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Everything posted by mikel

  1. It was a joke, mate. A ref to "The Chain", a song by the second edition of FM. The original and best FM formed in 67 with the incomparable Peter Green.
  2. Look for any keys heavy songs and go with them, no one will miss the guitar parts. Think Procol Harum, Spencer Davis/Traffic, Small Faces etc.
  3. If you are only playing Whiskey then ok, otherwise it's a 4 piece.
  4. Thin Lizzy? 4 musicians last time I looked.
  5. Get it right, please "The Prince of F****n Darkness" Ha.
  6. At least we simply have band/act names. We don't try to big them up and make them sound more important than they are, like the US. For instance; "The King", "The Boss", "The King of Pop", "The Queen of Soul" etc etc.
  7. Yep, thats the way I did it. Learn what you like and what you need. It remains fun and for me that is what music is all about. Playing about with bass lines I have picked up and sometimes morphing them to suit something else. The essence of our own music and the sense of rebelling against the establishment.
  8. UK by a long way. If you also consider Hendrix had to come here to be taken seriously and managed properly then he is a surrogate Brit. The list of genre inventing and boundary pushing acts from the UK is too long for me to bother with.
  9. Decided to avoid when I read that Tom Cruise, that well known Rock musician, was the star.
  10. That's what I said. If you don't like how they rehearse, how they play, the tempo or what they play then its not for you, so you walk. Its not difficult. How many bands do you know that would sit down and listen to a newbie telling them they are doing it all wrong? None. You simply say thanks but no thanks, this band is not for me.
  11. Thats what I said, but more succinctly. If its a try out and you dont like it, you walk. End of.
  12. Well quite, but if you are simply trying out with an existing band they are not concerned with opinions. They only want to find out if you can cut it and if you fit as a personality. If you like them and the music then wait till you are a real band member and then suggest things.
  13. The way I look at it is this, if you dont like what a band do, or how they do it, at the first try out, why would you want to be part of it anyway? If thats the way they like to do things, right or wrong, the last thing they need is the new guy telling them they are wrong. Keep shtum and just say its not for you.
  14. He was always my biggest suspect. Lets face it, he lusted after the trappings of deputyhood. The big hat, the waistcoat. Once he had those all he needed was the P bass and he was a shoo in for the local pub band.
  15. No idea but I wish the bloody council would get round to fixing it.
  16. "And if you could pick me up from my house and carry me onto the stage. Oh, and have a nice G & T waiting for me at the end of the gig"
  17. Surely playing with your mates is a plus not a minus? I would take it as a birthday present, anytime.
  18. The Shadows heyday pre dated the Beatles slightly. And they were mostly instrumentals. Wonderful Land still touches part of me most instrumentals cant find.
  19. Some on here say he was not a "Technical" bassist. Who cares? I take inventive and musical over technical every time. There are loads of technical bedroom hero's on youtube who dont have an original line in them. Thats why we will never hear of them again.
  20. /\ This. Try playing his lines and singing at the same time. As guitarists say about Hendrix, his playing can be copied by most competent guitarists, but he came up with it first, and back in the day.
  21. They have admitted in the email it was there error so I dont see a problem. You wont have a receipt for a used item so find out the current retail and claim that.
  22. Lots of guitar and bass tab sites out there, most are free. What site in particular are you calling out?
  23. When you can play with other musicians, and enjoy it. If the resulting noise sounds good to you then it is good.
  24. Never got the whole "New instrument being made to look old", thing. I have a 1972 Gibson SG they has been gigged hundreds of times and played most days when I am not playing bass. Its in great condition, and not just for its age. I have always taken care of it because I love its sound and playability. Would I like it anymore if were battered and scarred? No, not a bit. Frankly I don't care what a players bass looks like, if its 60 years or 6 months old, If it sounds good then it is good.
  25. Bouree by Jethro Tull, and I still love playing it.
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