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Everything posted by karlthebassist

  1. [quote name='wildman' post='691752' date='Dec 22 2009, 07:43 PM']Thanks Man.... Your Crafter looks a beaut too and would be a fine swap, but I have too many basses and an irate missus - a heady combination - that translates to sale only - no trades. Sorry about that.....[/quote] Gutted. Ha, never mind then mate. If you (meaning your missus) change minds, I'd gladly make the trip down to London on the train to swap. I recently got a EB MM Stingray 4 and am totally in love - there is something magical about that pup postion, and I can only imagine its carried over onto the 5 too. Good luck with the sale. Lovely bass you have there. Karl
  2. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='651428' date='Nov 11 2009, 11:10 AM']I take it you don't then? Haha.[/quote] So after looking at thedontcarebear's ACG for sale on here and making a nasty mess in my pants, I remembered the first bass build attempt I ever made - having absoloutly no idea what I was doing and losing interest in it as I encontered problems. It's the original build that I had brought the headless hardware for... Here is the only pic I have of it... DONT LAUGH! IT WAS MY FIRST GO AND I DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING! [attachment=38787:My_bass.jpg] And also, to thedontcarebear - yes, I do know Logan - and I'm really sorry I missed your original post! It was ages ago! AND - I work next door to your bandmate Ed! Small world. But that ACG single cut has got me thinking about my next build already... I really REALLY must get these finnished though. Theyre SO close to being done.
  3. My god this is a STUNNING bass. I hate being so poor! Lol. Lovely to see such a gorgeous bass with a decent number of strings too! Stunning.
  4. That is a really nice bass man. Long shot, but if you fancy a swap for a mint Crafter BA400, let me know.
  5. These are very strange basses these... I do like em though! What;s going on with the fingerboard in the pics though? Is it... bleeding? Looks all gooey?
  6. Hey chaps, £220 - The bass is in absoloutly mint condition. Nice 32" scale with a pleasant tone - not boomy or inarticulate like some can be. Not a lot more can be said about it other than that. EDIT: Now with a couple of pics... [attachment=38591:P1010233.JPG] [attachment=38592:P1010234.JPG] Crafter BA400EQ And some more pics. [attachment=45235:P1010290.JPG] [attachment=45236:P1010292.JPG]
  7. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='686156' date='Dec 16 2009, 11:18 AM']Will they eventually have a range of amps called the 'kick in the b*lls', 'motherf**ker' & the '[b]utter c**t[/b]'?[/quote] If they make an amp called the Utter C**t I'm buying it!
  8. Bass of the moment? My Stingray :wub: Money no object? Lakland Darryl Jones 4, USA, that off white colour, white plate, maple neck with white blocks. Yum yum yum.
  9. Whats the RMS rating and impedence of the cabs please?
  10. I try to keep my gear in good condition. My electrickery stuff, amps, cabs, fx, etc I do keep really well. And I am PROPPER anal about winding cables up propperly lol. My Stingray never leaves my sight when giging, and is one of my few basses that gets kept on a stand rather than leaning on somthing. My Crafter acoustic 6-string is the only guitar I've ever kept in MINT condition though, as it's never gigged or even taken out of the house! As for my P-bass... I've been known to throw it on the floor in a temper...
  11. Oh I'd LOVE this. But have zero money
  12. [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/Orange_Smart_Power_2x12__Bass_Cab.html"]http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog...__Bass_Cab.html[/url] One of them ^^^ Played through on of those (rather badly too as it happens) through my LMII at my local music store yesterday. I wasn't overally impressed with its tone, probably due to the lack of top end. Actually, the mid range didn't bite too much either... BUT It sounded well massive. Loads of bottom end for such a tiny cab. THEN I noticed it said TWOx12 on the back. In such a tiny box? Isobaric design aparently... So whats going on with the speakers in here then? Is it one behind the other, pointing the same way in phase? Or pointing away from eachother and out of phase? Anyone?
