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Everything posted by MrTea

  1. Anyone tempted to shake the gods at £35?
  2. I bought this mid way through last year at the start of my double bass adventures on this forum but since having picked up an eminance EUB and an old Stentor Student 3/4 I can no longer justify keeping it. Except for one small nick it's in the same condition it came to me in (I'm not sure it ever even left the house more than once). Strung with silver slaps and a pick up installed. No case or stand with this I'm afraid as I'll be keeping them but have adjusted the price (I hope fairly) accordingly. The original ad had all the details so I'll hopefully be ok to quote that here: ++++++++++++++ These basses are made for Thomann by Hora in Romania. It's a standard 3/4 size bass but the body is only half the normal depth, so it's actually much easier to play. Top: Laminated arched spruce Back: Laminated arched maple Sides: Beech Ebony fingerboard 105cm scale length It is strung with SIlver Slaps, and comes with a J-tone Big double bass twin pickup (£44). I sanded and oiled the back of the neck to make it easier to play, which worked a treat. The fingerboard started to come away at the edges but I had it checked over by Ian Robinson (when he was based at GB Music in Bognor) and he gave it all a clean bill of health and confirmed all was secure. ++++++++++++++++++ Just to be clear - the stand and case are NOT included in this sale (I'm hanging onto those). Collection only from Teignmouth, South Devon. Feel free to msg with any questions or offers but I'm looking for a sale rather than trades.
  3. @andybassdoyle It can be a lot of fun. Basically like having 4 LS2s on your board with all sorts of other options. The HPF is great for fuzz and distortion and you can get some really mad effects using delay and reverb on loops C & D with the feedback control and changing the order. The little return/thru/mute switches allow you to change how each loop works when it's off - so you can keep reverb tails or cut it completely. It does take a bit of space though I'll concede that.
  4. That's a pretty big claim isn't it - 'fuzz of the gods'? I'm not sure if this is specifically a bass fuzz but it gives you 4 (fairly similar) types of nasty gated fuzz. The input control causes the fuzz to sputter - it works kind of like a gate. The big knob selects from the 4 fuzz variants and the other controls make subtle changes but I've no idea what they're really doing. This probably runs best with a clean blend through a LS2 or similar (or my wounded paw blender for sale in another thread) but if you like it dirty you could just stick it inline. If you need to know if takes a battery then shout and I'll whip the back off. I've always run it off a 9v supply (not included). Price includes UK postage. No money back for upsetting any gods.
  5. I've made another purchase so looking for a quicker sale and have reduced the price. Still liable to change my mind if other things sell ... Wounded paw v4 blender which basically allows you to run multiple effects loops blended with your original signal (or not). There's some neat stuff here with a high pass filter and multiple options on how each loop works (including quickly being to switch the way C & D feed into each other). I've debated letting it go or not but I'm not using effects as much at the moment and trying to rationalise so it's up for sale. That said I won't be too upset if it ends up staying! I haven't seen many of these over here in the UK. More info here - https://www.woundedpawaudio.ca/fx/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=13&zenid=cv6in8pqe8eqjn51f7eimkau90 As always - feel free to make me an offer on this as I've got my eye on something else and no offence will be taken 😉
  6. Me too but I'm sure that's because it's far harder to sneak stuff into the house with everyone at home.
  7. Fair point (ducks head back into the trenches).
  8. Without wishing to derail the thread isn't there an argument that your fingers should do the job instead of the compressor 🙄 Having planted that mine ... Tecamp Black Jag has one built in.
  9. Without wishing to derail the sale another +1 for these amps. Had the older Puma and only move it on as I got a Bonafide. Agree with @andybassdoyle that these work equally well for double bass. The taste control is a really effective way to shape the sound. Good luck with the sale!
  10. Sods law I order the wittner wire this morning! Although the more expensive option I thought I'd splash out having not spent much on the actual bass! I'll see how it goes.
