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Everything posted by NAS

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1386063632' post='2295076'] Duly noted and post edited accordingly! I think I had another post in mind when I wrote that.... apologies to NAS [/quote] Apology accepted Conan. These threads can become quite serpentine! I know the internet has become a very different place since I used an early version, the UK university extranet LUCY back in the mid 70's, and now "monetisation" is all. I'm very happy to pay for on-line services so long as they are fit for purpose and value for money. £20 for a year's access to a specialist marketplace where in the past I found doing business was a pleasant and generally successful activity is as you say a small cost, and who should bellyache about that when the trade values are relatively high? I suspect it will be true that people wishing to make one or two off trades of relatively low value items will struggle a bit. Are there rules about making multi-item ads if for example you were selling a number of amp valves? Best to all, NAS
  2. Haven't been here for a while. Used to do quite a lot of trading basses and gear in the free olden days. This was the first I noticed about the charging. Just coming up for some major reverse GAS - suppose I'll sign up for a year's worth in the New Year - when the light improves and I can get some decent pictures! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
  3. Hi Base, Just reactivated my account here (couldn't even remember my User Name let alone the password!) after a while in the wilderness. Very interested to see you have plumped for the RH750, RS210, RS212 + Footswitch combo as I've just done the same! Not expecting delivery for a few days as being held back until all units available, but looking forward to sampling it soon. I got a couple of new Speakons thrown in so hope I don't have your startup problems. Will be interested to see how I get on with the compressor and TubeTone particularly. With a built in tuner I'm hoping to get away without the need for any additional foot pedals. Will simplify set up no end. All the best with your new purchase. Good to know I'm not alone. NAS
  4. Have PM'd. New, right-hand, chrome BT8 sounds like the business.
  5. Hi, might be interested. Any more detail? Serial Number? Model spec from Fender? Some more detailed pictures (e.g. back of headstock, bridge, bodywork) would be good also. Thanks, NAS
  6. I found the Stingray to be a bit of a beast. Big, heavy, deeper neck profile than a Jazz. They do have quite a "zingy" sound which works well for disco, slap and more "modern" sounds. Going a bit in the opposite direction from the NYC which as standard has a slightly undersized Jazz body. Funny how one arrives over time and experience with different basses as a preferred configuration which seems to stick. I'm definitely "stuck" on the Fender Jazz - which I first fell in love with in about 1967. Wish I'd had the money to buy one back then! Watching people like Noel Redding, Hugh Hopper and John McVie it seemed to personify the "thinking man's" bass. I could never understand why Jack Bruce played a Gibson! Hope you get some more interest in the deluxe, still a winner in my view.
  7. Thanks for the informative response Alan. That's a good tip about the shielding will definitely look into it. There is always something with Fender manufacture isn't there! Difficult to believe the cost of shielding paint is so high, especially in bulk, not to just paint all cavities. My frets seem to be quite well finished so no playing problem so far, but then my technique is pretty crude. I use some "natural" compression most of the time, just part of my sound now. Certainly agree on the refinement of the NYC sound - even more than the more traditional UV70 sound. The most refined sound I ever had was on a Flamboyant Seibass 5er made for me by Martin at The Gallery. Sadly had to move that on at a time of fraught finances. Have you ever tried a Zon Sonus? Very refined tight sound on a good example - unless you have an issue with carbon fibre necks.
  8. Hi Alan, Just interested in your opinion of these new deluxes and why you might be moving it on in favour of an NYC. I have the natural/maple finish version, and apart from some slight earthing (or lack of) noise I can't seem to track down (could be bridge earthing which is a little flakey) I really like the rest of "the package" with this instrument. Even the weight isn't too much of an issue for an active. I suppose the circuit/pick-up combination with the neodymium is a bit muted when compared to a more traditional set-up, but then I'm not a "slapper" so that doesn't impact too much, and the new features - lightweight tuners, high mass bridge, through body stringing, 5 bolt neck attachment, neck finish etc. all seem to be good and make a highly usable bass configuration. I have owned an NYC (bought and sold here) and I still have a natural UV70. The NYC was very boutique and beautifully made, but as a working instrument I somehow feel more "comfortable" with the evolved version of the traditional Leo creation. All the best with your sale. NAS
