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Posts posted by bass_ferret

  1. [url="http://www.djanddiscostuff.com/prodpage.asp?prodid=2882"]These[/url] look great. Mike is a great bloke to deal with as well. Anyone want a stand with 4 LED PAR 64's?

    also available from [url="http://www.jbsmusic.co.uk/kam-led-par-bar-led-lighting-system"]here[/url]

  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='395881' date='Jan 31 2009, 12:35 AM']I've compared EBS 2x10 8 ohms with EBS 2x10 4 ohms. 4 ohm appears considerably louder.[/quote]
    Thats interesting. Some amps, and my EBS HD350 was one, have some fancy power stages that change the delivery so you dont have to run them at minimum load to get the most out of them. My HD350 was 300 watts into 4 ohms and 350 into 2 ohms. IIRC the Genz Benz GB750 is the same. But I suspect that 2 EBS 2X10'S at 8 ohms each would have been even more considerably louder.

  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='395601' date='Jan 30 2009, 06:05 PM']I don't believe I've ever insisted that is is always a bad idea.


    [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='395610' date='Jan 30 2009, 06:17 PM']+1. It can work reasonably well. The problem with doing so is that the results are totally unpredictable, so if you don't have the opportunity to try before you buy you're taking a big chance on the result. With identical cabs there's no question that they will work together well.[/quote]
    +2. It can and often does work. But it most often comes up here in the context of guys wanting to buy gear that are not going to have the opportunity to try at gigging volumes, and in the context of confident posts that you get more bottom from 15's and more punch from 10's etc.

    I have had mixed cab rigs that I thought sounded great and some that sounded f***ing awful IMO. Somebody would have liked it.

    Went to see a band a thin string mate is depping for a couple of weeks ago. He warned me the bass overplayed and boy oh boy he was not kidding. I didn't think it was possible to overplay Pinball Wizard but I know now. Funny thing he did not play the 2 most important notes. Anyway he was using a JE Sig Buzzard, MB TA503, 151HF and 104HF and I thought it sounded sh*t (and so did my thin string mate). The low notes were drowning out the rest of the band and demolishing light fittings - one of which only just missed my beer, but all his twiddling at the dusty end was lost. It might not have been the mixed cabs, could have been poor playing dynamics or inproper use of the tone controls. He obviously either loved the sound he was getting or could not hear how bad it was the other side of the lights.

    There is no right or wrong. There is, however, more likelyhood of randomly mixed cabs sounding crap.

  4. The position of the volume knob has no bearing on how loud it will go. An amp will only out out its maximum power, and if it has a hot input, tone controls up it will probably max out well before half on the master.

    Only you can decide whether a 1x15/2x10 sounds better that 2x2x10's. I would go for the latter for reasons that have been discussed hundreds of times on this forum ;)

  5. One mans meat is another one's poison so the only person who can decide what sounds best is you. You are not really comparing like with like with the cabs as Ashdown do the lightweight Superfly cabs.

    I have always matched in the probably misguided belief that some effort has gone into making the cabs and amps sound better together. What will definitely be true is that different amps and cabs have not been designed with different amps and cabs in mind - if you can follow that.

    The only other observation I will make is that Markbass cabs are not as popular as the amps.

  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='393490' date='Jan 28 2009, 10:30 AM']Ok, I admit, not random mixing. But running dissimilar drivers fullrange for a certain sound, like the Midget on top of the Big Sub for an insanely loud angry growly rock tone with massive clean bottom.

    I thought it was highly unlikely you would be random mixing - but thats what a lot do and what I frequently get flamed for warning against. Perhaps we should start 2 petitions, one banning mixing cabs and one making it compulsory ;)

  7. Have you seen [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39253&hl="]EBS_freaks rig[/url]? Get 3 EBS Proline 2x10's ;) 6x10 sound in easy installments. You can custom order the impedence.

  8. Tried one a few years ago at the Bass Centre (when it was still a shop). Neck felt too fat (in a Warwick kind of way) and the MM pup totally overpowered the J pup. Maybe it was a wrong un. Much preferred the Laklands I played that day.

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