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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. Ouch! Thanks for the opinions. I'll sleep on it but you may well see it listed here shortly - I'll need to sort out my subs first.
  2. Thanks chaps. There's nothing major that needs doing to the body that I'm aware of and agree that I'm sure with some work it would make a solid gigging bass. I'm now having 2nd thoughts about moving it on but having just picked up an Andreas Zeller Stentor from here I don't think I have space (or need if I was totally honest) for both. Overall this feels bigger than the A.Z and a little heavier.
  3. Not sure if this post is allowed so apologies if not but need some help valuing this bass before I decide to release it back into the wild. I'll caveat that if I do end up with a direct sale through here I'll ensure I've a valid marketplace subscription. I picked this up with the intention of getting the work done on it to bring it back to life. It's solid and playable but the bridge needs some work and the neck has gouged 'position' markers in the side (which I think are actually wrong as the bridge was well out of position when I got it). That all said, it's playable and has plenty of volume. I've now picked up another bass so can't see myself spending the money on this (unless you lot convince me otherwise!). Any idea of what it's worth now and also once up to spec would be helpful. The Wilson K4 pickup will obviously come off (which sounds great but I'd expect it too!).
  4. I thought I was ... I'd had the strings from either a previous bass or some bulk buy of old strings. Just eagerly whipped off the old G to find these have been cut far too short for my use. I'll check out the lenzler and see how much they are - if I can afford it is rather do this properly.
  5. I've read a few similar posts on here so don't want to tread over old ground but ... I think I'm ready to start my journey into guts. I'm not playing another that really needs the slap but rather interested in the tone and feel. I suspect I'll probably keep my Evah Weichs on the E & A and look for a gut D & G. Here's the question ... Will Superior Bassworks synthetic guts give me a good idea if I'm going to like guts? I have some to chuck on but wondered how close they're going to be to the sound/feel? Following that - what's a good starter gut without spending a small fortune? Has anyone used these - http://www.janika.co.uk/webshop.php?page=BSTRINGSGUTGD ? I don't think these questions have been answered before but please shout if I've missed a similar thread.
  6. Glad both the audience and yourselves enjoyed it. That's all its really about. And no rush for a live sample - only post something when you're happy with it. Good luck again on Saturday and look forward to hearing the report.
  7. @Happy Jack Hope the gig went well. And how did the Tonedexter fair? Looking forward to your report.
  8. Yeah - I remember when I looked at these i struggled to find any outside the US. Looking forward to the gig report. Out of interest and as a point of reference what was your gigging signal chain before? Did you have an AI Clarus? Are you now going straight to the PA with the tonedexter?
  9. I'll also be following this thread with interest. I'm pretty sure that Daniel Kimbro was using one of these on his last tour over here with Martin Harley. Not heard of that many people using them over here. I'd also be interested to know what results you get blending a fantastic sounding bass with something that doesn't sound as good. Does that work at improving the amplified tone of the lesser bass? @Happy Jack Did you buy direct in the UK or import it from the US?
  10. Thanks all. Not sure I like the idea of risking the import tax on ordering the adapter from the US. I did find these though - I wonder if they're still available somewhere and would work? https://www.musique-shop.fr/uk/steinberger-bass-string-adapter-4-string-bass.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-aGCBhCwARIsAHDl5x9YoCndcLGZ4232o0fuvcrxY05cpaRYf4mCUqja_tthJogr7GkMSecaAv0bEALw_wcB Otherwise it doesn't look much difference in price on ordering some double ball end flats or the adapter.
  11. Thanks guys. Double ball ends are still an option. I'd just wondered if possible to convert to using regular strings would open up my options (I also have some flats sitting around which aren't being used). I do like those tape wounds though ....
  12. I've got an old Hohner B2A fretless which I've been meaning to set up properly for ages. Does anyone know the best option to get some decent flats on these? Is it worth upgrading the headstock to take regular strings and if so which part do I need? I had a look on eBay and couldn't quite work out whether options I'd seen like this would do the trick ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-String-Electric-Headless-Bass-Guitar-Locking-Nut-with-Mounting-Screws-Wrench-/293146773871?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 Any help much appreciated.
  13. @L Proudfoot sorry - sold on eBay and I completely forgot to close this!
  14. I've been enjoying this thread so I better stop lurking around in the shadows ... One cover and one original for good measure. Both with my Knutson Messenger.
  15. I like the design but I'm always unsure about putting those micro switches so close to the foot pedal. They seem to risk getting obliterated by a careless stomp of the foot.
  16. Still fancying a change but may withdraw this soon - any takers at £525?
  17. I'd rather this sold locally with collection but if anyone is interested but needs this shipping then I can see if I can get hold of enough cardboard to wrap it at your expense and risk. Drop me a PM and we can talk.
  18. Bump and back to collection only from Teignmouth, South Devon. Could possibly meet up at Exeter services though if it helps.
  19. If anyone is interested in this but location is an issue there's a chance I can get it up to just north of Cambridge early next week. Please let me know if this option is of interest.
  20. There is a possibility that I may be able to get this moved to just north of Cambridge early next week (w/c 26.10.20) if that helps a sale. I'll need to check the details as it'll be asking a favour of a guest we have coming to stay but thought it worth mentioning as I know our location far down the South West could be problematic for some. Please private message me if this could help.
  21. Still not convinced I want to sell this so won't be coming down any further on the price but a small price drop to £550.
  22. Just to update this thread for future reference ... I sent my head to Laurence at AI Europe (@bassadder ) and he's done a fantastic job servicing it. Couldn't be happier with the response from him. The only slightly odd thing is that AI in the us didn't mention this to be an option until I confirmed it with them. I would have thought it's far easier for them to offer servicing in the UK than have everything shipped back to the states? @Happy Jack Did you get your amp serviced in the end?
  23. @Bloopdad1 Thanks - that's interesting to hear. I was looking at both the BB2 or the Fearless F112. I've just picked up an Acoustic Image Coda+ which paired with my PJB C4 works pretty well so it may be this is all overkill. I just need to keep something that works well for doubling gigs and BG. I guess I could pick up another C4. That said, it's all academic unless this sells and it is a lovely cab for loud gigs!
  24. I'd be greedy to take it as I already have a copy but @lozkerr has just bought my Stagg EUB so may be interested.
  25. @spyder Yup. Totally appreciate its terrible times - I'm hopeful we'll all get back out at some point though and fortunately not in a position where I have to sell this at the minute.
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