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Everything posted by geoffbassist

  1. Here's a quick lesson on improving your double bass solos. Theres 5 quick and easy tips to change things up and get your lines sounding more melodic. http://youtu.be/y6mWM4rkA4s
  2. I've got one of these and they are amazing instruments. Have a bump for a great bass!
  3. Beautiful instrument! Congratulations, it looks great.
  4. I agree the slb100 is the best option I've tried. I would love something to practice on that was closer in feel, response and balance to a regular double bass. I think theres a lot of options for EUBs but not many that get close in terms on replicating these elements (but quieter). I would gladly trade the travel aspect for a fuller framed practice instrument.
  5. +1 on making sure the bass is set up right. I think the G is always the toughest string to get right, especially the open G. I know Larry Grenadier has used a velvet G string with steels to great effect. A lot of people use an orchestra string like belcantos, which I personally don't like to do as they sound too weak. An Oliv G is also a really popular choice to mix with other brands. I've chosen to stick with one set, but I think it does work for some players/basses.
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1395159417' post='2399319'] So I pay for 5 lessons and you get the free one? Doesn't seem fair. [/quote] :-)
  7. That's awesome and makes a lot more sense than getting it imported.
  8. Congratulations! I hope it went well.
  9. Looks great, congrats! I agree that a set up would likely be worth doing.
  10. Great video I really enjoyed that!
  11. [quote name='Jezyorkshire' timestamp='1393938882' post='2385998'] Thanks Geoff, how do you fing you need to eq the full circle when using pro platt? or other? its seems on my bass to be very midrangy? [/quote] Hey Jez. I don't need to eq with my rig. I just use the high pass filter (rarely) on my acoustic image Clarus if it's too boomy. I only use a pre amp on borrowed amps and sometimes need to eq then. I think my set up works well with my bass, but if I changes the strings etc I might need the eq. It's tough as there are so many factors, amp, cab, pre amp, strings, bass, style of playing etc....
  12. Huge +1 on the previous comments and you are right to go with the main input. One of main thing any DB pre amp will give you is the right impedence buffer for pizo pickup which you are sending into a 'line input' on a bass guitar amp like mark bass. You loose that if you send into the effects return. For me that's the main benift of any DB pre amp and helps shape the tone. I also use the high pass filter to cut extreme low end.
  13. [quote name='Rabbie' timestamp='1392364508' post='2367750'] Excellent lesson on chords Geoff, very high standard of teaching mate, you have launched a fantastic resource for learning and consolidating jazz playing on double bass. Very enjoyable indeed. [/quote] Thanks Rabbie! I real appreciate the feedback. Here's a new lesson of mine featuring another original tune called 'Blues for Double Bass'. It didn't take me long to come up with the title but I hope you enjoy the music :-) It's been released by Bass The World, here's the video. [media]http://youtu.be/BOCd3N8juF0[/media]
  14. Great looking bass. I would highly recommend Kai Dase who is in Nottingham: http://kaidaseviolins.com Great, honest luthier who knows how to set up basses. I love a NDBD! :-) Congrats!
  15. This is such a good thread! I often refer to the Contrabass Shoppe string store for their photos of strings when I'm on the hunt. Owencf: I wouldn't trim, but wrap them round when fitting so they don't come out of the peg box. What does everyone else do?
  16. [quote name='timbo1978' timestamp='1393102020' post='2376297'] This one just came through from the film co. [/quote] Great photo! I bet the promo film will look awesome!
  17. That's great news! Fantastic to hear you got the bass back in one piece.
  18. It's fantastic! Superb playing.
  19. Bows, stools, strings, cases etc...... if they are made for double bass you can bet they will be really hard to find the one you want will be really expensive. Lucky they sound so good or I would have given up by now.
  20. [quote name='Blartfactor10' timestamp='1391458294' post='2357445'] Hey Geoff Just stumbled upon these lessons and there's some great stuff here. I'm trying to brush up on my chart reading (Jazz standards) and these DVDs have helped spur me on. (Must get round to buying a decent bow as well) Thanks man! [/quote] Thanks, that's great to hear. Good luck with the bowing! I've just released a new lesson about playing chords on the upright bass. The video has a short composition of mine at the start to show you how I like to use them. Of course chords are also great for working on your intonation so its a useful thing to look into. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers Geoff [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGZxC4CDZPg[/media]
  21. I've not played either I'm afraid, but wanted to add that Bjorn Stoll have a great reputation. I've not heard of Casa Parramon, where are they sold?
  22. Awesome work Ben. I bet you can't wait to finish it! Keep those pictures coming!
  23. Great news Jez! Leave your electric in the boot of your car on standby :-)
  24. Huge +1 to the other posts, but heres a random thing that may be causing it. One thing this might be is too much rosin. I know it's more likely to be technique, but if you have way too much rosin the bow kind of jumps and chokes the note as you draw it across the string. Just a random idea to throw out there incase you are using a lot of rosin as I've seen this a few times over the years.
  25. [quote name='Brucec' timestamp='1391271075' post='2355225'] I just want to give Geoff's site another plug. This material is fantastic. I've also invested a very modest and reasonable sum of money in Geoff's excellent downloadable Discover Double Bass Study Guide, and am working through it. The guide is well worth the money, and of course the videos are free. Highly recommended to all beginners. Now, I just need to do some practice ... [/quote] Thank's so much for your support Bruce, I really appreciate it. Good luck with all your practice, cheers Geoff
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