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Posts posted by alembic1989

  1. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1432233164' post='2779576']
    I've always had a soft spot for these. Totally bonkers but they seem to work so well.
    I wonder if Mr W is back on his feet yet?

    Yes Mr W is apparently up and running again after a fire at his premises.....good news.

  2. I got this Wishbass years back. Unfortunately it arrived with the headstock spilt in two..more or less down the middle.. My first attempt at repair didnt last long. The second was much better..but unfortunately the bass fell over, and the impact broke the repair again. The poor bass bass was leaning up against a wall for about a year with half a headstock, and 2 strings still attached.
    I decided it was time to attempt another repair.
    I repaired the headstock by thoroughly getting all the old glue out between the wood fibres..and using a combination of marine epoxy and mahogany sawdust (as a filler).
    I also decided while it was on the bench to give it a full makeover.
    The fretboard has been levelled, the nut replaced with a bone one, the bridge lowered considerably, a new CTS pot installed...and the whole bass has been refinished using Tru Oil.
    I have 5 fretlesses..among them is a Le Fay Remington Steele..and my new baby a Rob Allen MB2....this beasty sounds absolutely fabulous..and can hold its own with any of my other fretless basses...and it only has a pretty unexciting EMG select pick...and a solitary volume control. The Mwah is gorgeous...and its tone is woody and Melancholy....these basses have many detractors...but I absolutely love mine...gnarly wood included.
    Here are some pics..

    I think I might get another one of these amazing basses......

  3. i just picked up my Ibanez GWB1 after having the fretboard shot, and a full set up....at Bass Gear in Twyford ( lovely people).... It plays beautifully...and sings like Perry Como.
    I'm not looking for an F bass any more....what fabulous basses those GWB1's are!!

  4. I'm looking for a reverb pedal/unit for use with fretless. I already have a rack type Alesis microverb...it's ok ..but I find it a bit thin and wishy washy in sound...I want a fat, solid substantial sound. I've heard good things about the Hall of Fame pedal.
    Can any of my esteemed brethren BC'ers suggest a suitable tool?

  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1430818304' post='2764757']
    I love the way Atlansia work. They may not always get it right but they are continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible with stringed amplified musical instruments.

    It's certainly a lot more interesting than yet another P or J bass copy.


    I've lusted after their basses for years. I wish I could try their basses. I would LOVE to own a few.

  6. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1430224447' post='2759128']
    I'll just throw my regular cat amongst the pigeons and say I honestly believe that nothing in an instrument makes a blind bit of difference to tone than the pickups and wiring.

    However a good quality nut is a good investment. It will improve tuning stability and should last longer than a cheap unbranded plastic jobby
    Hmmm an interesting point of view.
    Makes me wonder why we bother with high grade ( or otherwise) instruments when (according to you) all we need to do is (for example) get some Fodera pick ups and loom...stick them in a cheap plywood 70s Jap body...and hey presto we'll have the Fodera tone.
    Are you sure my friend :-)

  7. I find mid control pots almost impossible to suss out. I just don't know how to use them to use them to dial in the tone I want.
    I have an EMG preamp fitted to one of my basses. The control in question is stacked. One controls the gain (boost or cut) ..the other selects the freq.
    This all sounds nice and simple...but where the f@@k do I start?I haven't got a clue.
    Can anyone offer a nice simple clear explanation on the best way to use this control?
    Would I for example start with the eq flat on the amp?
    It's been upsetting me for a long time. I suspect many others struggle with this too.

  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1218218669' post='258406']
    [url="http://pulvoweb.chez-alice.fr/mavox/voxstandard.html"]This[/url] is what I was thinking of when I was talking about nondescript Vox basses. finnbass' Vox is something altogether different...

    Non- description? You may have a point...but I have one and its a really nice bass. Matsumoku too I believe.

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