  9. What a lovely bass. Simple, unfussy, but really elegant and functional. Just what I like.
  10. NAS


    Another lovely looking "super" Jazz. What's with the ditching of all the Jazzes? Have they suddenly become passe? If this is really down at 8 lbs it should make a regular player very happy. NS
  11. That is an astounding instrument. Why would you ever sell it? Best of luck with the sale.
  12. I have quite enough challenge trying to make my playing match the original without adding or changing anything. Most usually my part ends up being a slightly bastardised version of the original with personal fixes to cover the bits I can't seem to get right, either because I can't hear properly on the original or because I haven't the skill to reproduce it properly. That said, if I hear something in my head that seems to "improve" the band version I might be tempted! Of course a talented player might find a lot to "improve".
  13. Brought up in bass with McCartney, Bruce, Entwistle etc. Very influenced by Casady and Lesh. Like a warm full-bottomed sound and used to go for some top end presence. Recently heard a friend playing with a drums, bass, guitar, keys combo using a Hartke Kickback 1200 through a Bassbone and an Aphex "Big Bottom" using a '70s Jazz with added P pickups between the Js and flatwounds. He managed to get a remarkable carrying sound with this which fitted the mix well. No high end attack at all, but somehow the envelope of the low end sound had a defined push which worked very well. We both play finger style only and I've always had an issue creating some kind of attack at the front of the sound without upping the high-mid and treble end. Have since tried an Epifani UL-112C combo with an Aphex 204 Big Bottom and Aural Enhancer and a T.C. Electronic C300 Compressor with the combo leaned back on stage to help hearing the sound. Using a new Fender American Standard Jazz (thanks Rich) with both pickups open and no tone roll-off and D'Addario nickel roundwounds this set up enabled a similar low end sound with little "zing" but a clear push which placed itself well with a drums, guitar, keys ensemble. Quite a revelation. Don't know that using round or flatwounds would have a huge effect either way with this signal chain. Soloing the bridge pickup created a more middle filled sound which worked well for "Maggie May" (did Ronnie Lane do that on a WAL fretless?). But very little top end in this sound therefore probably useless for slapping, popping, tapping and other Wootenesque shenanigans which my primitive playing is unable to achieve reliably! Very different from my previous Epifani UL-902C into UL-115 and UL-210 cabs using the Boss ME-50B "natural" compressor setting. Much more mid and less rounded bass. Using the Jazz I'd turn down the bridge pickup and tone about a third to achieve what I heard as a more vintage "thuddy" sound for '60s numbers. My preference would be to find "the sound" I'm after with as little "interference" in the signal chain as possible. Ideal would be bass full on into pre-amp set flat into speakers with nothing else intervening, but that seems to be a wish too far. Having set off on the "effects rack" route I can see many hours of arduous twiddling ahead!
  14. All the time. Unless you've got an ace sound person "in the house" or you use something like this: [url="http://www.dv247.com/news/Bose%20L1%20Model%201%20Model%20II%20Compact/132338"]Bose L1 Behind Band P.A.[/url] don't know how you solve the stage sound / house sound and the empty house / full house issues. There must be some experts out there somewhere?
  15. Should really be "The Art Gallery" rather than "The Bass Gallery". Similar to the spec of the SeiF5 I had made in burl walnut and ebony. Just a work of art. You feel you should be wearing silk breeches and a powdered wig to play it. Best of luck with your transactions.
  16. Yes, this is really useful - if I could only remember it off by heart and know what frequencies I am hearing, or failing to hear, when I'm setting up the band and bass sounds. Then there's setting EQ on the instrument, on the effects, on the preamp, and the nature of the cabs and their adjustment (tweeter adjustment). I find raw mids too harsh when soloing the bass sound and like to hear the blend of lows and highs given by the smile, but in a band context the sound is just woofly with no definition or penetration. I saw Paulo Nutini doing a spot on of all things The Alan Titchmarsh Show a while back and was astounded at the fullness and definition of the bass sound (Michael McDaid playing a semi-acoustic I think) even on small TV speakers. Would love to know what he was doing (or the TV sound engineers were doing) to get that sound. I suppose it was probably very carefully compressed. I'm trying out a T.C. Electronics C300 but there's a bit of a learning curve to add these variables to all the others. There's also that huge difference between listening to your sound right next to the stack and from 20 feet away (or as far as my lead will allow - haven't gone wireless yet!). Would love to be able to put a me clone in the audience to hear the "whole" sound. Still twiddling, but those mids do seem to be a major part of the key. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='830510' date='May 7 2010, 11:44 AM']I'd guess how much cutting and boosting depends on the rig etc too, so it's not a case of just boost everything 50-200Hz. I found the image below a couple of years back and it's helped me understanding where different instruments lie in a mix - hopefully it's useful to some of you in this context too.[/quote]
