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Everything posted by mikel

  1. I said "Vinyl sounds better to me" Its subjective. CDs are too glossy and somehow superficial sounding. I have an original copy of Close to the Edge, by Yes, and it sound much better than the CD re mastered version I also have. The bass on the vinyl copy is more defined and has more depth and body. But we could argue subjective likes and dislikes for ever so I will leave it there.
  2. A reasonable amount of sustain would be a pre requisite of any decent bass guitar, but to pass on a great sounding bass cos it wont hold a note for 15 seconds would be strange in the extreme. To insist on lots and lots of sustain, only to spend all your time trying to dampen it, seems a little perverse to me. I have a cheap Yamaha and it has more than enough sustain and harmonics, I have to be very careful to dampen strings to stop it resonating and producing overtones. A lively bass is fine for me, anything more is simply a waste. Why do people insist on a bass that has loads of sustain then put flats on it?
  3. Possibly, but vinyl just sounds better, to me anyway. We were sold the myth that CDs were a better sound, and in the beginning of the CD sales pitch they were even said to be scratch proof. I think that myth was soon proven wrong. CDs have a certain sheen to the sound but are lacking in depth and "Heft" to me. Apologies, had to say it. (Heft, ha ha)
  4. Any bass with more than 4 strings or 4 control knobs. Any amp or cab that weighs more than I do.
  5. It's me, also. I find gold, in general, too bling even for watches and jewelry.Personal taste, I know, but the sight of people sporting heavy gold watches or rings makes me instantly think "Del Boy". As for basses I regard anything sporting gold hardware as too showy. I prefer classy, understated, tasteful. A bit like me really.
  6. Or if you were a Times reader. "Am I alone in thinking this has become a trifle silly?"
  7. I will never lust after a Gibson Les Paul ever again. Back in the day I could not afford one, so I bought an SG, and loved it. Our guitarist has two Les Paul's and he let me try them both. The gold top is the better instrument, for me at least, but they are both so heavy, the neck profiles feel like tree trunks to me and the access to the top frets is poor. GAS officially turned off.
  8. Shows how almost everything is subjective. I much prefer shiny and, well, new looking to old and battered. What if the top photo was of a 2 year old bass, that was simply battered and badly looked after, and the bottom photo was a 45 year old instrument???? Would you still prefer the top one?
  9. Beer from a bottle is in a different league to beer from a can, unless its Guinness, with the widget.
  10. Chic and Nile were wonderful. Regardless of the genre the performances were superb. A super tight band full of great musicians and good vocalists. They also put on a proper show and created excitement and joy, whats not to like?
  11. Depends on the individual instrument. Some instruments made by the big manufacturers back in the day were rubbish, and some were absolute gems. I bought a Gibson SG in 1970 and it was poorly built and setup. The intonation was also out and it took a good luthier to sort it out. Probably because Gibson could sell everything they produced at the time and competition was no where near as fierce as it is now. If someone is willing to pay lots of money for and old instrument, then that is what it is worth. It could be for the sound it produces or simply the pleasure of owning something rare and beautiful.
  12. Time wasters? I can spot them at a first rehearsal or jam. They can be late, ill prepared, egotistical, too loud, argumentative, have no transport, no spares for instrument, a noodler, have no sense of humor or people skills, arrogant, drunk or stoned. Avoid people with any of the mentioned traits and you wont go far wrong.
  13. I can sympathise. I used to play guitar and Eb is a very difficult key to play in. I know every musician should know everything about every aspect of their instrument, but most of us are semi pro or fun players so give people a break.
  14. Of course I use them, its part of the instrument. If you need it then use it, the bass police never attend my gigs.
  15. "If I hadn't seen such riches, I could live with being poor" Sit Down by James. Never a truer word. "With.....Without. Who'l deny its what the fighting's all about." Dark Side by Pink Floyd. As above.
  16. Yep, I came from drumming as well. Its micro timing, pushing, pulling or nailing the beat. Drummers completely understand the term "Locking in with the bass player" and its a two way thing. One person can not lock in with themselves, it takes two or more to Tango. Its one of the rhythm sections best tools, and one of the hardest to get perfect. On the beat for the verses, push the beat for the chorus to enhance excitement, and behind the beat for the middle 8 to create a bit of tension. Its what drumming and bass playing are about.
  17. Stand Up. Jethro Tull. The best of Glen Cornick and Clive Bunker as the rhythm section. Living in the Past, a single recorded at the same time, is a melodic bass masterclass from Glen and its in 5/4 time. Whats not to like?
  18. Its all bollo* really. It has now slipped into music theory and semantics, when we are talking about "Best Musician". Getting back to theory. It matters not, its about emotion or feel if you like. If a piece of music fails to make you, personally, want to either....Dance, Cry, Fight or F**k, then ignore it.
  19. Is that not simply playing or composing by numbers? Like tin pan alley. Some people can get their message across by ignoring the "Rules" and playing or composing by what sounds right to them. If not music would never have moved on over the centuries.
  20. But not part of the band? In a band member its a major co**up, in a friend or spouse its a pity, but you get what you pay for.
  21. Well, possibly, but its all subjective. If the elements are "Perfect" would that not mean they were simply what was expected in that given situation, and merely following musical convention?
  22. That's not what its about, people don't have to justify their personal choice. I'm not a big fan of Prince but to suggest he was not a great musician? He wrote, recorded, produced, played all the instruments and sang on lots of million selling albums and huge tours. Whats to disrespect, regardless of your musical taste?
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