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Everything posted by MoonBassAlpha

  1. Studiospares have knocked £20 off their M2000 open backed monitoring/mastering headphones, now £49, I've just picked up a set. I already had the 1000 (closed back). I could see the open backed ones being handy for my drummer so he won't feel so isolated when recording. Also, surprisingly, there's very little spill from the open backs too, you could easily use them for tracking vocals. https://www.studiospares.com/Headphones-and-Speakers/Headphones-Studio/Studiospares-M2000-Studio-Headphones_448780.htm
  2. Coincidentally, I recently had a similar sort of jam, where I was the new guitarist, drums and bass already played in a different band. We just jammed some grooves, I played rhythm, and gave the bass room to extemporise, and i played a few melodic lines and tried to avoid widdling, for the most part . The drums just played funky with very little in the way of fills and certainly no solo! We gave each other space and it was really enjoyable. Was kinda nerve wracking for me as I hadn't played guitar in a band for 17 years. One of the bands they like is the New Mastersounds, and the resulting recording wasn't too far off, for a first time jam. So, it can be done!
  3. If your eventual solution involves physically unplugging one bass and plugging the lead into the other, i would highly recommend a lead with a Neutrik silent jack on that end. It completely eliminates that nasty buzz and click as you swap over.
  4. Are the guitar cabs on the market yet? I've not noticed them on the website.
  5. Your 'age' presumably being the 1600s?
  6. Any hints before it goes up to get the imagination going?
  7. A work colleague said the performances were spot on.
  8. The shape is ok but the logo looks like letraset.
  9. Those pickups that the Fender 12 string Hockey stick thing sound ideal https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scottymoore.net%2Fimages%2Feguitars%2Fmovieguitars%2FXII%2F1966ElectricXII12stringLakePlacidBlue.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scottymoore.net%2Fepm_propXII.html&docid=MbbjbQTiYGu3UM&tbnid=TddNCslPaLegJM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjXlLCRq7PeAhWlJcAKHRgYDlYQMwh4KA0wDQ..i&w=450&h=640&bih=858&biw=1161&q=fender 12 string electric&ved=0ahUKEwjXlLCRq7PeAhWlJcAKHRgYDlYQMwh4KA0wDQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  10. Kent Armstrong, or Seymour Duncan. I'm sure one of those 2 has swirly pole pieces, just can't remember which.
  11. You could tilt the pickups at a jaunty angle to bias them towards the strings you want. The middle 2 strings may get quieter as a result, but it's got to be the easiest and cheapest thing to try. Maybe then you could use the pole pieces to compensate volume inequality.
  12. If the 90-95% thing really works, why not wire a 47k resistor in series with each pickup and use the volumes or blend to their max (assuming 500k volume pots), or 22k with typical Fender jazz 250k pots.
  13. You saw the Spoons ? I grew up following them around the Watford and North London scene, a thoroughly amazing and talented band at such a young age. There was nothing else like that on the pub circuit at the time. Did you hear their album? Doesnt quite catch their live experience but still some great tracks.
  14. Hi all The Cellar venue (also known as the Corn Dolly years ago) is under threat of closure unless they can install improved emergency exit(s) to comply with current regulation. They are trying to raise a lot of money (80k) by the end of November, a big ask! People who have played there or seen bands there will know it as a decent venue with good atmosphere and sound system (though the acoustics can be difficult if it isn't rammed with people). Anyhow, there is a crowdfunder going, please chip in if you value one of your local venues: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/cellar-forever PS I am not affiliated in any way with the Cellar, I just played there last night!
  15. Likewise, I had to file a little bit off my humbucker neo D to fit my parlour guitar. My sound hole is approximately 80mm. I would also mention that the output of the passive model is really quite low, the active is hot as you like though.
  16. I had a Faith Saturn guitar which sounded very nice. Sold it on as it was too big for me. It was the size of a planet....
  17. I don't believe you! ...as if bass players can count....
  18. The cowbell in Beefheart's Sun Zoom Spark really makes it for me. More frantic than most cowbell cotributions. Less frantic, but nicely placed is the cowbell on The Mooney Suzuki's Alive and Amplified. The vibra-slap is great too, just can't think of any examples off hand.
  19. I agree it would be nice to have more current music of all genres on the telly. I'm trying to imagine what the retro channels on tv will be showing from the last 2 decades in 20 or 30 years time. Just Glasto highlights? no thanks.
  20. Very calming. Nice!
  21. Don't Bartolini pickups have blade magnets? Not sure how this information will help though
  22. Quite a '70s look to them. Would look great alongside a Bang and Olufsen music centre.
  23. Not digging the funk? Your Bootsy shades suggest otherwise...
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