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Everything posted by Danuman
Seeing as we're off amps and cabs for the moment, I just realised I have owned my Boss TU-2 for at least 12 years. It took a mighty beating over the years, while everything surrounding it got switched around and replaced. Never gave it much thought, but I'm stumped if that isn't what you're looking for in a tuner...
Well, it took a reminder, but this morning I received a reply from Eden, who had contacted their dealer. Sadly, they can't help me either, but at the end of the day it was very nice of all of them to try to help out.
[quote name='MisterT' timestamp='1490013987' post='3261407'] I have a question - what's it like when you double up and add another? I've got an Eden WTX500 (280W @ 8ohm / 500W @ 4ohm) - do you get a right old thick thump out of it when you hook the 2nd cab in? I do already love the sound, the clarity is what made me choose the 112MNT. [/quote] I was in the same exact boat as you. I took a punt on a second one, and although it sounded really pleasant, it still didn't really cut it. (Loud band though!) Recently I was lucky enough to be able to grab an old WT550, and now it's just such a banging setup. The difference in punch is night and day. Congrats OP, I commend your impeccable taste.
Welp, looks like I'm out of luck. Full Compass won't bother shipping overseas and despite an initial, good natured but kind of weird reply from Eden all communication's dried up. Thanks for the suggestions, though. Back to the ol' drawing board. Hopefully I'll be able to track down some measurements so I might have some made.
I checked out the bridge of my friend's 4 string V7, and it seemed to have an appropriate amount of clearance for a reassuring break angle. I only had a minute with it, though, so I didn't have an opportunity to check the intonation. However, unless it was way, way strikingly off, I really don't think it should be any cause for concern. I prefer the slight practical edge of top-loading bridges, and I've never been convinced of any worthwhile tonal benefits of stringing through, so take that for whatever it's worth.
Teehee, it's like buying a vintage car and being willing to pay more in case the decrepit original tyres are included. But there you have it, buying vintage gear has very little to do with common sense.
Looks like a fresh tube is our first order of business.
And it won't break the bank either, so there's really no reason not to try it. Could a worn out preamp tube cause such a lack of vitality in this particular circuit? I really don't have a clue...
Thanks! Class H seems like a cool concept. I sort of always took it to be an all valve amp, which is why I was never really surprised by the watts to real world power ratio, but I'm guessing this is something different. Pretty sure it's not the cabs, though. We hooked up my newly acquired amp, and it sounded magnificent. (Perhaps that suggests it's a direct comparison thing, but I borrowed the DBS on several occasions and I'm certain it used to sound a lot better.)
Oohhh, congrats! That should bring the house down, quite literally.
Hi all, Thought I'd pick BC's collective brain for some info on the DBS 7200. My friend has the full stack, which is his pride and joy (rightfully so; it sounds as good as it is heavy - well, it did at any rate) but he's been playing it for 25 years, without having any work done on it even once (there's a recommendation!). Lately, though, he seems unhappy with it and I agree it sounds a bit lacklustre. No punch, and no zing. I suppose messing around with some preamp valves might be easy enough, but perhaps drifting components might warrant a more thorough checkup... Any suggestions? Anybody know what kind of power stage is in these amps?
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1489154661' post='3254794'] [url="http://www.fullcompass.com/prod/266505-Eden-Amplification-USM-KITS-70459"]http://www.fullcompa...-USM-KITS-70459[/url] Have you tried speaking to Marshall themselves? - they're usually pretty good. They may have some or know how to get hold of them? [/quote] Thank you for the link and the very sensible advice!
[quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1489140151' post='3254631'] A WT550 is an itch I'll have to scratch one day. Played through one once a very long time ago and never forgot it. Superb amp. [/quote] I know exactly what you mean. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1489140204' post='3254632'] Probably my all time favourite amp. So much natural tone and virtually bomb proof. You should be able to make some rack ears pretty simply. If you search eBay for Aluminium Angle Brackets and find some close to the size you need, ie width of case - width of amp divided by 2 and you should be able to cobble some together. Aluminium is pretty eaty to cut/file down. I did this with a MarkBass amp but managed to find brackets that weren't pre-drilled. [/quote] I sort of guessed, but it's nice to know this can be done! I suppose finding the right screws to attach them will be the tricky part...
