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Everything posted by Danuman

  1. Well, I guess that'd be safer, but I don't like to be precious with my stuff. If people hadn't let me play on their rigs when I was a teenager... I doubt I would have played anywhere. Kinda sucks I got burned right away though. I just got it last week. 😢
  2. Thanks for the advice Phil, I'll be sure to give that a try! I'm not quite sure what's going on. The E string sounds fine acoustically, but plugged in it's dull and anemic. I'll have to try some configurations to see what the problem is. Maybe it's the amp...
  3. Hey all, I was hoping maybe some of you could help me think about this. I'm kind of afraid a young grasshopper inadvertently slapped my 112 to death at a gig yesterday. How would a blown speaker sound? I'm not quite sure, as I've never dealt with something like this before, but it seems my E string doesn't quite pack the wallop it did before - the A string and up sounds fine, btw. I'm really hoping it's just a dull string, but I don't have a fresh one on hand... All the best, Daniel
  4. Ahh, those pasties with a nice cold ale. That's good living, if you ask me!
  5. Hi Steve, I recently joined the forum for very much the same reasons you did. For these past two weeks I've been on holiday just to the south of you. The weather leaves something to be desired, but it has been mild and I very much enjoyed the peace and natural splendour these parts have to offer. Lovely food, and people too! Kind regards, Daniel
  6. Straight in with a Douglas Adams quote. Nice to know inspired silliness is appreciated round these parts. I like it here already.
  7. Greetings fellow low-endians! I've lurked here, on occasion, but since I'm currenty actively looking for some proper gear, I decided to get with it. Strictly as a matter of speaking, of course - has bass playing ever really been hip? Anyway, I've an old Japanese Jazz bass copy, ca. late 1970s, which serves me very well in a floppy and unassumingly vintage way, and a dirt cheap P-bass copy, which only sounds nice if you don't compare it to the other one. I recently bought an Eden WTX 500, because it was such a ludicrously good offer that I simply couldn't have refused. I'm as yet somewhat unconvinced of its stage-worthiness, but the preamp sure does sound nice. I'm currenty searching for a decently efficient 8 ohm 112 cabinet, in order to create a compact and versatile rig while leaving some room for improvement, as my main drummer is unholy - think John Bonhamly - loud. (Essentially just as good too!) I'm currently liking Vanderkley cabinets, as their sensitivity seems pleasingly high, and they seem to be well-regarded on the whole. That, and the burgundy red is a nice touch. What do you all think? I hope to learn a lot from you guys. All the best, Daniel
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