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  1. I've been using my Gnome i Pro as a guitar head through headphones, and those settings above are exactly what I used to get a flat clean sound. But sorry, no idea how to test the Gnome as you have.
  2. Very nice. Review from Ovnilab here. Very transparent, silent, and no weird artificial artifacts in the sound at all. Controls are top l/r: Threshold, Ratio, Output; then bottom l/r: -9dB pad switch, hard/soft kne switch, and wet/dry blend. Row of LEDs great for setting up a sound, and seeing exactly what's happening when you adjust Threshold an dRatio. Also great for getting a very accurate pickup balance. At the moment, I'm using Threshold at 1:00, Ratio at 11:00 (about 3:1), Gain at 1:00, soft knee, and 100% wet.
  3. The Schalltechnik Pumpernickel compressor pedal Pumpernickel kit built by BandDoktor: It's got knobs on it. Still twiddling happily...
  4. Much as I love my La Bella DTB FLs, the low E does sound deader and thuddier than the rest. But only through an amp - acoustically they're still well balanced. Adjusting the P-bass pickup makes no difference to the electric imbalance. Puzzling.
  5. OK, ta. The only advantage of the DC one is that it has 9/12/18v 500Ma option on a couple of the outs, while the kettled one is all 9v 500Ma. But I'm pretty unlikely to need 12v, and a kettle does feel better.
  6. Are there any practical differences between this Harley Benton power supply with a DC external adapter https://www.thomann.de/intl/harley_benton_powerplant_iso_5_pro.htm and this AC one with a kettle lead https://www.thomann.de/intl/harley_benton_powerplant_iso_1ac_pro_modular.htm ? The DC one has slightly more power options, but a kettle lead feels a bit more robust. This will probably only power a couple of pedals at the most, but I want to be able to cover any future eventualities.
  7. 400+pages of FMC info and opinions on the German bass forum bassic.de here - just 'translate to English' in Chrome. They do like their big speakers over here - 2 x 15" and 1 x 18" very popular...
  8. 1210 UL looks good. What are the dimensions? And what would the speaker police say about mixing speaker sizes?
  9. Dithering between a 112 UL and a 212 UL with a 180w @8ohm Gnome i Pro. How does the single 1 x 12 stand up to rehearsals and small gigs?
  10. I'm eyeing up FMC cabs myself at this very mo. Very tempted with their 112 UL which sounds tight and non-boomy to me:
  11. My Gnome i Pro has a fan, but it's whisper quiet at bedroom volume. Really barely audible.
  12. Slightly alarmed by what @Chienmortbb said above, as the owner of a Gnome with only jack outputs. After a bit of research, it seems the main danger is plugging/unplugging jack speaker cables while the amp is on, thus creating a potential short. Is this the primary problem with using jacks? A TB post from @agedhorse seemed to say the danger was less for amps under 200w, so maybe the jack-socketed but low-powered BAMs and Gnomes are safe enough?
  13. Ta for that TC link - just bought one. Snarks are basically disposable - I've never managed to sucessfully change a battery.
  14. While sorting out the 4-year warranty extension from warwick.de on my new-today Gnome i Pro, I saw in the drop down produect option menu a 'v2 300w Gnome Pro' and a '600w Gnome Pro'. Coming next year?
  15. Thanks all - back on the shortlist it goes.
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