Ok, I'll try not to waffle on too much, but here's the background:
About 25 years ago, I got a nice new Electrovoice EVM12L for a bargain price and put it in a little cabinet to use as a bass and guitar extension cab.
It sounded fine for guitar but was always a bit farty for bass.
I looked at it yesterday and realised that there was no gasket between the speaker and baffle (for all these years!) so I fitted one and bingo! no farty even on a 5 string.
So now it is capable of making a decent sound, I think it could use tuning.
Internal dimensions are 38x35x19 cm and there is a 3" hole in the baffle, no porting (hole for a tweeter?)
Given the smallish volume, should I block the hole off, or add a port tube to tune the cab? There seems enough top end to not need a tweeter.
Any suggestions re tuning length etc. welcomed, cheers.