  13. Ignore all this knocking MIM Fenders. It is possible to make a good instrument in any country. At one point Fender USA were making some right tat - so where it's made isn't everything. Since playing a bunch of MIA P's, I've noticed that acutally my MIM P bass is rather good for the money - and its only a standard mex that I've pimped a bit and propperly set up. It's like when people snigger at Korean made guitars - just take a look at my Crafter TB-Bubinga and tell me its poorly made! Like Burrito Bass says, if you think it's honestly worth the money then buy it.
  14. I saw the Foo Fighters at Wembly stadium a few years ago and that must have been the most apauling sound I have ever heard at a gig. Worst possible venue. The reflections from the back of the stadium made the whole thing sound like mush. Glad I didn't pay for the tickets!
  15. Im going for a jam tomorrow with a mate of mine who plays electic guitar like a mofo. i havent jammed with him for ages though, as we are now in different bands, sadly. when i first started playing with him he had a marshall jcm blah blah blah 100w head and 4x12 cab. sounded good at volume, but i said too him, man thats WAY to loud for jamming in you practivce room... have you seen those orange combos? next thing we're at a music shop swapping his half stack in for a orange rocker 30w 1x12 combo and extension cab. quieter guitar player, AMAZING tone - he only ever used the extension cab on gigs. went music shop with him again recently as he's started playing in a surf band and wanted a cleaner clean tone. he's now sold his orange gear (to my current bands guitarist) and is now playing through a 15w fender blues jr! how many guitarists do you know who get gradually smaller and quieter rigs?!!?!? he's the only one ive ever met... so maybe what you need to do is find a super sweet sounding combo or mini rig, that is quieter than what your guitarist has already, and convinve him to buy it
  16. Hey, Just got back from a practice with the band. They didn't seem to think last night was any where near as bad as I thought. In fact, we have apparently been offered another gig there, this time on a Saturday night, and a bloke from another pub wants us to play at his place... I agree that people in the crowd definately don't notice half the mistakes. But I do find it a bit dishartening, nonetheless, when I make such naff mistakes. Todays practice was really good. In a little under two hours we learnt Common People, Sunny Afternoon, Bigmouth Strikes Again, and Teenage Kicks, then worked on a few that were'nt so good last night, and now I'm in a better mood with the whole band situation. I think the main problem is that I have never been in a band like this before where we can't rely on a venue to be full or a good sound engineer etc. My last propper band was a 10 piece soul/rnb band who's first gig was to 500+ people who were there to see US, which was fantastic. Propper sound, real stage, hours to set up and soundcheck. I think I'm just too inexperienced for playing in pubs/clubs. I think I've probably played in a pup or club less than 20 times ever... Thanks for all the messages though, its certainly comforting. Think I might be letting it get to me a bit too much. Karl
  17. Well I played at a local hotel bar last night, the Cellar Bar, with my covers band Special Guests and it was by far the WORST gigging experience I have ever had. To start off, the venue is tiny, hard walls, low ceilings. But it's quite nice in there. Just small. So we set up in the corner as instructed by the owner. Fair do's, there' isn't a lot of room. Just ran vocals through the PA and everything else through our amps. We have no foldback. We started playing at 9... to about 10 people! Absoloutly soul destroying. I'm not a confident singer but sing a bit of backing vocals anyway. I was SO self concious that I just couldn't do it. Kept thinking "am I pulling a face?", "am I hitting the right note?", "is my mic really loud?" We have noone to do our sound so we sort of jsut set it up, have a play and I walk out front while playing to see what the sound is like, so that sucks becasue there is no on-going alterations being made. I could hear guitar, drums and lead vocals really well, but only the boomy low end of my bass - guess it was something to do with being in a corner. I'm not even going to talk about the acoustic set we did! Crazy bass feedback! :'( Afterwards, people said