but it can also be turned into a pitch vibrato by connecting a dummy cable to the stereo out. But of those choices i'd reccomend the boss definitley
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