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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Evening all, I highly doubt I'm the first to ask this... I've got an Ampeg BA115HP and I was wondering if I could hook up another Cab (another 15" Ampeg) to it. If so, would it be easier on the Combo/better sound? Or should I just save up and get a head and Cab? Thanks in advance - Very new still Garth
  2. I just spoke the them now, all cleared up. Going on what you guys recommend UPS is the one. I'll let you know how I get on
  3. HI all, I'm trying to arrange collection for a bass in a hiscox case. It will be bubble wrapped also. 1, Which way do you measure it? Is the thickness the height or width? 2, The dimensions are L -1175mm W - 349mm H - 65mm 65mm seems very small??? Any help would be fantastic Thanks
  4. I have disgusting PBass GAS. Up until a few days ago I had 5 PBasses, sold one to fund a Jazz, now I'm probably going end spending that fund on another P. Don't know why, I've just got an uncureable PBass addition.
  5. [quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1475701546' post='3148163'] Car paints are often acrylic, so acetone will most likely work. Just apply using a rag and it should rub off easily. [/quote] Thanks mate I'll give it a whirl tomorrow
  6. I used car paint last time, so I thought it'd be ok to use again. How wrong was I?! Hopefully, the last owner didn't key the Poly underneath, so it should still shine.
  7. Made a few inquiries about these today. They're out of stock everywhere. I'm in the process of selling my bike, so it#d be rude not to spend it on a Bass.
  8. I still consider myself a beginner bassist. I first picked up a bass a few years ago, and played for a few months/years on and off never really got anywhere. Then I decided to buy my own bass, something that was all mine and not borrowed. It took off from there, I'd sit in the attic with youtube and my bass (at the start all I had was a 15w Park Guitar amp). I'd pick songs and try and play them. If I couldn't then I'd move on for a few weeks and find something else to play. My musical influence is anything from Motown, Punk, Rock to Hip Hop. It helped having a broad influence, and knowing that to get the sound I was happy with then I'd need to learn to play with fingers, since a pic was my first way. As time went on, I went back to those basslines I ''couldn't'' do. It was really nice to see my playing come together with experience. Now I get excited to hear something I can't wait to finish work to go home and have a go! I saved up and bought a proper Ampeg amp, and was blown away by how good a good bass amp sounded. Along with this I developed GAS, and bought and sold a few I didn't get on with but my main bass is still here. With this, a few guys who used to play in Punk and Rockabilly bands back in the late 70s early 80s needed a bassist. So I though what the hell. Now I'm in my first band, with my first gig booked in March. I was literally dripping with sweat on my first practice as I never played in front of anyone before, let alone people who can actually play. Turns out I'm ready for gigging, something that meant to me you had to be awesome and confident to do. Well I keep time and I can play everything they've thrown at me and I'm on top of the world at the moment. It has helped my playing big time playing with others, especially a drummer. I now play to learn, I don't want lessons or anything (not that I think anything is wrong with that at all), as I find part of the fun for me is the learning and working stuff out for myself. If I get stuck, I'll ask, but part of the challenge lays in me using my own head and trying. Also I've already noticed that this forum is a fantastic and very knowledgeable place to be. I've asked a few questions already, and all advice has worked, so cheers for that! Garth
  9. HI all, In my infinite wisdom, I decided to refinish one of my Precision's. I wanted to go for the horrible Jean Jacques Burnel Green & Yellow with Tort PG finish as seen on his early videos and photos. I set about prepping the body, got the paint and go stuck into it..... Well trying this finish, and not getting it wrong (even though by all accounts the original was bad) it came out the wrong shade, wrong place and to make matters worse, the paint went really bad and reacted. Now the back looks like rippled stone chip. How do I get this off? I've tried a little black & decker sander, and it just clogs up the sand paper. Now I managed to get to the ''Original' finish and it was black originally. Then it went Vintage White and then my horrific finish. Do I go, Hairdryer Scraper combo and get everything off even the original finish? Or Sand 7 shades out of it and spray over the top? Any help greatly received Garth
  10. Thanks mate I'll have a look 👍
  11. Hi all I'm toying with the idea of making a Paul Simonon replica with one of the basses I have here. On his 3rd (the one he uses now) he has cream pick up covers. I've found some on eBay, uber cheap. I have standard Squier pick ups. Will they fit? Thanks in advance.
  12. 😂 Yep I definitely have that It's fine now, in fact I can't put it down. I'll still buy some fresh rounds for it, as the spare E was old anyway. It's a cracking bass, wish I bought the black one a week earlier but I'm happy with the vintage white. May refin it in the future.
  13. What does GAS mean? Yeah, I bought another precision down the road last night at 10pm 😂
  14. [quote name='MattM' timestamp='1472893505' post='3125082'] I'd agree with Squier option. - the Matt Freeman is brilliant, one just went on eBay for £199 a couple of days back, the Classic Vibe are also meant to be good. Would go down the Squier route as resale will be easier if you don't get on with it, or if you want to do some mods. [/quote] I think it was me who bought it. I missed the Black MFPB and settled for the Cream MFPB. It got delivered today, changed a string and it is mental. Ive also got a 70s VM PBass that I love. You can get a lot for your money for £200.
  15. I knew it was a good idea joining here. I've learnt already 😀 Legends 👍
  16. Just launched a spare string I had, instant cure. Mega happy thanks guys
  17. Excellent I'll do that right now Cheers mate
  18. Hi all Just took delivery of a Squier Matt Freeman Signature Bass and after a tune and playing with a Pic the E seems to be well a bit tone less. I got the tone on full and all others sound full, even tried my other Basses and it's definitely something up with it. It's virtually brand new, real low action, probably too low, plays fine but just can't pin point why it's doing it. Would a new set of strings cure it or is it a Pick Up issue? Any help would be fantastic so thanks in advance 👍
  19. Thanks guys! Hoping I'm going into a new chapter of bass playing now. I'm practicing my spuds off 😂 Cheers
  20. Hi all Thought I'd introduce myself. Names Garth, 31 from the valleys in South Wales. I've been playing bass properly for about 2 years. I have developed an addiction for all things 4 string. I currently own a Flea Bass Model 32, Squier VM 70s PBass, x2 Refinished Squire PBasses, Squire Mike Dirnt PBass and soon a Squier Matt Freeman PBass (waiting on delivery). I run these through an Ampeg BA115HP. My idols/influences are Flea, Jean Jacques Burnel, Simon Gallup, Peter Hook, Klause Fluoride and Paul Simonon. I've just joined a few old punks in a band for a private gig in March, it'll be my first time performing to an audience. Nervous is an understatement. Looking forward to learning from here. Cheers
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