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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Its a great rig, you cant beat moving some air where bass is concerned.
  2. Agreed, performance nerves are an awful thing. I have always struggled with white coat syndrome ie doctors, hospitals etc,to the extent I put off a minor op 3 times over the last 10 years through sheer terror. I had the op three weeks ago and coped very well with it and I put it down to reading "The Chimp Paradox" by Prof Steve Peters, the psychologist who helped the British track cycling team win so many medals. It really did help me to put things in perspective and concentrate on the process rather than the outcome of a situation. Give it a try its now on library shelves so you don't even need to buy it.
  3. 4 strings has always been enough for me and never been interested in fretless. 2 basses, 1 an Ibanez Talman short scale in black and a backup of the same make and model in green, job done. I use an effects pedal, but only when really needed, to achieve particular and distinctive sounds. The basses were both set up by a local luthier and with the strings of my choice give me all the sounds I need. Cheap as chips, reliable and with the added bonus of looking wonderful, to me at least .I have tried exotic and expensive instruments, active circuits etc but just find the extra controls a distraction. A good bassist mate of mine has a 1980s active Status. I dont believe he has touched the tone shaping controls for decades. Use what you need, what you like and my maxim is, keep it simple.
  4. You don't have to be brilliant, you only need to be creative.
  5. 1967 at the West Allotment CIU club. I was 15 and had been playing guitar for 3 months. I knew 6 chords, sometimes. We were a Blues Band. What the miners and their wives thought of 4 spotty teenagers playing "The Blues" is not on record, but I recall they were more enthusiastic when the Bingo was announced.
  6. As far as I can see that rarely happens, and if it does the culprit is usually called out or moderated.
  7. We all know what opinions are like, and it would be boring if everyone had the same. BC is 99% good crack and good advise.
  8. Dont believe I have heard a band or artist for decades that have made me think "Wow". A few interesting and entertaining acts but nothing that makes me jump up instantly buy it. Christine and the Queens doing tilted on the Hootenanny would be the last performance that made me shiver, but that was the music and the dance moves combined.
  9. Nah, you only have to appreciate musical talent. The boy can sing. He has a musical and soulful voice rather than the shouting and yodeling that passes for singing at the moment.
  10. I thought it was a good show. If you could not find something to enjoy amongst the many genres I would find it surprising.
  11. /\ This. Beware, I can see a lot of posts on here leading to the inevitable "Am I alone in thinking..."
  12. A book of Tab staves. When I have worked out a line I write it in Tab so I dont have to keep going back over the recording.
  13. Why would you take it any other way?
  14. Great, I love the Hootenanny, wouldnt be New Year without it.
  15. Its true. I remember when I was about 6 or 7 I got a bar of top quality Belgian chocolate for Xmas from an Aunt. I thought "What is this sh*t, could they not find a bar of Dairy Milk." The stupidity of youth.
  16. Snake oil. Even the drummers "Bum chum" is a waste of money. I can feel the bd through my right foot, as that is what is pressing the pedal.
  17. On a lighter note the missus got a box of Belgian chocs for Xmas. 1.3 KG it weighs. Now thats what I call a box of chocs. Mars bars? They are now a disgrace, one was a meal in itself back in the day.
  18. Aye, the high street is dying. Personally I refuse to buy anything from Amazon and I will maintain my stance till they stop abusing their staff and pay due taxes. It is un fair competition and the reason their prices are low.
  19. Another store I will miss. The number of cheap cd's and dvds I have bought in there simply through browsing re shelves, something you cant do online.
  20. Close to the Edge by Yes. In my mind the best of the late great Chris Squire. RIP
  21. If it does not groove its not funk. I am happy to sit on a groove all night if it serves the music. Lock in with the drummer and you are good to go.
  22. Living in the Past and Bouree, both by Jethto Tull. I like the rhythmic and melodic lines in both songs and by coincidence they are both in 5/4 time.
  23. Well, just another "I don't get this artist/act. Well I do" Personal taste is it not? Why not post about things we do like, if you dont like something then dont listen to it. Simples.
  24. His dad was Miles Copeland Jnr, he of the CIA. Miles Copeland the 3d was Stewarts brother and manager of The Police. Even more pointless and pedantic trivia.
  25. I am a bass playing drummer. Playing bass improved my drumming no end, I now leave more space for the bassist and realise we are more of a unit than two distinct entities. It also helped my bass playing for the same reasons.
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