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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Orchestral music is not like the music played in pubs and clubs, itwas never intended to be. Pub bands have to get people dancing and big variations in volume are rarely writen or performed in popular music. Subtle variations are easy to pick up in a concert hall by a seated audience, not so much in a noisy pub.
  2. Conflict is all well and good once you are a band member, for an audition do what is asked for. In fact, learn 11 and see if they let you play the extra one.
  3. If you are going down the having an instrument made for you please try and get something different. The world does not need another bass that looks exactly like a Jazz
  4. Surely the same can be said for all guitar and bass brands, if that is really how you think.
  5. True, but why not? Trump claims EU steel is unfair competition, meaning the U S steel industry is simply not up to speed and fails to compete. We could do the same to their musical instrument industry. Even better, tarrifs on all the junk food they dump on the unsuspecting.
  6. Fender basses and more so guitars have been the trendy instruments to own for decades. In the late 60s and 70s the Les Paul was the guitar to have. Slash briefly caused a Gibson resurgence but it was short lived. Nothing wrong with the quality, just wrong time wrong place.
  7. No thats not the problem. The problem being that pubs dont pay decent money to any act, they cant afford to, so it makes more sense to have a duo playing as the bar will be full anyway.
  8. The main difference would be the number of bands, duo,s and individuals in competition for a small number of venues and not much money. Thats the way it is in my gig area. If you make a living playing bars then the money on offer must be much better.
  9. I gig consistently and have done for 51 years, but enjoyment is my first concern. I did the playing mainly for money thing back in the day and it was my least enjoyable time in music. Where I live pub band dont do it for the money because there is no way to make a living playing pubs and clubs locally. If I wanted to make money I would join a wedding band and play the lovely, enjoyable and satisfying music they are expected to churn out. Thanks but no thanks. I enjoy my gigs because I like the people I play with and the music we make, if we make money then its a bonus. There is obviously a huge difference between bar/pub bands in the US and ones in Britain.
  10. Nope, I buy gear to play it, if it gets dinged or worn then that's par for the course. Taken to the other extreme. you now have manufacturers offering "Road worn" new instruments for sale, and charging more for them cos they look beaten up. WTF?
  11. Agreed. Great musicians dont need to show off, more so if they are drummers or bassists. Great rhythm sections make the music sound better, they don't need anyone to say "Wow, cant he/she play really fast".
  12. Agreed. I play for fun, any money earned beyond expenses is a bonus. If I like the people and I like the music than that's it.
  13. Rock is like the term "Rock and Roll" It embraces lots of sub genres, also a bit like Jazz. Folk rock, jazz rock, prog rock, punk rock, etc. Its all rock and roll.
  14. I have a rule, a tenuous one. The third album of most bands is the peak, its downhill after that. Some exceptions, but not many. The Beatles bucked that trend but they were unique anyway.
  15. Well, possibly. The way I see it the Who did things differently to the mainstream at the time. Pete mainly held down the rhythm, John was playing lead/melody, and Moonie either followed the vocals or played like an orchestral percussionist.
  16. Try the Ibanez Talman short scale. I have one and its punches well above its price point.
  17. Nah. Rock was just getting up a head of stem in 71. The Who's best stuff was their early singles in the 60s. Cant Explain, My generation, I'm a Boy etc. Great stuff. All the Rock opera stuff was a load of tosh.
  18. The first Haim album. Forgot how funky those girls could be.
  19. Just been trawling through all the acts we missed. Band of the weekend for me? First Aid Kit, second was Christine and the Queens. First aid Kit nail those harmonies, every time .I am looking to see when they are playing near me, must get tickets.
  20. Needs to learn a lesson. If he checked out the instrument, and even played it at the vendors, then he is at least partly to blame. I know its a bummer to end up with something you are not 100% pleased with but If you are checking something out, then check it out properly. As for the choking its probably as Skank says.
  21. Mostly boring. Mostly acts well past sell by date, can they not introduce some fresh new talent to us through this sort of event? Flo was good though. Anyone know why, all of a sudden, half of her original band are gone?
  22. "Lessons in Love", Level 42 and "Superstition", Stevie Wonder. Drumming or playing the bass , I love performing both of those songs. I would probably love them just as much if I was singing them.
  23. It could simply be that you are more concerned with practicing and playing than fiddling with or modifying gear or settings. I don't believe that makes your approach random or casual. Even half decent gear now sounds good straight from the packaging. Keep playing and gigging, its far from casual or random.
  24. Nope, sounds entirely normal to me. Why buy any piece of equipment if you dont like the sound of it? That goes for the bass, strings, amp, cabs and effects.
  25. Agreed. I love 25 or 6 to 4. Terry Cath's SG sound made me buy one. It never sounded quite as good in my hands though, I could never understand that. Ha.
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