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Everything posted by geoffbassist

  1. I agree with Jake. Approx 1920 german factory bass. Would be worth taking it to be appraised.
  2. Wow! Serious bass, really beautiful instrument.
  3. I love this video. Killer groove and solo! Such a great feel.
  4. Acoustic image used to, but not any more.
  5. Looks great. Enjoy!
  6. Heres a video of me playing a funky version of summertime on double bass. [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/chalmersg?feature=mhee#p/u/0/MJC2qjTqPOk"]http://www.youtube.com/user/chalmersg?feature=mhee#p/u/0/MJC2qjTqPOk[/url]
  7. I think I would struggle without the support. Particularly sitting. Ive also found similar designs tend to turn when standing. The 'T Bar' on the Eminence does a great job at stopping this, but I want the bass to feel as much like an upright as possible. Its main use will be for silent practice.
  8. Thanks for that BassBod. I hadn't seen that. I think I need more of a frame, but it's a great design. Would be nice to give one a try.
  9. Great news! Congratulations.
  10. Fantastic! Really enjoyed it.
  11. I've already been to see Keith who very kindly let me play his eub's. I think he's a bit unsure on which ones to keep :-)
  12. Thanks Jim. I've already tried that one, but the seller wants gets a replacement upright before he let's it go.
  13. Hi guys, I'm looking for an EUB for silent arco practice. I need a frame/knee support so I can practice sat down or stood up. I'm really interested in a Mo Clifton EUB or Yamaha silent bass. Either the SLB 100 or 200, ideally with knee support. Please drop me a pm if you have one to sell. Cheers Geoff http://www.geoffchalmers
  14. Enjoy! It's so full of basses that I'm scared to touch any incase I cause a bass avalanche!
  15. Professional bassist available for paid gigs/shows/cruises/sessions in 2012. Im based in Leeds but work throughout UK and abroad (current c1d visa and medical for cruise work). I'm an experienced player, great reader who plays double and electric bass. Please visit http://www.geoffchalmers.com/
  16. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' timestamp='1323075326' post='1458825'] Looking at the suggestions already posted, I'm wondering whether taking the rubber bung off the endpin spike and harpooning a tennis ball with it might be worth trying? Perhaps along with plugging the f-holes [/quote] I guess it's worth a go, but I've tried loads of similar things & didn't get anywhere. It's a real pain. Let us know how you get on.
  17. Very unusual bass. Great to see something different. Good luck with your sale.
  18. I have this problem. It's a real drag and if you are using the bow it's even worse. Practice mutes help, but don't solve the problem. I've reluctantly decided to buy an EUB. I'm staying in a hotel till christmas eve and I'm going mad not being able to practice. I'm now spending my time trying to find an eub as much like an upright as possible.
  19. Looks loads better. Really well laid out and I'm loving the campus! http://forums.scottsbasslessons.com/
  20. Keith is a great guy and fantastic musician. One of basschats finest!
  21. What a smith! Just incredible!
  22. Hi Keith, It's always a pleasure visiting. You still have the best collection of basses/amps and are really kind to let me play them. I loved all your EUB's and hope to be adding one to my line up in the near future. Cheers Geoff
  23. I love the look of these and the guys on Talkbass rave about them.
  24. Great news Steve. Best wishes for a speedy full recovery. Cheers Geoff
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