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The Rock Project Maldon

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Everything posted by The Rock Project Maldon

  1. Quick bump for this post as we are in urgent need of a dep bass tutor for Friday 28th September 2018 in Danbury in Essex. If you have availability and want to have a chat with us about this date, and any future dates where we have spaces available, please do get in touch. You can email [email protected] thank you.
  2. Hi, The Rock Project Maldon is in urgent need of a reliable, DBS checked Bass Tutor to work with our 7 -18 year old students in Danbury in Essex. Initially we need someone for Friday 27th April 2018 from 4.30pm until about 7.30pm. There will be lessons for 7-11 year olds from 5pm to 6pm, then lessons for 11-18 year olds from 6.15pm until 7.15pm. These are the urgent hours, but the sessions run from 4pm until 8.15pm overall. We have good rates of pay for the teaching hours, and there could be regular dep work here in Danbury and at our other school in Wickford on Thursdays. If you have availability and fit the criteria, please do get in touch with The Rock Project Maldon. You can email [email protected] or call on 07882987428. Thank you.
  3. We've managed to fill the position for now, thanks for your interest.
  4. Hi Paul, if you can hold out to around Easter time 2017, The Rock Project Maldon will be opening its doors at our Danbury school on Friday evenings to adults aged 18 and over. We will be teaching Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums and Vocals. You can look us up on Facebook or via the main franchise website. Or message us on here.
  5. Update - We require a new tutor for both Danbury and Wickford schools from January 5th 2017. If anyone is available, DBS checked and registered self employed who has availability on Thursdays and Fridays from about 4pm onwards, we'd like to hear from you.
  6. We have found our bass tutor for both schools now. Thanks for the interest all.
  7. The Rock Project Maldon requires a reliable and enthusiastic bass guitar tutor for their schools in Danbury on Fridays and Wickford on Thursdays, teaching small groups of children aged between 7 and 18 years of age. For more information on The Rock Project, please see wwwtherockproject.com and feel free to email Joy on [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] if you may be interested in one or both positions. We offer good rates of pay, and tutors must be DBS checked and registered self employed. Each school has a minimum of 2 hours teaching available, and begins late afternoon after school hours. Please do get in touch if this may be of interest.
  8. Hi, The Rock Project - school of Rock and Pop is coming to Wickford in September 2016. We teach electric guitar, bass guitar (most important), drums and vocals in small groups to children aged between 7 - 18 years. If your work colleague would like any info, they can visit [url="http://www.therockproject.com"]www.therockproject.com[/url] or email [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] and we'd be happy to answer any questions for them. Hope this helps.
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