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Everything posted by geoffbassist

  1. Great buy redstriper. That red one is a fantastic bass. U know what you mean though, they are a bit heavy.
  2. That is really cool! Love the tiles. They look great.
  3. Its a great idea using the TU2 for impedance matching. I always use one for tuning but its a great extra feature if you are using an amp with low impedance. The mute feature is also useful.
  4. [quote name='john the pond' timestamp='1331372645' post='1571944'] I know you did. And thats what I told him, you dont get fiddle players in orchestra's bowing the wrong way, whether its a big fiddle or a little one [/quote] Ahh I'm with you :-) hope he's enjoying the guitar.
  5. I got my white FJB6 yesterday and love it. It was £149.99 delivered. It turned up set up really well, plays great and sounds fantastic. I'm knocked out at the quality. Whilst I havnt used it on a gig my impressions at home are very positive. If anyone wants a simple, well made jazz bass for a stunning price this is it! Thanks again for the review Scott. Geoff
  6. Wow. That's a serious bass! If I had the cash I would be all over that!
  7. [quote name='john the pond' timestamp='1331213930' post='1569499'] This. My son plays guitar lefty though. Nothing I said could convince him. [/quote] Sorry I meant bowed string instruments.
  8. £385 for a new 410. Delivered. That's a great deal!
  9. Wow. Never seen one of these before.
  10. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1331205028' post='1569271'] I see everybody's point. All I was trying to say is: when you have learned to play bass in a certain way - righty or lefty - and played like that for years or even decades, you will NOT find it easy,or even possible, to learn to play double bass the other way round. It's NOT a different instrument, and if your brain knows the chords, and you muscles know the movements, in a lefty way, that's what you're going to try and apply to the DB. [/quote] I completely agree. I would encourage left handed people to play right handed DB's only as beginners not as an established players.
  11. Wow!! This is an unreal bass! My dream bass would be a 5 string version. Good luck with your sale Harry.
  12. It's also interesting that you don't see any stringed instruments originally designed as left handed (or at least I haven't). I always thought that it made more sense for right handed people to use their 'leading' hand to fret/finger the notes rather than strike the string. However left handed always feels so wrong to me. Is this becuase I'm right handed, becuase I learned to play right handed or becuase right handed makes more sense? I think its an individual thing. Either way who cares as long as you are comfortable. . . However it's the real problems of converting a double bass that make it worth considering.
  13. It's a great subject. The intresting thing is the other string players (violin, viola & cello) are, as far as I know, all played right handed. I belive this is due to keeping bowing uniform within sections. It's only jazz bassists who change the instrument as they are predominantly pizz. In fact I've never heard of a left handed orchestral player playing left handed. It must be a real challenge. As a right handed player I can't imagine playing bass left handed. It's also an expensive conversion as you have to move the internal bass bar, bracing?, top off, adjust or possible new bridge, sound post & nut. Possibly need fingerboard work especially if there's a bevel. I'm guessing you wouldn't get much change from £500 depending on who you take it to.
  14. Nice job and the YouTube is pretty cool too.
  15. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1331080193' post='1567492'] A few years ago I visited Anthony Houska's Contrabass Shoppe when he was in London. He's a nice guy and was very welcoming and helpful. He'd the biggest collection of basses I could have imagined. There was a bass around £6500 which I quite liked and he said take it with you and see how you you get on with it. I'd only just met him an hour or so before! The only stipulation was to have it insured. I couldn't take him up on that offer because I'd travelled down on the train. I enjoy looking at his website, one can learn a lot from browsing his pages I'd love to visit his new place but driving 200 + miles is less appealing nowadays. [/quote] I agree and his basses are all excellently set up. However most are way to expensive.
  16. [quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1331077946' post='1567461'] When I was looking a few years ago I was warned off Turners, they (Mr Turner) had a bad reputation. I ignored the advice and took a trip there and bought a nice bass, however I had a bad experience with after sales and would never deal with them (him) again.[/quote] +1 exactly the same experience. I'm glad Kai has set up on his own as he was always great to deal with.
  17. Don't forget Kai Dase http://kaidaseviolins.com/ And Paul Bryant http://www.bryantbasses.com/
  18. This is VERY subjective, but for me string length is ok anywhere from 40-42. Ideal length for me is between 41 & 41.5. Anything above 42 or below 40 is hard work. I use 41.5. I much prefer D necks.As they are more common I would recommend them to new players. I also find them easier to play. However Eb is 100% fine and it's really what you are used to. I find changing between different neck stops hard, but perhaps I would overcome this if it was more regular. Good luck with your search.
  19. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1330812733' post='1563444'] Dream P! [/quote] +1!
  20. After seeing Scott's review I went to try one for myself at Dawsons in Leeds. They had a red one and it was amazing. For £150 it beats anything in that price range. It was well put together and the set up was really good. Even the strings were ok. I really am blown away by what you can get for £150. I prefer white so have ordered one for (free) delivery. Of course I will need to use it on a gig before I can really say, but so far I'm VERY impressed. Thanks for a great review Scott. It must have taken a while to put together and your playing sounds fantastic! I think Farida should send you some different models to review for your troubles. Geoff
  21. I really good study of Danny Thompson would be great. Perhaps a living UK giant like Danny or Dave Holland may end up with an interview and more original material than Ray Brown etc.. I actually voted Vitous as I don't know much about him, but NHOP would also be a great choice.
  22. It's a great deal, but there's a big difference between sizes. 3/4 would sound & play a lot better. I'm sure you sell the half size in future and it's a great price.
  23. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1330620897' post='1560570'] Thief [/quote] :-) Sounds like a great idea. I cant be 100% but at the moment Aprils looking quiet! :-) would be great to meet everyone.
  24. Jo is a top guy to deal with and incredible player. I've not played this bass but it looks great. other Celinders I've played have all been fantastic and this is a good price.
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