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Everything posted by mikel

  1. [quote name='thebigyin' timestamp='1509603865' post='3400160'] Who cares if you get noticed....i was always told take the Bass away and everyone will notice....to me it's all about supporting your fellow band mates if you want to stand out play another instrument or front the band...i have fronted many local cover bands and it can be a lonely daunting job trying to gee up a crowd that are unresponsive...i enjoyed playing bass and having non of that pressure [/quote] /\ This. I love playing gigs, its the only reason I play an instrument. The nerves, the thrill of playing, and the sublime feeling when the whole band is cooking as one. Nothing to match it. I don't need anyone to tell me afterwards how good or bad I was, that's not why I do it, I do it because I love it and I know when the band has been great. The only pat on the back I like is when one of the other band members says "That was great, we nailed it tonight". The emphasis is on we, as I am simply part of a band.
  2. No one at a lot of live gig's notice the bass player because the sound engineers eq the bass drum so it takes up all the bass frequencies, and you cant hear the bass guitar at all.
  3. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1509225684' post='3397474'] Just to add my recent experience to this thread, advertised on join my band for a drummer, got a reply from a guy claiming to be an experienced drummer,spoke to him on the phone and messaged him to arrange rehearsal, all seemed ok, long story short it was a no show , no notice given at all just literally did not show up. [/quote] Again, that's not the fault of the website. If there was such a thing as an "Unreliable" filter then that would be great, but there isn't. I would venture that if a site has lots of musicians using it, for whatever reason, then its doing its job of networking. Its up to the users to filter out the time wasters.
  4. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1509185863' post='3397183'] It's the same as interviewing people for the day job. My mantra is "never employ assholes". A decent, motivated person will learn the job. An asshole is an asshole - regardless of competencies and all that rubbish. [/quote] True, true. My last boss was not, how shall I put it, a people person. His grasp of social nuance or personality traits was none existent, and considering he was supposed to be a sales manager it beggared belief. He got it right when he interviewed me and offered me the job, obviously , but he made some absolute howlers. One guy he took on was so far up his own a**e he may as well have had "Arrogant pr**c" stamped on his forehead. Everyone of the rest of the team agreed "He wont be here a year before he is off to pastures new". Sure enough 9 months later he was off, still bragging about the big contracts he was going to bring in and the important people he knew. We called him "Gunner". As in, I'm going to do this and i'm going to do that, but never did.
  5. Its slipping into the "If I like it its good music, If I don't it's anodyne rubbish".
  6. [quote name='Burns-bass' timestamp='1509131327' post='3396951'] Victor Wootoon would struggle to sell 100 seats where I live, Adam Clayton and U2 might struggle to keep it under 100,000. Technical ability and musicality are very different things. [/quote] /\ This. Musicality and creativity trump chops every time.
  7. The band was in place before the new singer arrived, so the direction was also in place. Could the guy not play the original set list? If not how did he pass the audition? I presume you all have an input into the material so your vote should carry as much weight as anyone else's. If the rest of the band are adamant they want to change direction to the new material, and you are 100% against it, then you have a choice, suck it up or walk. Simple.
  8. No, but as they are in famous, money making, stadium filling bands, who could probably have any bass player they want, I presume they are better than most. Drum forums have had the same threads about Ringo and Charlie Watts etc. Top chop drummers have all come out and told the doubters "If you don't get Ringo, Charlie etc, you really have no idea".
  9. [quote name='MysticGuitar' timestamp='1509003285' post='3395862'] Wishbone Ash's "Persephone" [/quote] Nice one. I still give "Argus" an outing every month or so.
  10. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1509002256' post='3395852'] I would have rephrased the message you sent, in order to prevent his ego being bruised. After all nobody likes rejection. I would have said that the original guitarist has decided to rejoin the band and tell the auditioner that they were amazing and thank them for their time. Guitarists have fragile egos at the best of times. It's best to treat them gently. [/quote] That would stroke his ego but not help his chances of getting into a band in the future. The original "No thanks" was fine, nothing derogatory or misleading. If it gets him to ask himself why he didnt get the job, what he could have done better etc it will be a help. If you tell him he was great, when he was not, then he will simply keep doing what he is doing and get nowhere.
  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1508839303' post='3394712'] I watched the first 4 episodes in a about 30 minutes last night made me thoroughly depressed, either I'm too old to appropriate new music or new music is crap, either way it's not good,[b] were those new songs from Morrissey and Liam Gallagher really that bad or was it just me?[/b] [/quote] No, they were that bad. How Liam gets air time and promotion via the BBC beats me. He has been on everything lately. If he had an ounce of talent I could understand but he has nothing to offer, other than being famous for being in his brothers band.
