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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Well quite, but what is a singer doing answering an add, insisting on songs, asking for the gig, If the partner is not on board in the first place. That was what pi**ed me off.
  2. Auditioned a female singer. She had sent us a list of 6 songs she wanted to sing, so we worked them up at home and had a run through without her to get them right. On the night she was good, not special but she could sing and had good timing. At the end of the night she was asking if she was good enough and we confirmed the gig was hers if she wanted it. She was really keen and gave a list of another 6 songs to work up for the next weeks rehearsal. Result we thought as all the songs were the style we played and we liked. Off she went saying "Looking forward to next week" The night before the next rehearsal, after we had spent the last week working up the 6 new songs, she phoned the guitarist and said " I cant take the gig my husband does not want me singing in a band" WTF?
  3. "Drummer who did no fills whatsoever for an entire rehearsal, just an occasional cymbal. His timekeeping was spot on mind!" The perfect audition I would have said, being a part time drummer myself. If his timing was spot on and his feel suited the songs then its a good audition. Fills and fancy stuff are for gigs if you get the position in the band.
  4. You think 250 watts through a 2 x 10 wont be enough?
  5. I mean its 250 watts, and with a 2 x 10 cab of the right ohms it will produce that figure. On its own, fine for home practice and rehearsals. I dont play in a loud rock band I play in a 5 piece funk band who play at a reasonable volume. I will also look at the GK 1 x 12 thanks.
  6. I may be miles out here but in the days of all valve amps were we not fairly sure of the power said amps would produce? Then it was simply down to the number of cabs and speakers to produce the volume needed? As I say I am guessing but I recall most 100w amps back in the day being similar volume wise through say a 4 x 12 cab.
  7. I am looking to buy a small lightweight combo that can be boosted with an extension cab for gigs. I am seriously considering the TC BG250 208 as its so small and light. Anyone have experience with the 208, or is there a better alternative?
  8. Hence the phrase "That I would never use". For most of us time is tight regarding music as its not our full time job. Why waste any of it listening too, deciphering and learning something that is completely alien to what you want and like to play? My musical theory is to drop stuff I dont need and get better at the stuff I do use and need. If I was a pro musician with 10 hours a day to practice then it would be different.
  9. Was Winter Song originally played on his fretless ?
  10. Brilliant, but how would it have felt standing in for Rod with the original lineup????
  11. Depends what you want to play or the style you want to have. If the part has techniques, phrasing or style that you would never use in the music you like to play then I dont see the point in learning to play it.
  12. Rod left in the 90s I think. I saw them at Euro 96 and he was then playing guitar. Saw them in the 0s with Jimmy Nail guesting on vocals. Good but never as great as the original shambolic lineup doing the Xmas shows at the City Hall.
  13. Great live band. How many of the original lineup are still in it? They played a farewell tour a few years ago called "Time gentlemen please" Surprised they are back for another go.
  14. No, not mine. I am looking to build a short scale, 30" bass. I have a bass body I can modify but I am having problems sourcing a suitable neck. Most of the sites seem to be American. Can anyone recommend a British supplier please?
  15. Big Beatles fan and I have no interest in re mixes. The original recording of almost any music is a snapshot of a moment in time, an era. I have no problem with the original recordings of any of the Beatles albums. The ones recorded in Mono still sound better in Mono than the faux stereo versions.
  16. First band practice with the Talman last night. When I took it out of the case and put it on the guitarist said "No bass tonight?" Yup, its a short scale I said. Its the first time any band member has noticed what I am playing, probably cos It looks more in keeping with my build rather than a long scale bass. I left the amp setting the same as my long scale Yamaha and the the keys and guitarist both mentioned how good it sounded. Not sure if they were impressed by the tones, or simply amazed that a "Small" bass could sound like a "Regular" instrument. I was well impressed with the sound, full and woody would be my take. I will be buying another in sea green finish as a backup, no more long scale basses for me.
  17. No. I want a newspaper to report the news. I dont need something to reinforce my own personal prejudice. I can make my own mind up about issues, I don't need a rag to tell me how to think. Give me the news, the bald facts and figures, not a heavily biased far left or far right view of an issue. Read the facts and make your own mind up, or, read a red top and simply hear what you want to hear. As for JD. Top bloke, good bassist and good musician/songwriter. His band of choice ended, for him, with the death of Freddie. Job done. His time in the spotlight also ended and he is happy with that situation. Why cant the press understand that some people are not fixated on staying famous.
  18. The missus buys the Sunday version for the crosswords, as they have cash prizes. Honestly. I flicked through the pages a couple of times but felt ill. If you want a particular bias in your chosen paper, ie, pro Brexit and anti Corbyn/Labor Party, then this is the paper to buy. If they can slant a story to show bias they do, to a massive extent.
  19. Funny that. I had the same thought about replacing the pups, as being a cheap instrument I assumed they would be the weak link, I was wrong.
  20. Bought an Ibanez Talman short scale yesterday as I am sick of struggling with long scale basses. I am only a little guy, with small hands, and I found the bottom 3 frets a stretch on a standard bass. I thought I would go for a budget instrument to be sure I could get away with the smaller size. Well....its a revelation, not just the ease of playing but the instrument itself. How can such cheap basses be so good? I changed the rubbish original strings for D'Addario round wounds and the guitar just sings. To say I am happy with the purchase would be a huge understatement.
  21. That is fairly often the only reason why some acts are disliked. As for "Mum rock" perhaps mum's are just like other people and have broad tastes in music. My mum, bless her, would have been 94 this year. Her favorite band was Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac, she was also partial to the Beatles, the Small Faces and Miles Davis. My dear departed parents saw my brothers band play 100s of times so they were well into live rock music.
  22. That's not important. Pick a bass you like the feel of, and with at least one tone you can use. Find an amp that amplifies that tone and still sounds good to you at volume and you are good to go. A lot of different sounds and tones can be achieved by using the amp or effects pedals. In a band/jam situation stand in front of the musicians and listen, It will be fairly obvious if the sound you are using fits with the music. If it needs changing then change it.
  23. Not to be flippant but a person who is good at playing bass with others would do it.
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