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Cardiff Boy Roy

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Everything posted by Cardiff Boy Roy

  1. My Band was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5gjdEMQ0SA
  2. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1472126374' post='3118714'] If the truss rod is working properly and you've got the relief where you want it then I wouldn't worry about the tension of the current strings - that's what the truss rod is for. If you go to a lighter gauge you'll likely find the strings have a higher compliance (lower perceived string tension) which may or may not suit your playing technique - the tonal characteristics will likely also change a little. [/quote] Yer the relief is ok as I say Im happy enough with that, and I have left it over night and today the neck hasn't move. So if you think as you say the strings should be ok now the trustrod is holding I will leave it as it is and just keep an eye on it. Never having a bass with a neck so thin I was kind of worried ,I hope you understand what i mean . But really appreciate all your help guys. Maybe I was worrying about nothing ,but better to ask . Thanks so much all of you .
  3. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1472116855' post='3118594'] I'd pop it along to a guitar repairer/music shop if i was you. Getting it playing right is a combination of neck relief, height adjustment on the bridge, the way the nut is cut and whether or not the frets are perfectly level. Often on a standard factory set up these things aren't quite right. Trying to get a perfectly straight neck with no bow at all isn't necessarily the answer - all mine have got a bow to some extent, because they need one for the strings to vibrate cleanly. String tension will play a part in your set up, but it isn't the answer by itself. Take it to someone who knows what they're doing. [/quote] I dont want the neck completely straight , Im ok with as it is I was just asking if there are some strings that would be better for it in case there is a weakness in the neck. I do understand there are some strings that dont put as much tension as other ,but Im not up on them. If you see my first post ,you will see I said I got most of the Bow out and it still has a slight bow ,which i can live with .
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1472112300' post='3118525'] Just how much bow do you have? When you say it has a small amount of bow, what does the relief actually measure at the 8th, or wherever you wish to measure it? No offence, but If you don't know how to measure the relief: Fret the A string at the 1st fret and the bottom of the neck and measure the gap below the string to the 8th fret. You should be getting a measurement of 0.25-0.35mm. If this is right, and you're looking for the strings to be lower, then that's the action and you adjust that at the bridge. [/quote] Hi and thanks for the Reply, As I say I have taken out the worst of the bow, and its not too bad now, I only did it last night and left it to settle over night. what Im looking for is some suggestions on strings that wont put too much pressure back on the neck again. I believe the strings thats on it now are flatwound but dont know the make. I know the Trustrod is not for really lowering the strings ,its only there to counter act the tension of the strings Yer ?
  5. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1472111455' post='3118512'] In a well set up instrument a slight concave bow is to be expected. It must not however be such that you get unrelated frets buzzing between your fretting finger and the bridge. Adjustment of the saddles may help by raising the string action but it may be unpleasant to play. If that's so, you might need help. You could try light gage strings I suppose but you would be avoiding the issue if there really is one. That's my opinion - for what it's worth. I hope you get enjoyment from your new acquisition anyway. [/quote] Believe me its all helpful my friend ,any and all info is gratefully received.
  6. [quote name='OddBass65' timestamp='1472084858' post='3118451'] I'd bring it to an expert. Necks and truss rods scare me. [/quote] Yer know what you mean , but as long as you dont put a lot of force on them and you help the neck with a little pressure you should be ok.
  7. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1472081725' post='3118440'] Is there no adjustment left on the truss rod? [/quote] Yer I have taken up some of the bend with the trust Rod ,but as | say it still has a little bow ,not much just a little . So I want to put some strings on that dont need so much tension as ,say other would .
  8. I just picked up a Vintage 70s style Mod Jazz Bass. The neck had a bit of a inward Bow on it. Im managed to get it straighter than it was bit there is still a slight Bow to it. Im not sure what strings are on it . But could you suggest some kind of strings that wouldn't put too much of a strain on the neck ,but wouldn't take away the quality of tone Ive never had a Squire Mod Jazz bass before so any help would be really great cheers guys . .
  9. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1471615704' post='3114502'] I'm an avid fan of daddario prosteels myself [/quote] Thanks for your reply, I see a lot of player use them ,I will have to take that on board. I use normally use Rotosound swingband on my Ric ,but as i say i know some Bass perform better with other strings.
  10. I would like to know what strings would you guys recommend I know some Basses play better with a certain String so what in your experience is the best to try ?
  11. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1471474066' post='3113375'] Great basses, I'm sure you'll be very happy. I've played a few Schecters, including this model, and they are very much understated IMO. They have great build quality, play wonderfully and sound great. The preamp would be an easy upgrade should you want to push the bass further. Their pickups are not always standard sizes, so upgrading those can sometimes require routing. Great basses for the money, I spent a day in Denmark street a while back and these really stood out for me. [/quote] I believe it comes with a Pre Amp
  12. Thanks guy looks like i did the right thing then
  13. On Tuesday of next week Im expecting one , I would like to know of any player on here what to expect . Good Bad Ok also if you have one what strings do you use please? Any and all Info would be gratefully received.
  14. Thanks for the welcome guys
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1471091047' post='3110466'] What about the 'it's permanently raining in Wales' jokes? [/quote] Thats No joke if you live here Mate lol
  16. [quote name='v8bass' timestamp='1471091132' post='3110468'] Hi , Croeso Nice bass , tidy av :-) Hope you enjoy it here , lots of info , lots to look at Oh and there's a few why us shh welsh about too , just remember we have all the great bass players and footballers Gary V8 [/quote] [color=#545454][font=arial, sans-serif][size=1] [/size][/font][/color][color=#545454][font=arial, sans-serif][size=1]Diolch yn fawr iawn mate [/size][/font][/color]
  17. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1471091647' post='3110470'] Welcome to the forum. I love Wales and really enjoy riding my motorbike around there when I'm not playing ny bass. [/quote] So you the sod that wakes me up every Sunday Morning !
  18. [quote name='Basszilla' timestamp='1471127197' post='3110749'] Welcome mate - Pontypridd boy here [/quote] TOM !! is it really You ?
  19. Just a quick Hi to everyone here, only just come over to the Dark Side here in Wales I've herd all the Sheep Jokes. So dont bother with them . My Son who is 9 also plays Bass ,well he started last week. So Hi to all .[attachment=225405:$_86 (2).JPG][attachment=225405:$_86 (2).JPG]
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