  17. Look like a fabulous bass. If I had to go for a Warwick this would be the one - looks like a lovely fast neck.
  18. KTM, KTM, KTM !!! Maybe we should get some "big bottom" tatts too! Apologies - not meaning to hijack this well worthy "for sale" thread. NS [quote name='Ktmman' post='830998' date='May 7 2010, 08:20 PM']Hi Nick,i finally started posting on here .......... How did you you know it was me? - Hahahah check this on Facebook , i swear it's not me Nick ........ [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?%20%20pid=321481&op=3&o=global&view=global&subj=122332681404&id=1554280936"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3214...p;id=1554280936[/url][/quote]
  19. Lovely looking example. Generally in great condition. Just a bit of TLC on the fingerboard required. Always loved the minimalist head on these. NS
  20. Hi Will, There's even a Facebook page for these things! [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=122332681404&v=photos"]BC SGC Nanyo on Facebook[/url] I have a memory that BC ran a custom design competition in one of the UK bass magazines some years ago, but I haven't been able to search the archive yet (I think the winner had a right hand thumb rail or some such). Probably after the transfer from Japan to Korea though. NS [quote name='Ktmman' post='830780' date='May 7 2010, 04:13 PM']The 310s are active. There was an early model ,the 301 which was passive.. The 320s have a sen body and gold hardware, thats the only difference from the 310 . Think of it as the "ghia" or "vanden plas" version I thought yours was a bit cheap for a new purchace. I think the pricing was along the lines of £600+ for the 310s ,£700+ for 320s and £800+ for the 400 series. This was in late 80s early 90s so it was a pretty penny then . Im no expert on basses but do like to research everything i buy (usually afterwards and sometimes i get the purchace wrong) with the Bc 311 i got it right imho and if i was going to "give it away" it would be to a family member................. Read this....If this dont convince you [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=697"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=697[/url][/quote]
  21. They say if it looks too good to be true it probably is... [url="http://london.craigslist.co.uk/msg/1720457779.html"]Craig's List Precision[/url]
  22. That looks absolutely lush! Low weight, and with the Big Singles the sound should be fantastic. If only I was a banker...
  23. Lovely looking example Rich. As you know I'm a natural / black / translucent finish sort of guy - hence the translucent burst American Standard Jazz I had from you and which continues to play well. That '60s pickup position certainly enhances the "vintage" tone. I'd love a new Deluxe Jazz, not so sure I'd be as keen on a Precision given the neck profile, and I just have a deep down and dirty thing about Jazzes at the moment! Really after one of those natural Deluxe Jazzes when the quality issues are sorted. NS [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='828278' date='May 5 2010, 11:31 AM']This lovely Road Worn Jazz is just a couple of weeks old, has no extra marks (mint condition, haha!) and comes with an unmarked Gator hard shell case. Currently strung with DR Marcus Miller Fat Beams. Lovely instrument. On sale as I want one of the new Deluxe Precisions This one really nails the classic Jazz sound 200% and outplayed the current American Standard & a Marcus Miller CIJ in the shop. Fastest Jazz neck I've encountered so far & I'm used to VERY fast graphite necks! Price should really be [b]£800[/b], but [b]£700[/b] for a quick sale. [u][b]No trades.[/b][/u] Rich - 07545 471037[/quote]
  24. I think the "Fender Stable" Jazz basses have pretty much the same template apart from certain custom and artist models. I think these were originally related to a Geddy Lee model, but looking at spares sites this plate is pretty much a standard - the main differences are usually whether they have been pierced for pickup cover screws or not - not in this case! NS [quote name='Rasta' post='823942' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:35 PM']I wonder if this will fit a VM Squire??? If so i am interested.[/quote]
  25. Offers anyone? NS
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