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Posts posted by mikel

  1. All I ever wanted to be was a footballer. I played constantly and dreamed of nothing else, the only problem being I was rubbish. I dont mean not good enough, I mean absolute rubbish, couldn't even get in the school team. Then I discovered music and my dream became playing on the stage at Newcastle City Hall. Havent done it yet but I live in hope. Not Madison Sq Garden, or the O2, but the City Hall. I have seen all the greats play there from Yes, Tull, Genesis, ELP, Stones, Roxy Music, Queen etc etc and I would love to play on the same stage in front of my home audience.

  2. 9 hours ago, StickyDBRmf said:

    You lucky devil. And for me this is not something that has developed as I've gotten older (or the result of drinking and drugs, which were in play). And I did well in school in tests. Like, I could "cram" the night before, or, usually, the study period before the test. Ahhh

    It must be selective. I have a shocking memory for almost anything but music and especially lyrics. I can be introduced to someone, and by the end of the conversation you could torture me for their name and I would be incapable of producing it.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    I suspect his sons don't identify with their Dad's roots...

    Friends of mine have been unfortunate enough to encounter Otis in his role as Joint Master of the South Shropshire Hunt!


    Quite. He seems to all intents a bit of a Richard. Doubt his dad is very proud. I am with Sting where gifting money to children is concerned. You make your own way in the World and appreciate what you get by working for it.

    • Like 2
  4. Anyone on here with experience of the Boss BR80 digital recorder? I am a luddite where recording is concerned and I like the idea of a stand alone recorder for jotting ideas down without the need to connect to computers, interfaces etc. It can also be used as an interface according to the blurb, so expanding its capabilities for future use. I also looked at the Tascam DP008EX that also seems simple to use but does not appear to have the audio interface capability. Any thoughts on best buy, performance, interface capabilities?  Thanks in advance.

  5. On another tack. I have taught a few people to play drums, and others to play guitar. Rather than telling them this is what you have to do, I ask them to pick a song they love and would like to learn to play. That way they are interested, motivated and not overwhelmed by "learning to play an instrument". I was never interested in going down the learning to read music or practicing rudiments route, they don't hold my interest or excite me. By learning stuff I like I learn almost by osmosis. I found I could teach people to play at a basic level with this method, and if they wanted to take it further they could find a music teacher or invest their own time into learning scales, rudiments, theory etc. Each to their own.

  6. Always been my problem, inability to focus. My brain keeps saying "Oooo look at that, and that, and that" The only way I can fully switch it off is to read a book. Reading seems to engage my wayward mind. I never misbehaved at school, I simply found some of the subjects mind numbingly boring and frustrating. Needless to say I was not academically clever, but have since qualified as a toolmaker and passed many athletics coaching exams.

    • Like 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Damn, I've had to turn down a Central London function gig next week as I'm out of town! Gutted! 

    And I see that live music venues can open at 50% capacity and serve alcohol to ticket holders?

    Consider yourself lucky. If you live in the North you cant even sit in a cafe and have a coffee. You must get a takeaway and stand outside and drink it as even the seats outside have  been removed of quarantined. Despite the fact London has an infection rate as bad as where we live. Grrrrrr.

  8. 1 hour ago, Al Krow said:

    Blimey you do live in a sheltered world. Where do you think a big proportion of our taxes comes from to fund our public services?

    Perhaps start with profitable private sector companies paying the wages of millions of individuals who pay income tax and NI and VAT on stuff they buy; and the companies, themselves, pay corporation tax on their profits.

    The alternative is Communism where the State does everything. I think you'll find it wasn't that popular.

    Absolute rubbish. Most of the huge companies are allowed to get away without paying tax. They also pay poverty wages and the taxpayer, you and I, take up the slack with benefits paid for from our taxes. So we subsidise the millionaires. So communism is the only alternative? Get real, socialism is the answer. The essentials need to be state owned, gas, water, electric, health, public transport etc, everything else open to private enterprise.

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    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, PaulWarning said:

    nothing wrong with using the private sector if they do it better and cheaper, the fact they make a profit shouldn't be the issue. Ideology shouldn't get in the way of getting the best deal for the tax payer,

    When the term NHS for sale is used, the implication is that it won't be free at  the point of use, as far as I know none of the main parties have ever been close to saying that

    Private will always cost more, making money is the only concern of private commerce. They have to do everything a service does, but make a profit on top. Look at our shambles of a private rail network. The highest rail prices in Europe by a long long way, and unreliable. A service should be just that, not an excuse for some company to make millions that end up in an offshore account.

    Dominic Raab said, a well funded NHS is a fantasy. Or some such.

    • Like 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, Woodinblack said:

    I am all for the NHS in a way the government really aren't, and yes, some people are doing it better as they are not ideologically opposed to it.  We have a 'free at the point of delivery' NHS despite the governments best attempts and hope it stays that way although it is being sliced up and sold to private companies, some of that is justified, some isn't, not all of it is in the interest of the NHS.

    But yes, we aren't america yet despite them wanting that, because they haven't managed to persuade the public it is in their interest to pay yet (like the rest of our services that have been whittled away) so there are reasons to be cheerful on that front. 

    Well said Sir. Still cant believe how blind some people are. Yes, we have the wonderful and grossly underfunded NHS, one of our national treasures, but for how much longer? If the Orange one had got another term we would be waving it goodbye very soon, still might.

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