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Barking Spiders

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Posts posted by Barking Spiders

  1. Mayones - stop with those stubby Cali 4 basses. They may be fine for Tyrion Lannister but ugh!

    Non Fender manufacturers - stop churning out endless P and J basses. 

    Bass and amp manufacturers - I second what another said about black amps, which I'll extend to basses. 

    Bass effects manufacturers - please come up with a unit that emulates the Roland TB303.

    Bass manufacturers- stop with the sunburst finish. It's a look that belongs in the 60s.

    Bass manufacturers  - enough with ERBs please. They're a gimmick that's past their rightful expiry period. And they're mostly fugly.

    Warwick - why do you still design basses with body parts that look like marital aids?




  2. 12 hours ago, TheGreek said:

    Don't we, as musicians,  listen to more diverse stuff? 


    I'm done with rock as a genre, especially the stuff that's drilled into your head by radio stations which is why I enjoy the "what are you listening to now " thread and many of the videos @bubinga5 posts. 

    Opens my ears to new music and quite often my wallet to amazon. 

    well, I don't call myself a musician 🙃. I'm most definitely a hobbyist. As I get older and time gets more filled up with other stuff I'm not bothered about looking for new sounds . If I come across some great band by chance that's another thing. I was done with classic rock and metal decades ago. To me, most rock coming out since the end of Grunge is moribund, with 99.999r% of bands I've heard just rehashing the same old riffs, solos, drum sounds and vocal styles of the 70s. To my ears, since the late 80s all the invention is coming out of leftfield electronica and hip hop. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Nail Soup said:

    I'd have to say the same as you.

    My tastes are not mega-obscure... it's stuff that gets regular plays on 6 Music.

    But they are typically at venues with capacity of couple of hundred.

    But just go on my own in general.


    Mrs Soup is OK to come to some gigs that fall outside of my core tastes.... e.g .folk festival or a covers band of AC/DC and the like.


    While I mostly listen to a broad range of 'electronica' ranging from full-on hard house and drum n' bass to ambient and world fusion I have a lot of stuff by German and Scandi producers that not even most Swedish, Norwegian and German speaking people are likely to know so what chance have I in Blighty? Ugress, Robag Wruhme and AES Dana anyone? 😁. Mrs Spiders loves Bluedot festival but she clearly didn't share my huge enjoyment of the likes of Leftfield, Orbital, Chemical Brothers, Groove Armada, 808 State and The Orb when they've been there in recent years. We'll go together to some stuff like ahem ... Coldplay..... On the other hand, for my part I had to suffer Download twice and Sonisphere 2014 and couldn't really share her delight at seeing Metallica and System of a Down.

  4. Do you ever feel kind of isolated if no one you know shares your taste in music?  In my case not only don't I know anyone in the real world who does - and that's out of a good 100+ people I know currently - seems there aren't many on BC who do either.  My previous missus was about as close as it got.  Such is the case I did use to go to gigs on my Jack Jones but without being able to share the experiences they weren't as enjoyable as if I'd gone with someone. Guess I could try and get into Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, U2 or Metallica and see who turns up? I'm guessing most here - who are in bands anyway - don't feel the same?

    • Like 1
  5. On 14/11/2022 at 09:45, tegs07 said:

    The problem with this stuff is it’s all subjective. My daughter is going to see Pixies live. I wouldn’t bother seeing them live anymore as I saw them several times during the Surfer Rosa and Doolittle years and for me that is what they look and sound like.

     Another generation just get to enjoy the current line up warts n all and don’t have the same expectations.

    Pixies are possibly my fave rock band, based on their first four albums and I too saw them live back in their Kim Deal days. I don't want to tarnish the memory by seeing them as they are now. I was actually quite disappointed when they reformed and started releasing albums again. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Ralf1e said:

    My gast is seriously flabbered. I hope I never get spiked with whatever he may have been on.

