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Everything posted by Danuman

  1. Hi guys, Hope it's not a question that's been asked too many times, but I've been thinking about this on and off for the past few years. On the off-chance anybody here has tried it; what about adding an extension cab to a reissue deluxe reverb? I've seen some amusingly incompatible opinions on this matter, but I'd like to know whether it can be done reliably. Since I got this amp I haven't really needed more juice than the modestly spec'ed amp delivers (without FOH), but as a bass player I've most definitely gigged with bands that were just too loud for anything less than a 212 guitar amp. Just hedging my bets, I'm interested in your experience.
  2. That Gibson looks phenomenal. The guitarist in my blues band owns a 112 Gibson amp from the early '60s (maybe even earlier), which weighs as much as it sounds good, for needing an outboard transformer. After years of mucking about with vintage trouble makers - most notably a '77 Marshall JMP and a '78 Silverface Fender Pro Reverb - I'm now using a reissue Deluxe Reverb. It's the best I've ever sounded. Oh, I almost forgot! I played a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe from the mid '90s on indefinite loan for a couple of years. Rattling tubes were a bit of an issue in the studio, but other than that it was a great working horse of an amp.
  3. Initially I was a bit worried about the darker tone too, but some tweaking got me right where I wanted to be. Lovely burpy '70s J sounds. It was already a pretty sweet sounding bass, but now it's just a joy to play.
  4. Please do, be nice to get some extra perspective. Here's hoping you'll enjoy it as much as I do!
  5. Yes! I was wondering wether I was going to give some sort of update. With the bridge installed I noticed some improved sustain, but there was nothing wrong sustain-wise with the old bridge, so it didn't really stand out to me. The sound was drastically different, though, from - I don't know - something familiar and stodgy like steak and potatoes to something more syrupy like coffee liqueur, if that makes any sense. However, with the new bridge, I was able to lower the action quite dramatically, which brought back the highs - so much so that I'm now considering lowering the pickups. Strings feel a bit tauter too. Maybe that's my imagination or maybe those things are related. All in all it's a brilliant bridge, as far as I'm concerned. It's simple, adjustable and it sounds great. I dig it! Just remembered: I lent my bass to the bassist of one of my bands (in which I play guitar). The drummer noted the clarity and transparency of my bass. Unsolicited, mind.
  6. [quote name='scrumpymike' timestamp='1472752271' post='3123949'] Hi Danuman, only problem with current strings is high action due to light gauge. I guess I'm looking for the best compromise between string tension and height. [/quote] Hi Mike, do you mean you can't get the action low enough for your liking before rattling becomes an issue? Some others have mentioned neck relief and that really is key. It's easy enough to check for that yourself, so I suppose you could sort that out quickly. If you notice buzzing at some places on the neck more than others, you'll know some work on the frets is needed. In my experience, proper neck relief and nicely leveled frets allow for a whole lot of wiggle room at the bridge before buzzing or rattling starts to become a problem. Hope that helps and I'm not unduly making any obvious suggestions... If you're a particularly heavy player, you can always try to find ways to acknowledge and accept that. 😜 Kidding, you'll make it work!
  7. I suppose you've run into some issues with your current strings? I've been using d'addario's 220BT balanced tension sets for quite some time. The set strikes a nice middle ground between the strings, which allows for easy fretting. I'm just terribly lazy when it comes to the mechanical side of playing. Some others might call it economy of movement. 😜 I haven't had any problems running the action very low, but the bass I'm referring to has quite a stiff neck and I did level the frets. A good setup will work wonders. Good luck!
  8. Follow-up: I went for the hipshot kickass. Easy to install and setup. Sounds good, although perhaps a little dark, but that's apparently what they were going for with the brass inserts. Looks great and plays just like I wanted it to!
  9. Got mine in the mail today. Took me all of 15 minutes to pop it on and set it up. There's something quite groovy about it, but it sounds a lot (a lot!) darker than the vintage style bridge that used to be on there. Plays lovely though, maybe I'll get some of those brighter sounding inserts some day...
  10. Well, I took the plunge too. I don't think the price is all that bad at roughly half of what most upscale bridges cost. Here's hoping it does what it says on the tin!
  11. This is just what I've been looking for. Anybody know where I can get my hands on one? I'm in the Netherlands...
  12. [quote name='2elliot' timestamp='1471541395' post='3113869'] Hipshot Kickass looks interesting [/quote] Yes it does! I like that it's a retrofit. However, I wonder how flexible those little inserts will be, although I measured the string spacing over by the neck and 17.5mm seems about right. Unfortunately hipshot resellers are a bit scarce over here, and none of them list this particular model (nor the a-style bridge). I'll see if I can order one the old-fashioned way. Does anybody know whether the Schaller 3D fits the regular... Gosh, I really don't want to say... screw holes? (I'll be upfront; I'm twelve years old )
  13. I have an '89 export Strat. I bought it for the colour, as I knew nothing of its heritage when I bought it. The paint is actually a bit of a botch job by some well meaning previous owner. Although initially I was going to refinish it, it grew on me so I decided to leave well enough alone. I believe that's one of the budget models, but it's my favourite instrument ever. It's my desert island guitar -- and although I may want many other guitars yet (I'm hopelessly lusting after P-style basses) -- it's just everything I think a guitar should be. I'm not trying to promulgate any myths, though. I try to keep an open mind about any brand or make. I bought it because it was affordable, it played great and I love trying to make (relatively) cheap guitars the best they can be, however, I guess I lucked out with this one. My friend has a beautiful mid '80s squier, yet it's a dud.
