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Everything posted by mikel

  1. My take also. Could be that "Classical" musicians do it and they are perceived as proper musicians so others follow suit. Just my take. A bit like drummers having to learn rudiments to play properly. They dont. I have drummed in bands for 50 years and never practiced a rudiment, I dont need to, they are simply a natural component of a drum groove or fill.
  2. I dont practice as such. I learn new, to me, covers to play in the band, or compose my own songs and bass lines. Doing so makes me play lines and techniques I would not normally employ. I cant stand regimented routines or structured plans/lessons, I had enough of that at school. For me music is freedom from all that. If I don't enjoy something I don't do It. If I were a pro session musician I would have to "Practice", but the very thought of having to play what I am told too is my idea of hell. I love music so I wont do anything that spoils my enjoyment of it.
  3. No they would not. Most average pub punters notice the feel and tempo of a familiar song, and as long as its not played far too slow or fast then they would not notice how exactly it was being played.
  4. If all are a decent fit then its simply down to personalities. Better to get on well with a good band member than put up with a great musician who is difficult.
  5. What a florid and overly wordy piece. Also the song was a true story about an American schoolgirl who shot a number of schoolmates. When questioned by the police as to why she allegedly replied "I dont like Mondays"
  6. £1500? It would need to be made from Unicorn horn and Faberge eggs to be worth that to me. If it is 8 times better than my Ibanez Talman then fair enough. I know , I am a tight git.
  7. Its not simply string gauge but technique. Lighter or less tensioned strings also need a lighter touch.
  8. It was another program about music, whats not to like?
  9. It seems to be a problem with Rotosound short scale strings. Poor intonation, more so on the E string. I use D'Addario, problem solved.
  10. It is. Like any stringed instrument, string choice and gauge is crucial, both for tone and tension. Lighter also need a lighter touch to avoid fret buzz.
  11. Aye, looking forward to it. Haggis, neeps, tatties and a few drams. On a lighter note we will be having Veggie haggis as I dont eat meat. The Mrs, who loves meat, prefers the taste of the Veggie option. Who would have thought? Still made by Macsween though.
  12. You can only try some and get the one that suits you. I have my favorite but that is simply personal choice. Enjoy the time trying out a few.
  13. Thing is it was about influential people involved with bass. Love or loath the Beatles, it's personal taste, but to say Macca was not influential is simply wrong. "Shoe horned in"? Get real, that's like saying you don't like Buddy Rich so he was not an influential drummer.
  14. It was great stuff, a programme about bass and a much needed one about music. Whats not to like if you are even a little bit into music? Oh sorry I forgot, someone's favorite or "most influential" bassist was not included.
  15. It was just a personal observation. I love Funk but never got the JB grunting, groaning and shrieking thing. As I say, my personal taste and that song does nowt to change it.
  16. Your experience is far from unusual, sadly. Lots of wannabees and delusionals out there where music is concerned. I think the bragging about being an ex sound engineer is the first red flag for me.
  17. Like most J B stuff I find it boring and repetitive.
  18. Are there version with "Extended improv parts" not a version of being "Creative" in their own way?
  19. Perhaps the band simply have a relaxed attitude to covers, perhaps its how they get the flavor of a song but do it their own way. Its rock and roll, there are no rules.
  20. Done it a number of times. My go to basses are now an Ibanez Talman short scale in black and another in green. Cheap as chips but I love everything about them. Sold my Fender and my Yamaha so quids in.
  21. Oh, and the standing on one leg. Is there a reason they use dropped tuning?
  22. Did they give you a list of songs to play during the audition? If so, and you worked on them till you had them down then no, you were not out of your comfort zone. You merely let the situation get to you.
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