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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Yep. Firstly is it true? So many lies in the last 8 months I simply don't trust this government. And.....how many will get through to those who need it most? Call me a cynic, but point out any aspect of the crisis they have handled even remotely well.
  2. The Police at the Mayfair in Newcastle, touring their first album. I had never heard of them but went along with a mate as it was a night out. Awesome is a much over used word, but they were nothing short of that. Probably the most exciting gig I have ever seen. They were so tight they were loose, and feeding off each other, improvising and scat singing. I was so impressed I bought a drum kit the following day, and 6 weeks later was doing my first gig with an originals post punk band. They were that good, and Stewart Copeland simply blew me away.
  3. Any Yes concert in the 70s. Mind blowing musicianship and band performance. Watching Chris play bass and knock out those perfect harmonies was a real education.
  4. The problem I have at the moment is the time frame. Drugs or vaccines usually take years to bring to market, because they are tested in extreme circumstances, because the cost of failure, ie Thalidomide, does not bear thinking about. Is a few months enough to test a vaccine?
  5. Agreed. I have a feeling quite a number of the public don't grasp the fact it is our money, tax revenue, and to blatantly waste it is misuse of public funds, a very serious offence. Not claiming any criminal behaviour, simply pointing our a legal point.
  6. If only. I would have way more confidence that Shrek wouldn't be making a fortune out of it.
  7. Yet another breathtaking co*k up by the establishment. Led by donkeys.
  8. "In my life" The Beatles. Perfect pop song with a perfect ending.
  9. Fine, but I am not interested in learning from things I dont like. Life is too, too short to take time up with that.
  10. I can only learn from stuff I like and enjoy listening too. As someone semi famous once said......"I couldn't wait to get away from school and having to learn what other people thought I should know, and read books about what I wanted to know." I'm paraphrasing but you get the gist.
  11. You can remember something, in its context, without using it as a tenuous analogy for today's situation. Sadly we Brits have a reputation for using it with depressing regularity. Almost every country in the World was involved to some extent in WW 2, most tend not to drag it up every time they have a national problem.
  12. Exactly. Still banging on about the war? Whatever your personal glass is we need to be realistic. If the vaccine is safe and efficacious, can be rolled out quickly and is available to those in need then great. But pardon me for being cautiously optimistic, too many false dawns recently.
  13. Well quite. Excuse me for being a sceptic but recent history would suggest the powers that be have a less than firm hold on either the virus or indeed how to combat it. And I am a glass overflowing guy, but also a realist when it comes to Britain's response to this crisis and the bumbling that has helped it thrive. I live in hope rather than confidence.
  14. The problem being finding enough staff to run the nightingale hospitals. We are 40000 nurses short to run our regular hospitals as we stand.
  15. Agreed. The bass is also my passion, I just wish I could compose an albums worth of great songs that I could play simple bass lines on and be as successful as Floyd. We can dream.
  16. Well, it is being manufactured in Belgium and has to be stored and transported at minus 70 degrees. I just hope nothing goes wrong at British ferry ports in January to hold anything up. Oh, wait........
  17. I suppose he found it more enjoyable and rewarding to help create some of the 20th centuries iconic music, rather than become a "Great bassist". I know what I would have settled for.
  18. Reading that I could hear Dave's voice in my head. He has one of those voices I could listen too all day, he could recite the phone directory and I would find it soothing.
  19. What was she doing taking a pet to a music gig? You should have been straight on to the RSPCA.
  20. Caitlin Moran wrote a very entertaining book (Damn, is that me being a critic?) about music journalism. How to Build a Girl. A good pi*s take on the subject.
  21. My prefect career, being paid to have an opinion. What could possibly go wrong.
  22. Aye a bit like trad folk music. It seems a nasal West country accent is the thing. I remember a folk busker in Hexham who I knew through a friend. Heard him singing in the street and I thought "Hang on, he had a softly spoken Geordie accent in the pub last night".
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