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Everything posted by mikel

  1. I only avoid doing it when I see you as I dont wish to start a trend.
  2. Yep, but its not who IS the most talented, its our personal opinion of who WE think it is. Its not important or a pop at your opinion, or other musicians,its a bit of fun. Dont know why people take it so seriously.
  3. Surely popularity must have relevance. If one person in the World thinks I am the most musically talented musician of all time, then that would be nice, but my mother might be biased. If millions of people thought I was the most talented then there might just be something in it. Again, popularity, influence and longevity must come into it. People have to have heard your work to have an opinion, but it is easier today with the technology available than it has ever been to listen to both old and new stuff. So to disregard musicians simply because they were or are popular has to be wrong. Popularity, longevity and influence are my measures.
  4. Pink Floyd, Division Bell tour. Or, a real dream, The Beatles at the City Hall Newcastle, 1963, only with a modern sound system so I could hear just how good they were as a live band.
  5. Nothing better than writing and playing originals, where would the covers bands be without it? And Blue, we know your stance on playing and money, you manage to lever it into every thread on here. We know, OK? give it a rest mate.
  6. No reason at all, but he would have found it much easier with 6 strings, of a lighter gauge, and a shorter scale instrument, like a guitar for instance. Anyway, it was only my opinion, its not a pop at him or you.
  7. Apologies mate, Smug was the wrong word. I take it back.
  8. Just because something is popular does not mean it cant be good, or for "Musicians". Whatever that means. Sounds a bit smug to me. I mean, I am a musician but I doubt my taste is more relevant than the "Masses".
  9. Some bands/acts transcend the "Formula". U2. The Police. Dire Straits, I mean Knopfler was in his 30s and almost bald when they made it huge. They also used a traditional rhythm guitar rather than the two lead guitar attack. Boy and Girl bands have a "Formula". They all have to be pretty, one blond one dark hair and a "Cute" one. For the girl bands, wearing the minimum of clothing also seems to be a winner. Cant see why myself
  10. "Oh, oh Smokestack Lightnin, shining, just like gold,............... Why dont you hear me crying" Howlin Wolf. Taught me the power of music at a young age.
  11. I have to say he was an extraordinary player, but if he wanted to play lead why not just get a guitar? For me that is what he did, a lot of the time.
  12. The breadth and depth of Bowie's output must put him up there somewhere. He morphed into so many different things, before anyone could get bored with the current incarnation. As a songwriter he pushed his own boundaries constantly. I would have been more than happy to come up with just the Spiders project.
  13. A good band with a good front person (Probably get shot for saying "Front Man" nowadays) is all you need. Someone who can engage the audience and keep it moving and lively. I used to love watching Yes live in the 70s and they did bugger all on stage, apart from Squire. The lighting was good though and the musicianship took my breath away anyway, always better than the recordings. Just shot down my own argument, but there you go.
  14. I bring creativity, commitment and hard work. I am not the best musician but I am always the best prepared. I organise the rehearsals and help find gigs. I sing decent harmonies and If needed I also play drums and guitar. As for my bass playing, my bass lines are not the most complex but I get into bands because they are creative and dependable.
  15. Exactly. You are not chatting with them, you are playing gigs in the biggest venues and ripping it up.
  16. Everyone is fully aware that touring is NOT a bed of roses. This is supposed to be a fantasy about the band you would love to have played in "In your dreams". In my dreams and fantasies they always nail it, every time, and everything is perfect. Or what is the point of a fantasy? Get unreal.
  17. Close to the Edge...Yes. Making Movies...Dire Straits. Rubber Soul....The Beatles.
  18. This is a FANTASY thread. Its about who you would have loved, in a fantasy dream, to play with. ITS NOT REAL. We are not talking reality. For goodness sake, give me strength.
  19. Blue Blue Blue. Its fantasy, its all about the music. Let go of your literal self for once. For once let the money take care of itself.
  20. Yes. The Close to the Edge tour and lineup. Playing bass with Wakeman, Howe and Brufford. Even the thought of it blows my mind. Plus using all the old Sunn gear. Wow.
  21. I have tried and tried to get into Rap, but I cant get a handle on it. I just find the "Lyrical" style repetitive and annoying. Its like someone nagging me. Personally If I have to "Try" to like something its not going to happen.
  22. The Police were one of the best live bands I have ever seen. His bass playing, while he is also singing, is superb. Try and do the same, its like trying to produce two grooves at the same time. Great songwriter and musician. Not all of his stuff but most of it.
  23. Its a bit of a difficult one. Musically talented in what way? A virtuoso on one instrument? A songwriter? A producer and arranger? Or an all round musician? Stevie Wonder and Prince spring to my mind If all round musician/composer/producer is the idea. Not a huge fan of there output but their talent cant be denied. Closely followed by Bob Blackman. What that guy could do with a tea tray. Genius.
  24. Most artists were the same at the time. It was deemed, probably rightly, that only audio buffs had stereo systems in the early 60s so why spend time and money on a niche market when they could sell millions of mono records? Flanging, oo er missus, was invented by Martin/Beatles. A happy accident that John liked and got the tape opp to do deliberately. Also, splicing tape to produce different sounds and parts. Up to then tape was considered too valuable to cut.
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