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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Dont care who he is or what his qualifications are, but he is wrong. I have used quality ear plugs for years and they have made a huge difference. Over ear defenders are good for industrial noise but hopeless for gigs where you need to hear the music, but quieter.
  2. Aye, so many "Im a Fender man", bassists out there. I have two Gibson EB3s and they are fabulous. I like the Firebird sound but they are just too big for me. Same as the anti Rickenbacker brigade, each to their own, never did old Chris from Yes any harm sound wise. Play what you like.
  3. Or it could simply be that there are too many of us for too small a market.
  4. As a band musician for over 50 years I am always grateful to be paid for a gig, regardless of the fee. I have never been a full pro, sadly, but I am aware that most venues have to make a profit or cease to exist. There are many ways to make a living, playing semi pro music has never been one of them. I gig cos I love it, any money left at the end of the night is a bonus.
  5. Lets just agree that everyone is different and learn in different ways. Knowing the far end of a fart about musical theory is no guarantee of skill or musicality, or the ability to busk. And, lack of grounding in music technique is no indicator when it comes to originality or inventiveness. Listen to the music and either like or dislike the players style and ability.
  6. No worries at all, simply making a point, as were you. Thats the way I learn and play, I have no problem with anyone else's stance. As for perfect progressions#2 thats fine, but its simply going over what has already been done to death. John and Paul decided to stop composing on guitars as they felt they were getting predictable, and began to use the piano as they had no idea how to play the instrument "properly" so would avoid obvious progressions.
  7. Not really, any improvement would merely be subjective. No such thing as good or bad music, just music you like and music you dont like.
  8. Quite, but music is not a definite, it is subjective.
  9. My take? Its their loss, I move on to bigger and better things.
  10. The thing is you dont really need to know. If it sounds good it is good, knowing why it sounds good does not make it sound any better.
  11. I am exactly the same. I love playing and gigging more so. If you like and enjoy what you play, and others want to be in bands with you then whats not to like. I dont play to be technical or clever I play what I feel fits the song. For me music is emotion or feel if you like, and if it feels good to me it is good.
  12. Whatever, life really is too short to hold a grudge. Have a good day.
  13. I didnt "Attack" anyone, I merely gave my point of view. No need to be sarcastic, its a bass forum and bye and large friendly.
  14. Of course. There ate companies I like and trust, I just dont start a forum thread to explain why and defend my choices at every turn. I just find it a little odd.
  15. Do you work for or have shares in Amazon? You seem very keen to promote the company.
  16. A 1 x 10" combo that weighs 2kg and sounds like a 1970s 100w Marshall bass head through two 4 x 12 cabs. That would sell, to me at least.
  17. Nail on head. Someone has to pay taxes, so it is, as usual, the small business and the ordinary working person that has little or no option.
  18. Aye, its easy to make excuses for Amazon to make ourselves feel better but the local shop cant get away with paying taxes, hence the decimation of the high street. Unfair competition is just that. Of course the Gov wont close the gaping loopholes, its the old boy network, and small business rarely qualifies.
  19. Returns can be made to any shop, its the law.
  20. So you only buy instruments from Amazon? We all work hard, its a given, and most shops I use will price match online prices.
  21. Agreed. They are cheaper cos they pay staff peanuts and dont pay tax. As far as I am concerned its unfair competition. I would never use them.
  22. The Cure were great, and what a bass sound. Kylie? What a waste of stage time. Her voice is so weak its no surprise the backing singers are louder in the mix. Walking round the stage in a series of outfits and letting the audience do the singing is not my idea of a good performance. Legend spot? It was a travesty to use the word.
  23. If it makes no difference to the sound then what is the problem? I have mates who play fretless and they play it for the sound, not the looks. Anything that makes an instrument easier to play and give you the sounds you want has to be a bonus.
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