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Everything posted by geoffbassist

  1. Awesome, let us know how you get on with it. A new double bass day is a special day indeed!
  2. I think Steve's design looks great, but my concern is size once its off the bass. I always go for the minimum amount of stuff, but I expect his is the ultimate long distance and safest design. The great thing about a wheel is it takes up very little space and when you walk with the bass its right into you and if you are careful, the bass is easy to manoeuvre, lift up over curbs etc... without stopping walking to pick it up. If there is a lot of obstacles its more of a combined pushing and lifting to deal with all the stuff in the way. I agree though that you have to be very careful and not go off roading though as would be a quick way to destroy your end pin block. It also take a while to really learn how to use it and change your habits of how you move the bass when the wheel is in. I know a few people who have had accidents as a result of not using one properly. Eg trying to put the bass in or out of the case whilst the wheel is in.
  3. Sorry...back on point. I really like the wooden bumpers you get and Ive also seen some great leather ones. I think Bob Gollihur sells some nice ones and it makes sense to have something disposable and that adds a touch of cushioning when you lay it down.
  4. I bet he was dying inside! He does a go job of not seeming too bothered though. :-) I actually bought a bass matt which is the outline of the body from a great guy on talkbass. It rolls up and means I have an option. It tends to live in the car with the bass wheel, spare strings, kettle lead....and spare tyre. All emergencies are covered! ...
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1384197182' post='2273895'] What have we got to look forward to Geoff? [/quote] Hey Pete, this one is a scales one and I bet you already know the information in the lesson, but it is important for anyone starting out. I also wanted to remind everyone that you can get the scales/arpeggios backing tracks over 1 & 2 octaves for free on my website to help reference your tuning. I will also be doing 2&3 octave scales video lesson in the new year. In 2 weeks time I will be going for a lesson on either walking bass or soloing.....I'm not 100% sure, but I will see what's on the hard drive :-) [media]http://youtu.be/bbno3v6xbAo[/media]
  6. EPIC. Great bass and the Alpha guys are really cool. Do those pickups sound as huge as they look! :-)
  7. Hey timbass and JPJ, thanks for the great feedback, it's great to hear the lessons are helping. Especially as JPJ was playing with pain, I'm glad you have got on top of that and its great to hear you are giging so quickly after starting playing! I'm just editing some more and have another one out this Thursday. Cheers Geoff
  8. [size=4]Great topic! I'm loving the examples posted so far. Here's another, [color=#333333]check out this amazing channel on Youtube. There's a ton of great recordings played alongside the sheet music. I could spend hours on this channel. Very inspiring! Check out the following video of Duncan McTier's perfect performance of one of my favourite pieces. Enjoy![/color][/size] [media]http://youtu.be/CRqYluR5Aa0[/media]
  9. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1383997270' post='2271649'] There good bows. I'd really like to compare it to a finale. [/quote] +1 I think bows are really hard to get hold of and compare so I always love to try new ones out. Especially as I play German which you tend to see less often.
  10. +1 on an onyx wheel. I've tried a lot of different options and its my favourite by a long way. As long as you are careful (like with any trolly etc..) you have a quick and safe way of moving the bass with a minim of extra stuff to carry. I always have mine in the boot of my car in case its needed on a gig. The best part is its super quick to fit and get moving.
  11. Great photo of the Yita bow. I've heard good reviews from pretty much everyone I know who's bought one. Great value too.
  12. Great stuff. Jakes the man!
  13. Thanks Guys, glad you like it. Hope everyone is having a great weekend of gigs. Mine is actually really chilled with a sedate afternoon jazz function tomorrow.
  14. This time I'm looking at playing funk on the upright bass. I hope you enjoy it and have a great halloween! (I was dying to release my Ghost Notes lesson that I have lined up today, but just couldn't bring myself to do it!). [media]http://youtu.be/C1md271yJCE[/media]
  15. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1383122286' post='2260344'] Great thanks guys - early music centre sounds interesting as long as I dont come away with GAS for a Flugehorn! Keith that would have been great but I'm there this thursday ( daughter is in a production of Aida at St George's Hall and we have a lot of time to kill between rehearsal and show!). [/quote] Life's hard enough already without Flugehorn gas! I'm just down the road in sunny Armley so feel free to call in to talk bass....especially if you bring your lovely Italian bass!
  16. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1380630494' post='2228066'] My insurance is pretty cheap ( with Endsleigh ). For £3000 cover or theft and accidental damage on one instrument it costs £33 per annum . Who do others use? [/quote] Thanks for the tip off. I just went through a few quotes and found their process the easiest to use and the price was good.
  17. Hey Matt, I would agree with everyone one here that that the very best thing you could do would be to get at least one lesson (ideally a few) with a double bass tutor. It would be the best investment in time and money you could make as in one lesson you could learn a lot of really essential stuff. It's such a different feeling than playing electric and its better to ensure you are practising the right way from the start. I really appreciate the great feedback about my video lessons too guys Treat them like a book, you will learn information, but you can't be corrected or interact with them. That's why lessons in person with someone will be really useful and give you a great start. The main challenge I find with EUB's is learning to use arm weight in the right way as it can be hard to do on such a small instrument. That's why it really pays to see someone in person as there are so many variables with DB and with EUB the differences are even bigger. E.G some EUB's don't have a body frame, some are on stands, some are light etc.....and of course your own size and shape makes it even more complicated. There are loads of great teachers on Basschat (Like Jake) or if you struggle to find someone, just try to hook up with someone who's been playing a while to get some feedback. .....oh and congratulations on buying your first upright! I really hope you enjoy it and if you need any help Basschat is an amazing resource.
  18. [quote name='Fran Diaz' timestamp='1382738301' post='2256226'] Geoff, if you're still interested I can email you a current Price list in Euros for the E. Wilfer basses. I also have a lot of GAS for one of his instruments. [/quote] PMed! Thanks Fran.
  19. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"just because you can doesnt mean you should" [/font][/color][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Great line! That sums it up for me :-) I think it would be fun and apparently they sound ok. I would prefer an old beaten up one to a new shiny one though.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'd love to get the chance to try one. Has anyone had a go here?[/font][/color]
  20. What I love about he is that her playing is so individual. I think her singing must help as it just seems so natural, she really is the real deal.
  21. I'm a huge fan. This is one of my favourite videos of hers. http://youtu.be/gPaxUZKkpsw
  22. [quote name='marvin spangles' timestamp='1381400067' post='2238437'] Congratulations on your series of lessons . Thought ful and brimming with clarity. You manage to get to the 'good stuff' in such a short time. Looking forward to checking them all out. [/quote] Thanks I really appreciate your great feedback. I'm prone to waffling so some brutal editing usually keeps it watchable! :-) Here's a new one on using articulations in your lines...Hammer ons, pull offs and slides. http://youtu.be/169a2JSphHA
  23. Wow, I'm really sorry to see that and hope you are ok Hector. I'm sure others will offer better advice than me about what your repair options are, but I just wanted to say that I'm sure a good luthier could put it right. I expect you would need the top off, but that would be a chance to check and amend all other old repairs. Good luck mate, I really feel for you!
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1382124894' post='2248483'] I need to get practicing! [/quote] I'm too busy watching Knight Rider on Youtube to practice :-)
  25. I did try one that another bassist had but I can't remember the model. It was good value, but didn't blow me away. I think they would be a safe bet, but not amazing....perhaps the higher end models would be though..
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