Yes, I noticed you're a vocal proponent of these. The R-400 looks similar in philosophy to the WT550, with a proper valve preamp as an added bonus. Will it run without a load? I will most definitely check it out when I eventually get my setup sorted. (Nearly there!) It looks brilliantly straightforward.
Hi all, Yesterday I picked up an old Eden WT550. It definitely looks like it's been around the block a few times, but it sounds in fine working order. Upon testing it with my function band (in which I actually play ye olde stratte - gasp!), it turned out to have a real nice flavour and punch for days... It occupied exactly the right sonic space within the context of the band. Hopefully it'll also prove to be able to take on my rather louder blues band! Now all I've left to do is find a proper case... the rack ears seem hard to come by. Anybody know of any viable alternatives?
I quickly read the RH review; funny that the reviewer called it then and there. If they'd marketed it differently, it probably wouldn't have blown up like it did. Alas. I feel the same way about their tweaked 'special edition' type deals. Kind of stings when you just bought a product that gets updated a few weeks/months/whatever on with some minor massaging of the software -- but if you want it, you have to shell out for a completely new one plus a princely premium for the 'additional' features. I suppose it's smart business, but I find it appallingly cynical. Anyway, </rant> (Sorry.) I do really like their products.
Thanks all, for your considerations. Thought I'd mention I just picked up an Eden WT550 - almost by accident. (I'd all but given up on finding one, and then this offer came along at exactly the right moment.) I'm going to see what it's made of later tonight.
I've used TC gear for years and I've loved most of it, but it still feels a bit underhand to inflate the numbers like that. Some of their marketing strategies are starting to affect how I feel about the brand. At one point I was interested in the Reidmar (before the 750 arrived), but ultimately I concluded it didn't have the power I needed. I have no idea why, but for a brief moment I thought the Reidmar 500 would provide 500 actual watts. (Loudness notwithstanding )
I guess you have a point. However, I'm more than slightly miffed at some of the big brands when they, ahem, seem to be implying what they're implying. It's hard enough to extrapolate what'll work in a live context, even without these semi-fudged numbers...
What's with these alternative watts?! And from once respectable brands, no less.
Thanks, that's good advice for sure, but in this case it just doesn't work. Even with the output fully open it won't go loud enough before any prohibitive clipping occurs (which, let's face it, is any clipping at all with this kind of amp). The other day I had a lengthy discussion with a well known Dutch dealer of basses and amps. He had less than nice things to say about the power ratings the big brands award to their class-d offerings. I'd definitely be interested in the results of some proper bench testing.
Yes, of course the neck pickup sounds a little fuller, however, that extra sonic information only makes the amp start clipping earlier. Besides, I don't really want to limit myself to playing only with the neck pickup. The addition of a bridge pickup is the best thing about a Jazz in the first place!
Thanks, I find that diming the mids will make it louder, but will also make it sound dreadful and just not usable in any meaningful way. The enhance button, apparently unlike other Eden models, works at about the same frequency as the mid pot (i.e. 550 Hz, which itself isn't usually a frequency band that gives me any trouble) which seems a bit like a belt and suspenders, so that's never engaged. At any rate, I don't particularly like the smiley face eq thing. My Jazz is scooped enough all by itself It almost sounds like I don't like the amp, but I really do. It's just not powerful enough.
I picked up a WTX500, which has a great core sound, however, the EQ is too limited and its power stage falls frustratingly short. I can't imagine the WTX series leaving a favourable impression with those who paid full retail. (Which I suppose weren't that many!) I've been lusting after a WT550 for quite some time, though.