I'm Don, I'm based in Milton Keynes and have been playing bass since I was 14 back in 1970.
I started out as the piano player in a school band and taught one of the guys where the notes were on the his bass.
His folks moved away and he left the band. I reckoned the bass was a more important instrument than the piano in a band and so borrowed his bass for a couple of years until I could buy my own.
It was a Hagstrom Futurama bass - bright blue... not that nice to play.
I then got myself a Hofner 182 solid body bass which had been spray painted to a metallic green (it was originally the classic red colour) - I still have that and am striating to try and restore it when I have time.
My rig was a home built 15" speaker cab with a Wurlitzer Jukebox amp (no cover) perched on top.
Over the years I moved to an Ohm bass combo and a Westone Thunder II
Then a Yamaha RBX and an Ashdown 180w Combo
I eventually treated myself to my baby... a Rickenbacker 2003 in Midnight Blue which is an awesome guitar to play.
Ad finally I got myself a MIM Fender Precision for the Old Skool Funk band project I'm involved in.
I work in Design/Marketing for the day job, but the music has always been a key part of life.
i've done hundreds of gigs in originals and covers bands in Rock, Gospel, Country, Prog, Pop, Soul and Funk.
My style is a hybrid of finger style with quite a bit of slap and hammer on with both left and right hand.
I like be up in the mix and am always rucking with the engineers who want to blend it in to the background.
My all time bass heroes - Chris Squire (of course), Bernard Edwards, Verdine White and Larry Graham.
That's me.
Look forward to some bass chat