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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Well....as the op was "What song would you play with the ORIGINAL band..." Unless I wanted to stand next to Chris, and play note for note, he would have to sit that song out. As would every other bassist on the songs people have chosen. I think we are all aware when Mr Squire died. Its a fantasy thread, dont start getting literal.
  2. Close to the Edge, with the original Yes. Minus the bass player, obviously.
  3. Agreed. Back in the 60s and early 70s lots of local bands had bass players using the EB range, from the semi acoustic to the two pickup EB3. Times and fashion change.
  4. A sensible outlook. If you are a pro and have 10 hours a day to practice, and some of this stuff might be asked for in a session, then fine. For most of us we have the time to learn what we need to do the gig. Practicing the set list and a few other things that interest and stretch us is all we have time for. If something we dont know comes up in a new song then we learn it, and play it. Simple.
  5. They are simple, they work and have stood the test of time. A sure sign of a good design.They are not perfect but few things are. Agreed, removable parts are rarely a good alternative, it would simply add more complexity.
  6. Nice one mate, respect. We love the Sammy shows but couldn't get tickets for this one. Sad that Brendan Healy wont be there, he was a very talented man. RIP Brendan and Sammy. Cant wait for the DVD.
  7. Agreed, and Run with the Fox is one on my Xmas song list.
  8. Yep, and the bassist probably thought he had a killer tone. Spent years defining his sound and spent a fortune on bass, amp, cabs and effects. His tone was not appropriate to the music. Subjective, but some people search for their tone with little thought to what genre of music they will be playing. Horses for courses.
  9. Each to their own but the bass sounds from the 60s, 70s and probably the early 80s were shaped by the sounds added by the pre and power amp stages and the speakers and cabs of the time. If I, personally, had a sound that was my bass played acoustically, only amplified, like most others I would be adding tone shaping and possibly effects to add some HEFT, as a transparent amplification of my basses would be hollow and thin to me. Apologies, couldnt resist. (Heft)
  10. I have to say, If you had a band that was fair to middling and you wanted to make it big, then the Spice Girls management and marketing machine would be the team to have. If they could make the Spice Girls big they must have been feckin brilliant at their jobs.
  11. Fair enough, but why do we always equate playing faster, and using more notes with, "Pushing the boundaries"? Surely there are more ways of pushing bass playing to new places than simply playing more notes!
  12. A great, subjective, bass tone is a lot like a great drum sound, it has to sound good in the mix of instruments. I also play drums and I let the drums ring out, no damping. It means they then sound good, and also cut through, in the mix. Played in isolation they can sound too much but in a band situation they are perfect. I suggest a bass tone is the same.
  13. Slightly over sensitive perhaps? It was a jam night, relaxed and informal. I presume you didnt know each other so perhaps he was simply stating the obvious. No such thing as a poor relation in music, we all bring something to the party. If the guitarist was like that with other musicians he is probably best avoided. It takes all sorts.
  14. Theory over practicality. Use and practice what you need, when you need it. Everything else is just baggage.
  15. I'm sure its very difficult, but its not for me. Note choice and placement are my goal in every song. It all sounds too much like percussion to me.
  16. I plug my mp3 player into my Zoom B1, for silent practice. I can use all the effects and as I also use it for gigging so its a win win.
  17. People read what they want into lyrics. And its not dubious at all, its saying "So what" I was of the era and I knew what they were getting at. If you are offended then its your mindset. Ask a black person if it offends them.
  18. Oh....that sounds simple. Now what is the number of my string manufacturer. The Wife on the scales sounds the best bet, and it saves you £5.
  19. mikel


    Nice one. Boom Boom, indeed.
  20. mikel


    Good, and I hope its expensive. The courts have much better things to do than deliberate over this petty attention seeking squabble
  21. Slightly over sensitive I think. I am 65 so most females are young girls to me. Context might be the phrase to use. Lets ban most old Blues songs and early Rap stuff as its none PC. They are songs from a moment in time, If you dont like them dont do them.
  22. mikel


    OK. And just who pays for the court case in this instance? A Judge involved because a signer was not supplied/ up to speed, to do the support act. This country really is turning into the USA re litigation.
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