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Everything posted by Trueno

  1. ... and the issue has raised its dreary head with the band I've just joined. I thought maybe "Hip Replacement". Or maybe "Diplodocus", then everyone can argue about how it's prounounced.
  2. Always hated the names of bands I've been in. Turn up to an audition and it's... really? The problem is that "the Flaming Groovies" nailed the perfect name decades ago... nothing else comes close.
  3. I played my last gig 12 years ago. In the meantime I decided that there really was no point in playing the bass on my own at home (for me, anyway). I was considering selling what remained of my bass gear... but... Only a few weeks ago I was contacted/headhunted/sought out... and now I'm busy learning new songs and brushing up on familiar ones. I'm 63 now and rather enjoying it all. The OP mentioned Bradford. In my sax playing days my band was based around Bradford... there was a huge scene there, I met loads of musos, loads of bands. Never had any problems getting deps or depping. It was 20 years ago, but I suspect it's still the same.
  4. Great ad! Careful when you say "I'll play anything" though... I had to play the Hokey Cokey once. Rock'n'roll, eh?
  5. Luckily it's too expensive to fall into the GAS zone. Maybe I'll win on ernie.
  6. Always good to come back with renewed vigour. Welcome!
  7. No more short scale basses, please, Fender. I'm happy with my Squier Jag SS and trying to keep my foot off the GAS.
  8. I played my last gig 12 years ago. I had my first rehearsal with a new band yesterday... standing with the bass for three hours and I feel a bit of a wreck this morning. I've been going to a gym for the last two years... I suppose it's just using different muscles (???) I'm strictly short scale now and have a really good comfort strap (I think it's a cliq strap). I have absolutely no problem with keeping it all as lightweight as possible and I'd sit on a barstool if I had to. As a bit of an aside, I feel the mental engagement makes up for some of the physical problems.
  9. I've just found out that the PMT store in Leeds is easy for me to get to on public transport. I have been out of it for a while, so never noticed before. Probably have a visit in early December... have hols first.... then try out the the various options, plus a few more. I'm sure they can arrange delivery or summat if they want to take the money off me. The danger is that I might be coming home with a new bass as well.
  10. Just noticed that while noodling on the 'net. It's always an option for the future.
  11. 6'2" when playing fretted. 5'10" when playing fretless ( coz I'm hunched over it trying to see where to put my fingers)
  12. Useful reply, Muzz. Thanks. Fender Rumble 100 would be great if I thought it would be loud enough (+ a bit of headroom). Still favouring the 200. I used to have a 12" Markbass combo nestled on a stand between two Marshall half stacks. I rather liked the fact it looked so weird and it was always loud enough... I had an extension cab but never needed it, but we also had a monster full-band PA.
  13. Fender Rumble 200 vs Ashdown Studio15. I think you can get the idea... I want something very light to carry but powerful enough for small gigs... probably backline with vocal-only PA. I sold my Markbass amp a few years ago, believing I would never gig again (silly me). I don't really want to do Markbass again, don't want to spend that much and been there, done that. I have an Orange Crush 50 for practice and rehearsal, but don't think it'll have enough whoomph for even small gigs (new word there... whoomph, not heft, nor grunt, nor cajones etc etc...). Any thoughts/experiences? I wonder how such lightweight cabs will do in a gig. The Ashdown weighs about 10kgs... crazy. The Fender is slightly bigger and weighs about 15kgs, but is my slight preference at the moment. ... I also have a pathological dislike for buying used gear... bad experience 40 years ago... Cheers, everyone. PS. Forgot... tone controls not too much of an issue, I still have my rather wonderful EBS Microbass pre-amp/DI pedal. It's my tone in a box.
  14. There is a pedal for humour awareness. ... actually, shouldn't joke about that. Many years ago I was a gig in a social club and I was feeling very unwell. A little old lady complained that my miserable face was making her g&t go sour.
  15. They're out of stock at Gear4 music.
  16. I'll buy anything that embiggens the sound.
  17. Excellent... loads of new stuff to buy.
  18. ... and I'll have to have something to plug it in to... oo-er!
  19. GAS... I'm starting small, maybe a new strap.
  20. I once picked up a book "Bass Chords"... I thought... nah! I also played fretless for a while... that's just asking for trouble.
  21. Cheers, teebs. ... think I'm getting GAS...
  22. I just wish at age 14 I'd realised I was really bad at guitar and given up there and then. I picked up sax in my 20 s and never looked back. I started playing bass quite late because it was easier to get local gigs as a bass player than a sax player... also (despite what other people may say) the bass really is THE coolest instrument. Common theme... I can only play instruments where you play one note at a time.
  23. I realise, with a title like that, most of you will say... a) who the f*** is he, or b) didn't even know he'd been away. But here I am! I haven't been on here because I haven't been playing bass... doesn't seem very interesting (to me) when I'm not in a band. The only thing that would tempt me out of retirement now would be to join a proper "old farts" band (I mean that in the nicest possible way). So, yesterday I was perusing ebay to see what prices I may expect on my remaining (modest) gear, when an email pinged on the iPad. A guitarist I had played with over ten years ago wanted to know if I'd be up for joining his band. He is an excellent guitarist and has a great drummer (I've also worked with). They've recruited a singer, but their current bassist has to bow out due to ill health. After a brief exchange of mails, he has described the perfect old farts band. TBH, I left his band the first time round because they weren't doing enough gigs, but it would suit me now. He's also improved the setlist... some great sings in there now. The downside? I used to be buoyed up by a monstrous arrogance and belief in my own abilities... that all seems to have leaked out through the lace holes in me boots. Not sure how the new humble me will cope with all this. Not sure how this will pan out... you will be the first to know... ... but for now... must not get GAS... must not get GAS...
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