  12. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1508849230' post='3394832'] Bet it was still an amazing experience though. [/quote] "Though"??? My brother in law plays trombone in two brass bands and even the local competitions are brutal. I can only imagine how competitive, nerve shredding and nit picking a national comp would be. Respect.
  13. [quote name='MrDaveTheBass' timestamp='1508838210' post='3394697'] I'm still trying to master the Tibetan Anus Flute. It's a bit niche though, and I'm still having trouble finding an appreciative audience... [/quote] Just advertise on BC, lots of Anal people on here.
  14. Never. Perhaps Its not the instrument but the way you have been programmed to play it. There is no right or wrong way, just your own way. If you follow the well used learning path you will probably get what you, and everyone else, expect. If you do what you have always done don't be surprised if you get what you have always got. Its a musical instrument, the only limit to its creativity is your own imagination.
  15. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1508834138' post='3394646'] Don't think it's the fault of that particular site, more that there are an awful lot of delusional dreamers, who think they want to be in a band. [/quote] This. Cant blame the site for the shortcomings of the posters. I have used it to find musicians and managed to weed out the time wasters with a few well placed questions.
  16. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1508751853' post='3394106'] No one's 'whining' . I used to watch it quite regularly [b]and still occasionally check to see what's playing just in case there's owt of interest.[/b] Be nice to see a more diverse range of music on offer rather than the usual fare of UK indie, Americana and septegenarian 'legends'. [/quote] The thing is, if you have never heard of an act before how do you know they may not be your next favorite thing, unless you give them a listen?
  17. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1508673308' post='3393651'] It's a rubbish programme because they don't have bands that [u]I[/u] like. [size=2]Where's that sarcasm smiley when you need it?[/size] [/quote] Said it in one , mate. If you don't like it don't watch it. It seems people only comment on things they don't like rather then commenting on something they do like. If you don't rate a certain act then fair enough,Its subjective, but to slate a whole program because you don't like the music? JH does not play my genre of music himself but he is a good musician and he is fronting a show that puts on a diverse selection of music. Stop whining or watch old re runs of TOTP.
  18. Walking on the Moon, by The Police. The bass and vocal would stand up perfectly on there own. Great song with great simple bass playing.
  19. Some old "Free" stuff on youtube. Check out the live version of "Moonshine" a band on top of there game. The EB3 bass playing and tone are to die for.
  20. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1508314543' post='3391221'] you're absolutely right, which is why, in general it's a young mans game, they have the energy and lack of other commitments to travel all over the country sleeping on floors and in the back of vans to try to get there music out there and even after doing that for a few years the success rate is very low [/quote] As it has always been. No one ever said it would be easy.
  21. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1508263278' post='3390992'] I used to think that but have found recently mainly in the Prog scene but also creeping into the heavier rock / southern rock scenes that there are many mature bands leading the way so. [b]Think with age comes a degree of organisation and structure in songs.[/b] When we were all younger many of the songs were jam sessions that developed into songs whereas nowadays eople are writing songs at home with their own make shift studios and producing some good quality music. I never say no to an originals band even at my age. Its nice to keep your hand in. Keeps the brain active Dave [/quote] Well quite, but really you need to be angry and feel alienated in some way to write new and exciting stuff. I have a lot more experiences to draw on now I am old, but the style of the song would not be cutting edge, sadly.
  22. Its the duty of the young to come up with the originals, and to push music to new places. Its the duty of old guys like me to play covers in a pub band cos thats what I now enjoy. When I was young I was in originals bands, its the way of the world.
  23. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1508213790' post='3390503'] come on guys who ru kidding? If you are in a covers band, you are really just a live DJ, you must play songs that make the girls dance and the guys come in to score that is it An original band is a real band, they write music without taking into account whether or not girly girls will dance to it. we don't care if girly girls get up and dance to it,we want you to listen to it. and don't tell me that cover bands make more money and play to bigger crowds, I can say the same about Beiber and Dylan, and I know who the real artist is here [/quote] Nice try, but no cigar.
  24. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1508078584' post='3389601'] Perhaps you should just beat out the rhythm on the back of his head with a claw-hammer whilst he plays... [/quote] . Fantastic.
  25. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1508099980' post='3389783'] Do you write with an audience or what you think people will like or do you just write in hopes people will like it. I'm assuming the songs you write will be heard by other people. Blue [/quote] Surely if you have something to say in a song, you say it. If people like it then that's, great but to write simply to please others you may as well work in the old Tin Pan Alley. If everyone only wrote what they knew others would like music would never have progressed through all the genres. Someone has to push the boundaries.
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