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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. I wonder if the type of interest generated is at all related to which tags you use on your tracks?
  2. I did one of those, took 4 flushes to get rid...
  3. You MUST be doing something right! arf arf!
  4. Do you ever find you start out in one direction and end up somewhere quite strange? I often find the tunes take on a life of their own and lead me to odd places. Or is it just me?
  5. Glad you didn't post a photo of your junk here. ..
  6. How about keeping the bridge e/a pickup in the same place and just adding a reversed half p pickup that you can switch between for the d/g? Best of both worlds for when only that clavinet sound will do!
  7. Pendulous charms sounds like a possible title for my band's first album ( we are Charms Against the Evil Eye)! If we ever get round to it.
  8. Glad to hear my old Laney is still going! . I too found it broke up before going too loud, but I never used it on a gig in with bass...
  9. Have you played through the whole lot together? That would shift some air!
  10. I've got Wheels by King Crimson firmly embedded in my head now. I guess there are worse starting points!
  11. I can't believe a couple of folks voted for my sorry effort when there's so much better on offer this month. No accounting for taste, eh?
  12. I've not listened to all yet but the standard is higher than ever. Kudos to the one that sounds like return to forever on a cosmic trip! The picture certainly fired up people's creative juices!
  13. As it was raining today I've chucked something together. Probably should have given myself more time to learn how to play in 23/8... still, that will probably be a first for the composition challenge, if nothing else. Will check the mix after Strictly 😓 It's not very good
  14. I've found that on guitars that haven't been used for ages that it's often NOT just the tip contact that's bad, it's the contact to the ground of the Jack that's poor. Try roughing that up with fine wet n dry paper wrapped round a small screwdriver. Don't forget to clean it thoroughly afterwards.
  15. It could well account for the distortion at higher, er, distortion levels!. As far as you can tell, is the whizzer attached ALL the way round, with no air gaps?
  16. I fixed one of these up for a friend of our drummer. The neck did need a shim as suggested earlier, then it set up lower than any bass I've ever done. Absolutely superb neck. That was a 5 string too. The tuner shafts were dead soft though. One was slightly bent, and broke at the split when I took that string off.
  17. Hohner Jack custom: http://www.studiobluecheese.plus.com/artists/angel_train.htm
  18. Nothing sounds quite like these. It is a glorious sound! Mine was a heavy example, nearer 12lbs iirc
  19. Has the headstock been reshaped? I don't remember these in a 4+2
  20. Nice bass sound. Good recording all round!
  21. Andy, are proverbial busses little tiny ones?
  22. A chrome Tele style neck pickup cover would look nice on that, or a lipstick one?
  23. What is it you Don't like about them and what are your tone goals? This would be a good starting point before people start weighing in with random suggestions.
  24. just trying to be helpful, but I would remove the flowers just to show that the finish isn't faded or leaves and impression.
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