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  1. 5 years ago (or something) i bought an expensive-enough new pedal from a company that now shut down. Yesterday, for fun, i went to see what it would fetch on Reverb and to my surprise they are pricing them there at 10x the original price! I don’t want to sell mine but it does make it a bit harder to relax carrying it around with me… maybe i should get a safe? but the question arises, if you can get a newer model that does the same thing , that is more compact size with the same features… why and who would spend so much money on one? Is there such a thing as pedal collectors of non vintage pedals?
  2. DDR


    damn it!
  3. I'm now an official Vincent Guitars artist! 💫  here's my ever growing playlist of sound examples on the Akkurat 5


  4. DDR


    This really shouldn't still be here, it's upsetting me 🥲
  5. Amazing yes. Just a reminder that there's nothing antagonistic about this post, it's just a question to the forum that's trying to help and resolve an issue for the Author (me!). Sorry to see it being misinterpreted as some kind of judgemental statement which it isn't. I guess if i was to rephrase it I'd direct it more specifically to bass players who are involved in bass-line composition (improvisers for example). Would it ever make sense to limit oneself to a low E (or in the case of BEAD to not have access to that upper register the G provides) when considering a new instrument? I think there's been plenty of valuable input here so again thank you everyone! D
  6. Thanks everyone, very interesting to read you comments and ideas about this. I do want to stress that there was nothing antagonistic about my post. I was literally asking myself whether i would play my 4 strings again as, since picking up my new 5 string a few weeks ago i have not enjoyed playing them. They feel weird, pretty flimsy thin, small and are missing a sting! So it's literally a question i put to you because of my own contemplations. I now have an amazing 5 string P with flats and i love it so, will i now buy a 5 string jazz put roundwounds on it, sell all my 4s and have done with it? It may just be that the quality of this instrument is particularly high and I should look at getting a new 4 from this company but not sure yet... Obviously someone who plays bass is not better by playing a 5 string, we know good music is good music, who cares how many strings its made with but it does seem to me that for this instrument, being so young in it's history, going from 4 to 5 strings that include that lower range is conceptually some kind of progression. You don't need a low C till you do no? I can't imagine a piano without access to it's lowest range because it's hard to control or makes the piano heavy or someone has small fingers. Those notes are there because they exist full stop. There are shortscale 5 strings so... I really love a good octaver sound but if i want a clean bass guitar sounding Db in that lower octave? I donno it makes sense to me to have it there for when i need it. Hard to imagine going back on this right now but it could be. I didn't mention 6 strings or the 5s with the high C because i believe this takes the bass in a range that takes it away from the bass role. I'm not hating on 6 it's just that the upper range seems to conceptually move away from bottom end. I guess i should give it some time and see if it's just a phase before i sell all my 4 strings and get another 5 string!
  7. I used to be a 5 hater and now I'm a convert to the point that I'm wondering, outside of the "getting hired" issue (some bands/artists won't like the look of it) why limit your range to that of a 4 string?
  8. my ever expanding library of Vincent Akkourat5 tones


  9. DDR

    NBD Vincent P5!

    This thing is on fire! It's been making me play better night by night
  10. Yeah… I had a reluctant NBD some months ago as I bought a Sire P5 for an upcoming tour… I had never played a 5 string before so I bought the Sire to get my shit together. I went cheap because : A. I wasn’t sure I’d want to play one after (used to be stupidly anti-5-string for reason’s i now cannot comprehend) and B. wasn’t sure the tracks from the album that were played on 5 string would be in the setlist... So here we are, 6/7 months later… I’ve been playing the 5 string tracks on the tour and I love playing 5 string. Makes total sense to me. Sold my Sire P5 to a friend that was on the market for a good deal and found myself in a beautiful setting at Bass Budda in Aarhus, Denmark yesterday trying all the 5 strings. I can’t recommend visiting Morten at Bass Budda enough if you’re ever there. My most enjoyable bass shopping experience ever! Here’s my new axe then. So happy with it, it’s high end, particular, gorgeous, rowdy, light and full of character. We’ve been getting on like a house on fire, all night long A couple of short clips here if you’re interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT7jqRgalYI&list=PLP9ULvzEKH65apzKw4jibInwHdlbLjF7i
  11. How come you're not digging it can you say?
  12. Looking for a lightweight 5 string Was in Glasgow at Merchant City Music a few days ago, i had been convinced i’d go for a Mercalli 5 but somehow i didn’t take to it. They had an amazing sounding 4 string one but the 5... i donno… so i’m looking for other options... Weight is important, tone shaping capacity is important (no need to go crazy with the preamp but multiple pickups yes) I’m looking at Thomann as i’m based in Europe… i heard good things bout Sadowsky for tone and weight… anyone tried these? Was thinking to order 2 or 3 different basses so i can chose and send back the ones i don’t want. My budget is in and around £1200 Thank you! DDR
  13. For anyone interested, apparently they just ran out or got sent the wrong stickers so V2 is the WBIM version
  14. Excited to say I just bought tre Sushi Box Finally V2!
  15. Anyone tried their bass on the Finally (non WBIM) version? Huge difference?
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