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Everything posted by jensenmann

  1. Indeed, these are JBL Control 1 monitors. This "rig" is for practicing at home only. You can´t get any lowend out of it. This helps not to have trouble with children, wife and neighbours. The amp is very nice and it´s one of the few transistoramps which is capable of driving my SVT 8x10 with a good sound.
  2. have a closer look on top of the SWR
  3. plus my Mach II fivestring: [attachment=12610:000_0207.JPG] [attachment=12611:000_0208.JPG] Check the hair of my kitten. She prefers to sleep on my sofa. It´s pretty useless to convince her that it´s my sofa btw, do you guys know where I can get replacement pots for my Wal?
  4. Here´s a really sh*tty picture of my sixstring fretless: [attachment=12609:000_0206.JPG]
  5. I don´t know what you guys need these huge bassrigs for. Here´s what makes my guitarplayer cry (for whatever reason) [attachment=12608:000_0200.JPG]
  6. If you don´t want a stompbox check these compressors: [url="http://audiokits.de/content/view/18/58/lang,en/"]http://audiokits.de/content/view/18/58/lang,en/[/url] It´s studioquality. The sound will be close to those older JoeMeek compressors like VC1 or SC2
  7. Having played Ampeg since ages I have to add one thing: the different becomes obvious with volume. The III has a MOSFET amp which will get to the point when it will not get any louder. Increasing volume with your fingers on the strings will not lead to increased volume in the amp. Same thing happens with the tube poweramp of the II BUT poweramp distortion rises and compression start to set in. These increased harmonics will give you the feeling that still it gets louder when you play louder (with your fingers not volumeknob), hence you have better control over the dynamic of your playing. The beauty of the SVT and SVTII and classic is to play with this poweramp compression and distortion this makes your sound come alive. (sorry, that´s LOUD) But you don´t want this for slapstyle. There it sounds annoying. An alternative is the V4B (only 100W) or using KT88 tubes in the SVT (they compress a little earlier than 6550s) or leaving a pair of poweramptubes out.
  8. jensenmann


    To expand what Steve said a little bit: If one person tests a Brand XYZ in a certain circuit it might sound superior to Brand ZYX. In another circuit it might be exactly the opposite. If you take one batch of these XYZ tubes and put them into the same circuit each tube will sound different. Even the best brand tubes will have a bunch of sh*tty tubes amongst them, even worse, some are crapping out very early. That´s how it has been since the beginning and it will never change. This has to do with the manufacturing process and quality control. There are one thing to consider when putting a tube in a circuit: checking if it´s microphonic (spell?). But that´s it. Turn your amp on and snip with a finger (not touching anything except the glass of the tube - otherwise you might regret it or your family might regret it) against the tube. If you hear a ringing sound it´s bad. You will always hear something but the better the tube the shorter the sound is. Do it with a few tubes and you will get an idea of what good and bad is. Since I´m building tubegear I did quite a lot of listening tests: brands, types, series, old/new, whatever. But what I do is proaudio studiogear where quality is highly required. For this application I found a way (my way) how to deal with it. In a bass- or guitaramp where distortion is wanted I personally give a flying f*** on the tubes. Put them in and turn it up. If it sounds right it is right. If you have to complain about the sound swap tubes or better use a different amp because the circuit itself adds way more to the sound than one particular tube. If you think this particular tube is essentially important to your basssound then you´d better not play in a band where other musicians disturb your perfect sound perception. But that´s just my humble opinion. YMMV
  9. There´s a german company called KMT-sound. They actually make PAs and poweramps. I bought one of their poweramps for the bassrig at work and I have to admit that it has punch as hell. And they are reliable. check out here: [url="http://www.kmt-sound.de/"]http://www.kmt-sound.de/[/url] go to Endstufen. the one we use is a DC5. It weights 10kg which should be ok.
  10. 1962 Fender Jazzbass (damperbridge series) 1990 Fender Japan Jazzbass (sounds as good as the old one ) 1989 Wal Mach II 5 string with wenge facings 1997 Wal Mach III 6 string plain fretless with walnut facings 1982 Squier JV Precision end 80s Spector NS2 selfmade Jazzbass with additional MM Stingray PU
  11. Congrats, mate. I´m jealeous now. Whoever reads this, please let me know if a Wal Midibass is somewhere available. cheers Jens
  12. Hi I just found this board while searching for a Wal for sale. Is it still available? I´m very interested since a Wal Midibass is very long on my wishlist. I´d be glad to hear from you thanks Jens
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