that the sound was fine, but on stage for me it was REALLY off putting. Towards the end of the second set I took my earplugs out to play and could actually hear the tone of my bass much better, and we played the last few songs really well - so I feel that my sucky playing was to blame for the rest of the night. the night went like this.... Set 1 - Electric Stuck in the Middle with You – Steelers Wheel was ok Sit Down - James ok The One I Love - REM ok - this is where i lost my bottle for the backing vox Easily - RHCP nailed it Mothers’ Little Helper – Rolling Stones sloppy And She Was – Talking Heads was ok Ziggy Stardust – David Bowie rocked it Dakota - Stereophonics sucked ass. never playing it again Laid – James not too bad Sunny Afternoon – Kinks first time we'd played it. was ok though Set 2 - Acoustic Polly - Nirvana good Man On The Moon - REM crap end Man Who Sold The World – David Bowie few bum chords That’s Entertainment – The Jam fine With a Little Help From My Friends – The Beatles rocked it Layla – Clapton first time we'd done it. nailed it Fans – Kings of Leon first time. was fine. Set 2 - Electric Come On Feel The Noise – Slade was ok. i sucked a bit London Calling – The Clash was good Eton Rifles – The Jam was good Ever Fallen in Love? - The Buzzcocks good Should I Stay or Should I Go? - The Clash i started in the wrong key! what an anit climax! Riverboat Song – Ocean Colour Scene was ok Down In The Tube Station At Midnight – The Jam strange polly rythm thing going on at the start lol. but we did the rest well. Sorry I'm having a rant, but this has really bummed me out. We've got another gig somewhere next Sat with a band who have a propper sound engineer etc so that'll be better hopefully. we started the band with the only goal to be to play songs that people like and can play in pubs, have a laugh and make a few quid. some nights are really good, but last night was just such a downer. we're a 3 piece, adn do all the sound and setting up etc by ourselves. anyone got any advice for trying to do the covers band thing? :'(
  18. Just packing up my bags and stuff ready to leave for a gig in about an hour, felt a bit peckish so am having a quick take away curry... Good idea? Time will tell I guess....
  19. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='679509' date='Dec 9 2009, 08:29 PM']Wow! This'll sound messy , but stick with it...... 1.) open hand 2.)bend index finger and ring finger together towards your palm 3.)keep those two fingers where they are and hold them down with your thumb. 4,)while doing this ,raise pinkey(littlefinger) and other finger and stretch them GENTLY as high as you can 5.) Alternate fingers. 6.)you may decide to do one or two hands at a time,it's up to you. but go easy . Hope that doesn't sound too confusing. [/quote] That's exactly what I do. Works well.
  20. If youre looking to buy bass, then I'm sure one or two people on here would be more than happy to try and sell you bass Welcome.
  21. Yeah, I believe I've been told that some older Warwicks (not sure how old though) can have the truss rods removed by loosening it fully (so might be a problem here) and hitting the opposite end of the guitar or neck until the end of the rod pokes out a bit. And for the love of god dont squirt wd40 down the truss rod hole lol
  22. If youre lucky enough to have a top notch local car body shop then give them a go. I've had wooden stuff (not guitar bodies) done that way before. Cost 50 quid for something about twice the area of a guitar one time for a solid black and laquered (spelling??!). worth a shot.
  23. [quote name='ash_sak' post='676135' date='Dec 6 2009, 09:01 PM']One question, do you really neeed another bass if you have 2 Rickenbackers?[/quote] Like you can ever have too many basses!
  24. Go for the Mark Bass. I use a LMII and think they are great - and a lot of people oh here would agree. If you are using a 4ohm cab then the Little Mark II rules. I don't think it quite cuts it with an 8ohm cab (which is a shame cuz thats all ive got!). LMIII would be nice if you could get one for the money, but a used LMII would come in at a lot cheaper, plus you would have some moneys left over for a nice carry case (i use a gigskinz small mixer case), and maybe either a setup for you rattley rick or maybe a nice speaker lead (if you havent already got a nice one) to go with your lovely new head snorted.
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