    Now I know why I don't want to learn slap bass

     Don't let that fkin woeful 'solo' be a reason to hate slap bass. I can't remember ever seeing such a s****y attempt. The 'slap' part is everything it shouldn't be, a wild, random, uncontrolled right hand and poor fretting with the left. His finger technique isn't any better either

  7. 14 hours ago, ordep said:

    This. Fentanyl isn’t gonna cut it for this one. 


    ha ha actually that was hilarious. Looking at the crowd there seem to be some punters enjoying that bass..erm... solo. More curious is WTF was Guthrie Govan doing there?

  8. On 22/09/2022 at 21:43, Stub Mandrel said:


    If someone has inspired and excited people with their music in their heyday and still live and breathes music, who has the right to say "you've lost your edge mate, time to pack it in"?


    Why should only us average musicians have the right to carry on as long as we enjoy it?

     The Tena Man rule should apply to all

    • Haha 1
  9. 13 hours ago, TimR said:

    It's weird. A lot of people have a lot of money and a lot of people have no money. 


    It's not just gigs. It's lots of activities. Getting people out to anything is hard. 


    I think the people who have found something else to do, have found subscriptions to TV streaming and box sets. My friends are always talking about this box set, that box set. My wife seems glued to the TV. I hardly watch it, I'm out most nights and most days during the weekend. I can't bear sitting at home not doing something. 


    Online shopping and delivery takeaways means less eating out and trips to the shops. People are working from home. Some people have started to become hermits. Will take a coupe of years to get people to change from these new habits. 

    Yep I concur with that. In my social circles, nobody but nobody EVER talks about music. We'll discuss many other topics including good stuff to watch on Netflix and the like, sports, travel, current affairs, gaming, work, environmental topics, cost of living, growing your own, family matters, food and cooking, booze, bikes etc etc but absolutely zilch about gigs, instruments, listening tastes etc. I just think for most people it's slipped right down to the bottom of their lists of priorities and interests.

  10. I went on GC recently for the first time, mainly to flog a guitar but there doesn't seem to be much activity on it compared to here. Has it been going long and how many members are on it compared to BC? Seem to be more here. Is this maybe because there are loads more guitar sites in the Webverse than bass sites? I notice there are a few BCers there but is this committing high treason and punishable by hard labour moderating Reddit posts?? 😏

  11. A coupla days ago I picked up Wasting Light and The Colour & The Shape by The Foo Fighters for 50p each in a charidee shop. TBH that's all they're worth and tomorrow they'll be going back to another. The latter has two or three goodish tracks at best in Monkey Wrench, Everlong and another I can't remember which one. My Hero is woeful. Wasting Light also has 2 good tracks. This seems to be the same with all their albums. The only CD I rate as being mostly good is the rock one off In Your Honour. Too many tracks are of the quiet verse-loud chorus variety but they 100% lack the tension or menace of a typical Pixies tune. Oh well mediocrity sells..... by the shedload. Just ask Oasis, Madonna, Robbie Williams, Nickelback, AC/DC, Taylor Swift, Adele......

  12. Nowt to do with LB but I've always found it peculiar if not perverse that the band is named after the journeymen players in the rhythm section who had nowt to do with the songwriting in either of the band's guises. Also why did they stick with that name in the 70s -80s incarnation when all the material was written by the new members? Any insight? 

  13. I was gonna say if you played bass fingerstyle then you could transfer to guitar without much problem. I played fingerstyle guitar before taking up bass. I just can't get on with picks however much I try so don't know how difficult/easy it is going from bass with a pick to guitar with a pick.  The biggest thing difficulty may be chords. If you're playing metal then power chords will be relatively easy to master. If it's jazz then that's another kettle of fish entirely.

  14. On 29/10/2022 at 18:51, msb said:

    Shania Twain is coming to Halifax and Herself is excited.

    god help me

    before I saw where you live I thought you meant Halifax in Yorkshire and thought 'yikes, she's easily pleased'. Reminds me, I have fond memories of my visit to the Alexander Keith brewery when I was there visiting my former sister in law.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, mikel said:

    Quite a few people on here have claimed to want to do fret w*nk*ry, but only for their own amusement and never in public. I don't see the point of learning or practicing something I would claim to never use. 


    Because it's about pushing yourself to the next level and see how challenging certain techniques are to do proficiently. 

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