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Everything posted by mikel

  1. Agreed. I was working at the City Hall in Newcastle as a steward and one night there was a full symphony orchestra on. It was magic. The volume and dynamics were jaw dropping, to me, for acoustic instruments. Enjoyed the whole experience, but like you never felt I needed to repeat it.
  2. I tend to listen to stuff that interests me rather than genres. My whole extended family have a vast range of musical likes so I was, and i still am, exposed to lots of different music. Still cant stand Rap though. I have tried and tried but the mood never takes me. My loss?
  3. Its an interesting thread. I would have thought a famous player who "Modified" an instrument to suit their own needs would be the one to get a "Signature" instrument. Or why bother? If its not very different from the standard model then why make a signature? Clapton got one because he didnt use his Strat trem, removed the springs and replaced them with a block of wood.
  4. I don't know, don't most endorsees simply need to be famous and play the companies product? I think the whole endorsement thing is a bit a**e about face. The musician is supposed to be promoting the benefits of the instrument by playing it, and believing in its superiority, but lots of musicians change companies, I would assume simply for more money. A signature instrument is probably a different thing. I would think the musician has played the companies product for so long, and gained a level of fame, that the company believe they can make money from wannabees by building something slightly left field and adding the players name.
  5. The poster I answered said "More genius claiming nonsense" with ref to the Howard Goodall program. Goodall's was simply an opinion, as valid as the posters who took issue with it.
  6. Who asked you, you Geordie fanboy? And I don't care, don't knock other musicians simply cos you don't agree with them.
  7. Well you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else, but I dont know why you feel compelled to brand Mr Goodall a fanboy. He is a well educated and respected musician and composer who was looking at and explaining some of the bands work to less well musically educated people, like myself. I enjoyed the experience very much.
  8. No. He started making ice cream. Oh sorry, I think I misread the post.
  9. For all those who say they cant pick one. That means you dont have a "Your band". Its the one that got to you when you were young and impressionable, the one you can go back to no matter how many years have elapsed. the one that no matter how long ago the music was recorded, to you it never sounds dated or cheesy. Thats your band.
  10. Jethro Tull. In all the lineups. Always interesting, always entertaining and some of the best live gigs I have ever bee to. Saw them first in 1970 and they were brilliant. Saw them last in 2011 and they were still brilliant. A musical backdrop to my life.
  11. Yep, I was born in 52 and for a few years the world revolved around Britain, because of the Beatles.
  12. And the point of this accessory is??????
  13. Put it this way, the Beatles could have had almost any drummer they wanted, they wanted Ringo. When he walked out they begged him to come back. The feel of the songs would have been different with any other musician in there, not just Ringo. You want to hear a live band absolutely nailing it? Go and see the latest Beatles film. No click tracks, no monitors, poor PA systems....but perfect harmonies and a super tight band. Genius.
  14. No, I refuse to bite, there have been too many Beatles trolling threads lately. If you don't like something, don't listen to it. Job done.
  15. What makes a good drummer? Pretty much the same as what makes any good musician. Good timing, sensitivity for the music, creativity, reliability and a sense of humor. Job done.
  16. No its not. Just stating you dont always need either passion or great ability to "Make it Big" and make a living out of music. A lot of big bands made it big by having great tunes. The lineup was pretty much a bunch of mates. You may be confusing Passion with desire.
  17. The thing is, there are a lot of ways to make the "Big Time" in music. Being in an originals band that makes it. Being in the right place at the right time. Knowing the right people. Luck. Aspiration. They can all trump ability, especially the first one. Some people are hugely gifted but do not aspire to being a pro musician, for a variety of reasons. Wanting something, no matter how badly, is never enough.
  18. Who cares about his technique, can he keep a groove? Thats what matters. I play with a self taught keys player who cant read music and learns everything by ear. He is the best keys player I have ever played with cos he is subtle and inventive.
  19. Exactly. My self awareness led me to only playing what I love, or I find interesting, and only playing with people who are easy to get along with and don't have big ego's or agendas. Jamming with a bunch of start up musicians can be as fulfilling as playing a big venue with a lineup of top pro's. I personally prefer playing with musicians who may not have the best technique but who are creative and inventive in their playing, as opposed to highly trained and well practiced guys who simply play by numbers.
  20. We know Blue, you mention this fact in most of your posts.
  21. If I don't like something, I don't play it. If I am not given the time to prepare for a gig or an audition, I don't do it. If I find someone in a band is obnoxious, either I walk, or they do. Life is too short, and I enjoy playing too much to put up with avoidable irritations. Music is fun, if something makes it not fun, I avoid it.
  22. So you would only Tour in Britain? I am fairly sure there are a lot more gig options In the US for touring bands.
  23. Hardly, the OP is "Passion vs Ability". I chose Passion. Obviously you need a certain amount of ability to even play a local Pub, but If you have passion you make even the most mundane exciting. I am passionate about every gig we play, regardless of the size or importance of the venue. Passion simply means, for me, that you immerse yourself in the activity. I get everything out of my involvement with the Bass guitar, because however little ability I may have, I put everything into each gig or rehearsal.
  24. I will take a passionate young band, giving it large, over a bunch of session pro's going through there perfect motions, every time.
  25. Great shame. The engine behind AC/DC. Saw them in 73 and while Angus and Bon were the icing on the cake, Malcolm was the foundation. RIP.
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