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Total Watts

  1. What's so good about old basses? Do you mean Vox, Burns, Hofner, Ampeg, even old Gibson basses (Ricks the possible exception)? Nope, it's straight into the price of 50's Fenders! Why are they expensive? Fender pioneered the electric bass, everything else followed! If you want to spend you dosh on a 60's jazz or an Alembic that's your choice, but their pricing is always going to exclude a lot of us (me included). Your not going to find either going cheap. That's just the way it is unfortunately.
  2. Also, wires appear to be both cloth and plastic, so not sure if internals are original? Any Fender experts out there?
  3. Leeroy, I'd pass on this one. Way to expensive, although 70's lefties are harder to find, probably quite heavy and a shockingly bad 'aged' refinish. I've got a black '73 Jazz and the paint wears where the strap/arm rubs along the top back edge, pick marks between the pups and belt buckle wear at the back. The one in the picture was played obviously by someone sitting slouched who uses their elbow as anchor! Avoid unless the price comes down significantly. Nice colour though.
  4. As for having a pint with Macca, his ex cited him as a dope smoking alcoholic. Maybe that's why he named his daughter Stella. They also did a poll on Heather Mills, is she the most hated blonde in Britain? Half said yes, the other half reckoned she's not a natural blonde! :lol
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='289326' date='Sep 22 2008, 05:19 PM']Demeter Compuator with passive... yup. No distortion. Demeter Compuator with active... nup. Distortion.[/quote] Strange. Check out Bongomania's review. He reckons far more probs with active hot signals with an EBS?
  6. [quote name='steve' post='289445' date='Sep 22 2008, 07:57 PM']bump[/quote] PMed re:Brick
  7. My first no name cab - weighed a ton, (black widow speaker sounded great though) bought in Chatham, Kent, belonged previously to the bass player in Mud. This fact alone should have entitled me to get a discount!
  8. The Joker Steve Miller Band
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='275663' date='Sep 2 2008, 06:02 PM']Monster cables. Alex[/quote] Out of curiousness why?
  10. I've seen ads for coffin shaped bass cases, as well machine gun shaped basses, basses shaped like boobs (I swear) and axes (the chopping, pillaging kind, single and double headed for maximum 'slaying' power). What the hell is that all about? Strangely enough though, I've never seen any such basses in guitar shops. Where do they all go?
  11. Brian Fox is the ghost of Christmas future - that will be me if I don't get myself a girlfriend and get my ass down the gym pronto. I'm scared, very scared to think the only thing I'll be spanking in my late forties/early fifties is my bass (and looking at Brian probably myself!).
  12. [quote name='uptonmark' post='274907' date='Sep 1 2008, 08:29 PM']ashes to ashes - david bowie[/quote] That little bug of yours nearly gave me a f**king heart attack! Last year I DJed with my laptop at an outdoor festival. I got about six lightening bugs/thrips/small black bugs like felt-tip marks under my screen which promptly died. Had to have the whole top screen section replaced - 17" MacBook Pro! Laptop out of warranty but Apple replaced free of charge, upgraded to glossy screen and replaced a blown battery - £460 worth of repairs gratis!!! You can imagine my initial reaction to your graphics!
  13. Up The Creek (Without A Paddle) by The Temptations, double thump/thumb. Funky as f**k.
  14. It's strange because you don't seem to find right-handers uncomfortable with right-handed instruments opting to play left (you could always turn a bass the other way up). It seems like a southpaw thang.
  15. why don't you try contacting the band and asking what equipment he uses. this is the age of my space etc.
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