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Posts posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. I agree with the above comments, they are a great amp, but just not quite loud enough with an acoustic kit, unless your drummer is meek.
    If you're playing with PA support and can get it near ear height it would cover gigs, the DI out is good.
    Also, something I considered was adding a speaker out skt so you could use it with a bigger cab. Now that might just about cut it for gigs. I wish I'd tried it with my Compact.

  2. Yeah, who else spotted Bill Wyman playing a Travis Bean for about a nanosecond. I got so excited I got the Mrs. to rewind and freeze frame while I pointed it out to her! She even pretended to be interested for me. She's a keeper, that one!
    As you were....

  3. I'd try ScotchBrite, the plastic scouring stuff. Works surprisingly well on metal, and won't get stuck (magnetically) to the pickups. You may also want to mask the plastic body as it is pretty abrasive stuff. You could make a mask with a bit of cornflake packet and judicious use of a hole punch...

  4. pat Metheny plays fretless guitar on some albums. I always assumed it was some synrh treatment until I read the album sleeve more carefully.
    It's a nice sound for solos. I wouldn't like to try playing full chords though, I have enough trouble intonating one note on the bass....

  5. I play in a three-piece where the guitarist/writer demos his tunes with him playing the bass.
    he is just about ok on bass but often his lines are really predictable or ordinary.
    The trouble is, if I deviate from what he has recorded, it throws him out completely! Even playing the same thing an octave higher will earn me a nervous sideways glance.
    There are some songs where I get a bit more of a free rein, but mostly it is quite stultifying.
    I'm really only doing it to keep my hand in, as my other band doesn't play that often, and almost never rehearses.

  6. Is there anything not to like about these? Serious question.
    I'm getting johngh's off him at the weekend, never having played one, but if I had seen this first....
    I like the idea these have graphite rods in the neck, I've 2 other basses that have them and I like what it does for the sound.

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