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Everything posted by mikel

  1. mikel

    Zoom R16 help.

    I am new to home recording and have a question. I will presently be recovering from foot surgery for 6 weeks at home and I thought I would use the time to record songs I have come up with. I want to use a stand alone portable recorder and I was thinking the Zoom R16 looks to have most of the basic functions and spec I require. Will I be able to record, mix and playback on the Zoom without having to link to any computer software? Thanks.
  2. Funk and Disco are the icing on the cake for any rhythm section. Never liked the music to listen too before I started playing the songs, now I enjoy it as much as any genre.
  3. As it would, it was only progressive at that moment in time, now its old, and probably dated.
  4. In a truly musical sense you would hope all stuff from the 20th century would sound dated now, or you could argue music must not have progressed. Just a thought.
  5. I think we have become too used to the over produced, glossy, grid tempo albums over the last decade or so. For me its the musical content that counts not the quality of the recording process. Listen to some of the old Blues and Jazz classics from the 40s and 50s, no production but great songs performed by legends. The 60s and 70s stuff is the same, just different recording methods. Song quality over polish anytime, for me.
  6. Making Movies is my all time favorite album. Music? Subjective?
  7. Any so called "New wave of British heavy metal" album. Over produced and thin sounding compared to the original heavy stuff.
  8. Although I feel the White Album is not a great one, I have come to realise that a lot of the trends and genres of music such as Punk, Bubblegum, Metal etc etc that followed, were covered on that album, so it was in retrospect groundbreaking.. They were already going there own ways by 1968, you can hear it in the music, most of the songs are individual efforts and that is probably why it was a double album.
  9. There are lots of so called classic albums I don't like and artists I "Don't get" but its all subjective, so no one but me probably cares.
  10. Mostly bass time for me. I was an avid follower of football, but the direction the game and the PL players have taken since TV money became the all pervading factor has turned me off completely. I watched the Iceland games as I think they mostly embody what football was like before Murdoch got his grubby paws on it.
  11. If the drummer is a dep, at short notice, and does not know the songs then it would make the job easier, always supposing written drum parts were available. Or If you want to learn a song note for note it would save time. Otherwise It makes no difference. I don't read drum music, never have and never wanted to, it was never on the agenda when we were learning to play as a band when we started out. I have never failed an audition because I cant read and I don't remember ever being asked If I could. I suppose it depends on the genre of music and the circles you move in.
  12. We always postpone if someone cant make it. We all learn and practice our individual parts at home, band practice is for putting it all together and working on dynamics and being tighter than a very tight thing.
  13. 1. Enjoy what I am doing, whatever it may be. 2. Not enjoying? Don't do it.
  14. I thought this was going to be another of Jamie's "Meals in Minutes"
  15. I have upgraded a bass or two in my time. I am using one at the moment. I loved the neck profile and the feel of the frets so I changed the pups and the tone pots, and loved the sound it now makes. I also changed the bridge and tuners for lighter items. I manufactured a new scratchplate so I now have a bass that plays, sounds, weighs and looks the way I want, and its unique.
  16. Agreed. I also drum in a band and timekeeping is the responsibility of all band members. Having said that If the drummer starts to speed up a song the rest are obliged to follow or the dancers in the audience will be all over the place. Whoever counts in or begins the song is responsible for the original tempo so its then down to them. When drumming If I am counting off a song I have a tempo watch set to flashing light so only I can see it. Each song is set to an agreed tempo and I use the count off to as a guide. No one calls me out for wrong tempo songs. It is also a big part of a drummers skill set being able to keep a constant tempo. If your drummer cant do that they need to work on it or use the tempo watch for the whole song.
  17. Yep, Dyad. You should have asked the guitarist in the band. Three notes Triad. (Spelling)
  18. Well, quite, but I came to a thread about someone finding and enjoying C and the Queens to give them a bit of background. You seem to have joined a thread about an act you clearly don't like, simply to say how much you don't like them. Why bother? It wont change the OPs opinion.
  19. Hardly, she is a dancer and singer, its part of the song, she is an entertainer. Beyonce merely employs dancers to draw attention away from her poor singing. Throw away pop? Well, you can call it what you like I call Tilted, the whole experience, a breath of entertaining air.
  20. They were on the Hootenanny last new year, the live performance of Tilted was spellbinding.
  21. And who tells us its a better option? If a band is doing a recording then I want to hear the band. If the studio finds it easier, for them, to substitute the instruments, its time to find another studio.
  22. Depends who leaves. On the drummer issue...if the band drummer cant come up with better drum parts than a programmer, you need another drummer. What about getting a bass machine instead of you, would you like that?
  23. I dont read it every week, it popped back up near the top of the threads so I thought I may have missed something special. No, just a load of moaning. See what I did there?
  24. Quite, but why do so many come on here, week after week to beach about it. And Jules playing honky tonk piano? Its what he does, its a bit like beaching about Ozzy coming on and playing metal.
  25. More musicians on here knocking performing musicians on tv, no change there then. Dont watch it if you dont like it.
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