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Everything posted by mikel

  1. True. I only used the term fun as I find them easier to play, lighter and lacking nothing in tone. Sold my two long scale basses. Quids in.
  2. I only play short scale now and wonder why it took me so long to get round to it. They lack nothing in tone and I find them easier to play. Have fun.
  3. If its pickup only it would help to know what area you were in.
  4. mikel

    My OP regarding party defections. It was not POLITICAL, it was a genuine question regarding the legality of MPs, from any party, defecting without a bye election. That's not politics its either law or ethics and nothing to do with my or anyone else's political leaning.

    1. ped


      I think it’s politics. Even if you don’t, it’ll lead to no end of bleating about ‘law and ethics’ neither of which I’m prepared to police when it does. I’m sure there are political forums you can join. I’m not trying to be rude, I honestly think it’s not for this site. I hope you understand. Thanks

    2. HazBeen


      We all know Sybil runs the forum, but yes, agree fully

  5. It would make much more sense for them to decide on the set list for the next gig and let you learn that and practice it with the band. That way the gig should go well and the pressure will be off trying to learn a silly amount of songs. Then you could work up another 5 or 6 for the next gig. That way the whole band would bed in the songs with the new member without learning stuff they hardly ever play. That can always be done at a later date.
  6. What about the all female band The Slits. Thats a fairly obvious fnar fnar.
  7. My post was partly tongue in cheek, but one member of a three piece has to have input regarding the bands music.
  8. I beg your pardon, drummers never have unnecessary or irrelevant opinions, and certainly not when a member of a three piece.
  9. For short scale you cant go wrong with D'Addario. If you want more tension in the strings go for a heavier gauge.
  10. That is beautiful. And my favorite colour. I feel a session with the debit card is in order.
  11. Its all about individual songs, not genre. Music I like and music I dont like. Simple. Anything from the 20s to yesterday, if I like it I like it.
  12. I am not arguing about who's fault the tax loopholes are, we all know and we know why they dont close them, as they could, tomorrow. My point being that the poorer you are the less chance you have to pay less, whereas billion pound businesses, who can easily afford to pay their due, choose not too. Most retailers dont use zero hours contracts, as Amazon do so you are wrong there. And you expect me to back them? Get real.
  13. I cant avoid paying my taxes, its paye and vat mainly. Amazon make billions and still skulk behind tax evasion. M n S paid more tax last year than Amazon paid in the last 10. Its unfair competition and the consumer chose it cos its cheap. Its cheap because we subsidise its lack of tax by paying the poor staff top up benefits to make up meagre wages. Say what you like, I vote with my debit card and its not going to those shysters.
  14. Great song, sung from the heart, so why not? Not all popular songs are rubbish.
  15. Great band and under rated musicians. My bro and his mates went to see Slade for a laugh back in the day. They still say its one of the best gigs they have ever attended.
  16. Until they start paying there due tax bill I will not use them for anything. They have destroyed competition and high street retailers by avoiding paying taxes and screwing warehouse staff. Awfull company. I dont care how "legal" their tax avoidance is, its morally wrong and unfair to competition.
  17. Aye, we had a WEM bandmaster pa back in the day. Each column had 2x12, 2x10 and 2 hf horns, only 100 watt pa but sounded loud and sweet.
  18. Yea but most of the none playing collectors buy simply to own what they hope will be a appreciating asset. Then flog it on when it is worth a lot more. Instruments were made to be played.
  19. Thats the odd thing about instrument buyers, it seems to me. They would pay more for an original instrument than for one that has been modified to play and sound better. If its going in a vault or a glass case to simply be looked at then ok, but I still don't get it. Gilmour is selling them, as he says, because they are guitars and they need to be played.
  20. Someone already stated above that it all goes to charity.
  21. Both of my basses seem to be called "For fecks sake" as its the phrase I use the most when using them.
  22. True, nowt worse than being revered as one of the finest live acts of all time. And I also hate drum solos.
  23. Dont think so. For me its more a case of being the right age at the time a form of music is popular, or even subversive. I wanted to be a musician in the late 60s to mid 70s so no surprise, I wanted to play rock and prog. No surprise that kids in the Punk era wanted to play Punk as it was their music.
  24. I love some of the punk stuff, same as I like some songs from most genres. Musically it was not new, it was a re hash of 50s rock and roll and as already stated, most of of it was shoyt.
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