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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Whats wrong with your dad being black? All he was saying is, he is not entirely what he seems. Get over it. Bloody PC brigade.
  2. mikel


    /\ This. Some people simply like to moan, about everything. Also, its funny how it got straight into the press and an interview. 15 minutes of fame anyone. Respect to the organisers, they did all the could, and more, and are still taking flack.
  3. Don't really care. If I love the music then that's enough for me. Anderson and Wakeman are both top blokes, Rick especially is a great raconteur but If I didnt like the music they made I would still not listen to it.
  4. Great shame. Saw Argent in South Shields about 8 years ago, free open air event, and they were superb.
  5. Yep, agreed. Listen to as much music as you can. The ears are the best tool you have. Its music, its an art, not a science, there is no right or wrong just what sounds good to you.
  6. Depends how long it takes you to learn to sight read music properly.
  7. I don't see any problem with "Could". A wise man once said "If you do what has always been done, don't be surprised if you get what has already been got".
  8. I know, its a great shame. Back in the day I toured our local music shops drooling at the shiny Gibsons, Fenders, Marshall's and Orange amps. One day I took down an SG, loved it so much I signed my life away on HP to own it. I have been tempted a few times over the years by instruments I was not even looking for, but thats what browsing a music shop can do. Even after 50 odd years of visiting music shops I still get a feeling of excitement when I open the shop door. Never get that logging onto a website. (Oo er missus)
  9. I always PREFER to buy from a shop, but not always possible. With any instrument or amp I have to try before I buy as they are mostly unique, even the mass produced. The problem is pile it high and sell it cheap internet based retailers. High street shops cant be expected to compete on price so they have to offer experience, know how, information, something special like one off instruments, tuition, friendly service. Being local is a big plus, but you cant be local to everyone. Doh.
  10. Exactly, cos thats not what I said. The OP suggested his grasp of melody, and his ability to compose better music, would be enhanced by learning what others have done by reading their music. Possibly, but possibly not. I suggested there were other ways, like experimentation. Not knocking reading merely adding to the debate by offering alternatives.
  11. I use a canvas stick bag, primarily made for drummers. It is fairly small and light with lots of pockets for leads, strings, a couple of pedals and tools. Sorted
  12. Ohh, I must get a copy of this, love the guys playing.
  13. Like most things in life there are many ways to improve creativity. If something sounds good, to you, then it is. Most of my creative moments on both bass and drums have come from happy accidents, or what seemed at first like mistakes. It could be argued that if you simply follow convention you will end up with nothing new. If the aim is to write commercial music then learning to read and following tried and tested chord progressions will probably do it.
  14. If you already have one then why bother, you can only play one at a time.
  15. You get asked to play and get well paid. The food and drink is usually free. I love them. The audience may not love what you play but the people who are paying would have to take any flack for liking and booking the band. Whats not to like?
  16. Not even me, and I play bass. I like to hear bass in a song context, personally I dont find it a solo instrument.
  17. Agreed, a bunch of ar**holes, but they made it as a band of mates. What could be better? Pity they were such awful characters without one redeeming feature. They did have two songs though, a fast one and a slow one.
  18. It matters not how great the musicians are, its the quality of the material that makes the sound interesting or listenable. Singing while busking always seems to help. My brother in law busks with his sax and when he plays difficult and complex Jazz stuff the odd muso will comment, but when he plays well known swing stuff he draws a crowd. Guess what he plays the most, he likes to earn money, thats what busking is mainly about.
  19. My point exactly. No need for mouthing off If you are comfortable with your playing, and knocking other musicians is plain wrong. Live and let live. Mitch was pretty much a Jazz/Fusion drummer.
  20. As Dad says, both. I am not a lover of "Flash" drummers. Its only personal taste and opinion but his arrogance comes across in his playing.
  21. A great and innovative player but too full of himself for me, and I am primarily a drummer. Check out Chick Webb from the old drummers, now there was a guy who could out play the best but was happier fronting and playing for his band.
  22. I would certainly pay a more realistic price for food and milk, if it meant the farmers were making a decent profit. If it was the supermarkets taking a hit cos they want to sell milk as a loss leader then it wouldnt be so bad, but all they do is screw the producers into the ground. Probably the same with instruments.
  23. Did they also factor in how much smaller Mars Bars are now compared to,say, the 1960s? If you play a short scale bass now, instead of a long scale back in the day, It would even out the conversion.
  24. £300? Luxury. Only joking. My Yamaha was £210 new and its a splendid instrument. Instrument manufacture is cheaper now than ever through mass production methods, I will gloss over the cheap labour issues for another thread. I bought a cheap guitar in 1966 and the action was so high I could have used it as a harp. It weighed about the same as a Transit van and the metal parts were peeling "Chrome" after about 6 weeks. I have a Squire Telecaster I bought in 2000 and it is a great instrument. Light, fast neck, good setup and the pickups sound wonderful. For a cheap guitar it punches well above its weight. Its never been a better time to buy gear.
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