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Everything posted by zonular

  1. That's a steal! Great fun basses
  2. Just an update, that focusrite is probably one of the best purchases I've made.
  3. Alright so my zoom is still going after taking it apart and a rejig! In the meantime I picked up a focusrite interface, this is a while new world!! The free stuff sounds great
  4. I had one and returned it, could to set the streamed audio Vs the guitar volume without just turning everything down
  5. I might have a look at the volt, I'm sorta scared by the audio interface route being a little less plug and play but I realise the flexibility is there
  6. Would you be willing to post to dublin?
  7. Hey all Any opinions on the Avalon Vs the Scylla?
  8. I don't own a audio interface, I was hoping to use the tonex one as one. Is that still doable or is it a world of pain?
  9. Is it really that bad? I ask cause thomann had a problem with my bank transaction 😅 so now I need to do a bank transfer
  10. Excuse the ignorance, what's cc?
  11. Shopping for audio interfaces at the moment, I figure if I have a pc it's probably the best option..... I think
  12. I've had it years, dropped it this evening, if I press both pedals it cuts out and resets 😭
  13. I see a similar thread was posted on Tuesday, my bad! The waza headphones look great!
  14. Welp I dropped my trusty zoom b1on and it looks to be on the way out. Debating a tonex one and wondering how do you practice via headphones? Is it with a pc and interface or a simple setup like the b1on?
  15. That's my plan too!!
  16. Can anyone weigh in on the upgrade between the two, seen one local on the cheap, ms60b+ is about a hundred quid more expensive. Is it worth the upgrade?
  17. Debating one myself, can anyone weigh in on how this is as an audio interface (I don't have one and I'm in an either or situation)
  18. Upstairs in a pub and home. Not sure about socket availability in the pub, I'll need to scout out the area, I imagine a extension lead is a must
  19. Alright I need a crash course on powering pedals. I've always just used batteries as I wasn't gigging. But if I'm looking at picking up some pedals that require adaptor power, what's the best way to handle that?
  20. What did you not get on with
  21. Ian Allison will be the reason I'll get a helix
  22. My guitar pedal board was taking from Dave from the presidents of the USA. Rat/sd1, a fuzz and a phaser. Looking at an older pedal board from David J of Bauhaus. You can do a lot with a little. Anyway, what bass players inspire your pedal choices?
  23. Compression and dirt for the most part
  24. Hey all Couple of pints and it looks like I ordered a bd21i sansamp / Di clone. How do you guys use it? I'm debating a zoom ms60b+ Would the two together suffice for a micro board?
  25. Also anyone have experience on b6 Vs ms60b+?
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