  11. Picked up a cheap older stentor student tonight. The first job was to locate and extract the source of the rattle inside the body which turned out to a kids plastic traffic cone. Fairly easily extracted with a BBQ fork and some blu tac (no need to shake the bass above my head). I reset the bridge and started bringing it up to tension when the tailwire snapped (luckily before it was under much stress). Any advice on if there's any difference on replacing this? Also is it worth replacing the metal tailpiece with a wooden one? Will it make any difference?
  12. I'm sure if you have one for reference then getting an alternative made wouldn't be too hard. I've not tried a Clifton but the extensions do look good - I like the look of the addition of the lower support. That said, the combination of the support and endpin on the Eminance does a pretty good job for me.
  13. Had a £1 listing so stuck it on evilBay and sold on there.
  14. Just to close up this thread. Ordered and received the waist extension from the US. Cost a small fortune in the end for what it is (due to customs and processing adding whack into the cost) but glad I did.
  15. Reset the bridge again this morning and now everything seems fine. No idea what's different but it seems to have remedied my problem. Thanks for the help.
  16. Thanks @Silvia Bluejay I'll take another look tomorrow but again the position in your photos look to be what I'd expect. Out of interest, when looking through the f hole does the sound post also look like it makes contact under the bridge foot or does it look slightly further back?
  17. Thanks - and yup, I don't want to rely on those markers but as they're there I'd like it to be close if it can.
  18. @Burns-bass that's what I've also been taught but when positioned here say the D on the first string is sharp against the marker on the neck. Maybe the bridge is leaning forward and I'm not noticing it?
  19. This feels wrong ... I've been trying to set up my Eminance to get the intonation correct agasint the markers ... Everything I've ever been told or read suggests setting the bridge by the markers in the f holes. However my Eminance has the markers on the neck to guide intonation and if I set it using the usual method then by the time I'm up around the middle of the neck the pitch is out against these markers. I also noticed the sound post looks further back than I'd expect. I guess it could have slipped at some point but shouldn't that match the feet of the bridge? Any thoughts from other Eminance users?
  20. Picked this up a while back to try out a short scale bass but haven't found myself using it that much. That's not to say it's not a nice little bass - it very much is, just not been the right bass for the gigs I've had lately. It's a passive model in what I believe is the natural ash body. I bought it with the minor ding behind the neck heel and frustratingly the ding below the upper horn happened during transit. Once a strap is on you really don't notice this - it's not somewhere you ever really feel but there's no denying it's there! I've tried to price accordingly. No case (either hard of soft) with this. Ideally a social distanced collection would be preferred (payment up front via PayPal or bank transfer and we'll arrange a time I can put it on a stand in my front garden, step back and you can take it) but happy to talk couriers at your expense. IM if you want to discuss that and I'll dig around and confirm I have suitable packing before we complete the deal. Would probably prefer to ship with the neck off. I think you can only get the active models now but more info on the chowny website here: https://chownybass.com/product/swb-1-scott-whitley-signature/
  21. The endpin bar is a neat addition and goes a long way to help steady it. It's a shame I can't find a waist extension closer to home but I may end up biting the bullet and ordering one.
  22. Thanks all. I must admit I considered if I could get away without it but being relatively new to upright I have a tendency to grip a little tight on the left hand and thought the waist rest may help. That said at the price imported from the US (looking to be around £60) I may have a think about making something. I didn't want to end up putting too much pressure on the taper.
  23. Just got myself an Eminance portable upright and like many threads have said before it's a great instrument. Maybe not as loud acoustically as I'd hoped but sounds lovely with a little amplification. Unfortunately it's missing the waist extension and before I go and order one from the US thought I'd just get peoples thoughts on here. Does it do a good enough job or do others end up switching this for something custom? Shipping costs are going to add up on ordering it so didn't want it to arrive then wish I'd rolled my own.
  24. Top Baschatter to deal with. Good communication, fast payment and made the sale a pleasure.
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