  14. Good god. I didn't need to see that, I really didn't. The blue/green one is absolutely stunning. Just gimme one of those with the same specs as the sunburst and I'm done with GAS. Honestly. Well, you know. Congrats with both of 'em. Good job on the video!
  15. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1471426234' post='3112935'] So not only do you have Parts Acquisition Syndrome, but now you've become infected with Tool Acquisition Syndrome! Welcome to the pack. https://www.bosch-do-it.com/gb/en/diy/ergo-home.jsp [/quote] Haha, thanks, I guess. I'm really only looking to increase playability. I prefer to be as lazy as I can get away with when playing, so this whole endeavour could be considered amusingly oxymoronic. I'm leaning towards the Schaller 2000, provided it would fit without any further work on the bass. The 3D bridge is a fair bit cheaper, but I'd have to see whether one of my mates has a drill press. I haven't found those a-style Hipshot bridges yet. I did find some cheap other solutions, but I very much doubt that's a good idea in the long run. Anybody know if Wilkinson do a 3D bridge? Thanks all, for some great suggestions!
  16. Finally! Thanks so much! Doesn't look like a drop in though, so maybe I need to think it over. Not sure if I can drill with the appropriate accuracy using just a hand drill... And why on earth did they put in flat head screws?
  17. Hi all, Sorry of this has been asked before, but I couldn't find much on it. Does anybody know whether there are some readily available four-string bridges that have narrower pitches than the standard 19mm ones found on most basses? I'd like to experiment a bit, since I like the tone I get when I play fingerstyle nearer the bridge but my hands don't seem to agree very much with the string spacing there. It seems a lot easier to play at the point Leo intended us to, but I'd very much like that level of comfort when playing where I like the sound best. Cheers!
  18. I used one of the old ones on a gig with a few choirs that did some pop songs. It performed perfectly admirable, but I doubt it would hold up in a louder setting. Nice bit of kit, if you can get away with it. Hey, that rhymed. Does that make it seem any more convincing than any of the above?
  19. I'll happily sing praise to all of the Vanderkley stuff. I have a 112 and it sounds ridiculously good. All of the familiar caveats apply, of course - horses for courses, and all that - but I doubt you'll go wrong with any of his products. I realize this is of no help whatsoever. Just make sure you get what you like. Happy tone hunting!
  20. Consider me a believer. Unfortunately, my Eden WTX 500 fails just short of making it work. However, that one's not a powerful amp by any standards, so my guess is one of these days there's going to be an amp that's going to hit the trade-off just right in order to sway popular opinion. Or not. I guess we'll have to see.
  21. That Hand Box looks really good, by the way!
  22. I'm on a similar quest. I definitely haven't given up on class D just yet. I have only been gigging for a few years as a bass player, but luckily I've been spoilt for choice when it comes to borrowing rigs from friends. I've played everything from giant Trace combo's to ultra heavy SVT's with a pair of 410's. That sort of stuff commands the stage, but it's just not feasible to bring those kinds of amps to a gig without at least a van. Plus, in my experience with tube amps, you're looking at a broken down rig at least once every season. I think those big amps are just too cumbersome and vulnerable for anything other than (semi) professional touring. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, but it makes no sense for a simple weekend warrior like me. I've tried Markbass, which is loud, but the amps I played had that unpleasant 'woof' to them (I don't know how to describe it any other way) that sort of drowns out all other sounds and leaves the whole band complaining. I've tried EBS, which, although very nice, was just a tad too clean for me. And I've tried the Ampeg heads, but I didn't like the EQ preset thing they've got going on. So I bought an Eden 500 watt class D amp which sounds amazing, but guess what, it runs out of steam disappointingly quickly. Swings and roundabouts. Sorry, that got a bit long winded. But there HAS to be a proper sounding and powerful class D out there for me. I wouldn't even mind if it weighed a few extra pounds.
  23. Thanks, I hadn't considered that yet, but it's a nice way of thinking about it. I'll definitely look into it. It might lose some of its one-trip-only charm, though. The amp was a gift from my girlfriend for a pretty momentous occasion, so I don't particularly want to part with it. I do think I'll upgrade to a 212 though. That way I'd still be able to put it in my car without too much fuss.
  24. I know what you mean. As luck would have it, I only found out there was trouble after the fact, so I didn't lash out to anyone. Turns out the neck had come loose. Didn't see that one coming... I do now realize I need a way more powerful rig. Which is a bloody shame, because I love the flavour of this little setup. There's just not enough of it to push a full-on drum kit.
  25. Good news. Well, sort of. Did some A/B-ing and it turns out the problem was my bass after all. I suppose it'll be easy enough to fix. Thanks guys, my mini-meltdown has now subsided. Food for thought, though...
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