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Posts posted by mikel

  1. [quote name='The59Sound' timestamp='1497292965' post='3317129']
    We always practice at gig levels so we're more used to how it will be on the night.

    A 300w bass amp really should be the minimum for a rehearsal room.

    We always rehearse at low volume. Its easier to spot errors and easier to call a halt to sort them out If you can hear exactly what the whole band is doing, more so when working up new songs.

  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1493847670' post='3291320']
    [b]A good example of what happens in one way or the other to 99% of start ups and why I personally never recommend them[/b].

    The thing that really bothers me about failed start ups is leaving an overall bad and wrong impression of what being in a band is all about.


    If bands didnt start up there would be no bands for you to join though. would there? In most instances its also the only way to get a band together with the same musical mindset as your own. Sometimes you have to take the lead, I cant always be a follower.

  3. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1496856599' post='3314344']
    I saw Oasis twice in the early 90s, both times at Glastonbury.

    The first time they hadn't really broken through and were playing early afternoon on the NME stage. The next time they were headlining the Pyramid.

    Both performances were pretty much exactly like what Liam did at Manchester, standing stock still, hands behind back, sneering into the microphone, and to be fair he's made quite the career out of it.

    I think, rather than bad mouthing his Bro, Liam should thank unreal good luck that he had a talented sibling who was prepared to have him in his band.

  4. Its easy. What we do is split the possible venues in our agreed radius between the band members. It works out about 25 each, and we have a week to work through them. Questions are asked if the list is not completed and gigs are not forthcoming.

  5. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1496726868' post='3313410']
    I have discovered that at low volume 2 Ashdown Mibass 1x10 cabs sound better than my Barefaced Super 12t. I bought the two 10" cabs recently as they seemed to be at a good price, and were in exceptional condition. Also I was using my BF for rehearsal and smaller gigs, and was becoming increasingly worried about damage, particularly as it has the cloth front. My intention was to buy just one of these little Ashdown cabs...@250 watts, but they looked so good together, I couldn't resist the two of 'em. (So now I am up to 500 watts.) Anyway, I presume these two little cabs sound better than the BF at low volume, as the BF has to be pushed a bit to get the best out of it, whereas the little Ashdowns are being worked harder, and being smaller speakers create more 'perceived' volume than the BF does when only just ticking over.[b] In no way am I suggesting that the Ashdowns are a better cab, or sound better than the BF,[/b] as in my opinion, nothing sounds better than the BF when it is is being pushed a bit, it's just that in a rehearsal room, playing in a small venue, or unplugged, the power and tone of the BF does not have a chance to manifest itself, whereas the Ashdown cabs do... A bit like using a Sledgehammer to crack a walnut. Would I be correct in assuming this is the case, and have any of you guys found something similar...

    Could there not be a bit of gear snobbery creeping in there? BF are high range expensive bits of kit, so surely a mid range cab should not be able to get near it? Sound is very much a personal thing, why not simply use what you prefer the sound of? Just saying, not trying to get into the technicalities of acoustics or electronics.

  6. I have to agree with a previous post. If the band starts and finishes the song correctly, and any stops are nailed, all is pretty much good for an audience. With the proviso that the beat is spot on and does not fluctuate wildly, as this spoils the dancing. So, learn the structure of the songs and have a solid drummer seems to be the key to lots of gigs and a happy audience.

  7. What made it even more interesting was having the guy break down the songs and explain complex musical tricks and form the Beatles used to make the music what it is and create the interest. He was explaining it as a technically gifted and highly trained musician, the Beatles had no formal training and at the time could not even read music. So they came up with all that simply because it sounded good to them. Now that is talent and genius.

  8. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1496398024' post='3311040']
    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Nope, sorry it's just an opinion. Simply because I'm not a fan of The Beatles (aside from the handful of songs that I knew already), it doesn't entitle me to an opinion. This isn't anything about the type of quote (now attributed to Jasper Carrott) or that line in Red Dwarf where Holly says:[/font]

    [font=courier new,courier,monospace]HOLLY: Well, for instance, in this universe, it could be that Hitler won the Second World War. It could be something even more incredible, like perhaps Ringo was a really [i]good[/i] drummer. [/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I only listened to SPLHCB yesterday and again last night. With the exception of Within You Without You, it's a decent listen, it really is, the musicianship/vocals are great, but my immediate thought was what the hell is going on with the drums. [His] approach is almost child-like; the sort of thing that my 10 year old nephew would do when prompted to come and play along. I do wonder what The Beatles would have sounded like if someone like Dave Clark had drummed for them.[/font]

    [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I don't buy into the Dave Grohl comment above that he was 'a f***ing badass' just because he could get a crowd going by playing consecutive hits on the floor tom and kick. It was The Beatles! For the love of god, Ringo could have just farted in a paper bag and the crowd would have gone crazy. It's the same kind of mindset that voted Danny Bonaduce the second most famous bass player behind McCartney.[/font]

    I was right, its a Troll. The Dave Clark comment is the clincher. Go and play somewhere else.

  9. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1496338697' post='3310715']
    Christ on a bike, Ringo Starr is a sh*t drummer. I didn't realise that there might be some truth to the legend that Ringo wasn't even the best drummer in The Beatles.

    He just doesn't/didn't seem to have a clue.

    Sorry, but thats absolute tosh. You can say you dont like his drumming, but to claim the man who was one of the inventors of pop/rock music as we know it was/is s**t or didnt have a clue, shows a complete lack of musical history. Or I have just fallen for an almighty Troll.

  10. I was 15 and just about to leave school. The album was the soundtrack to my summer of freedom and gateway to work and adulthood. Not my fave Beatles album, that would be Revolver, but I only have to hear a track and I am 15 again and transported back to Tynemouth pool and my first girlfriend.

  11. [quote name='Staggering on' timestamp='1496286420' post='3310203']
    I still think I'm 33.Unforunately I just turned 71.Weird how that works.How did I get here already?

    Aye. I am 65 now but still feel and think like I did when I was 18. I look in the mirror and think "Who the f**k is that".

  12. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1496090037' post='3308740']
    You'd think a singer would be able to practice anywhere, a tape/cd/whatever of the songs in the car should give them plenty of time to get it right. Playing bass in the car would be a bit more difficult.

    This. Vocals are the easiest to learn. CDs on every time you drive or MP3s while walking. Timing is a different ballgame.

  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495705453' post='3305952']
    Interesting, I would have thought realistic travel time and distance would have been a common requirement


    Probably no one listed that as its a given, who in there right mind would drive 150 miles every Wednesday night for rehearsals?

  14. Every member should have all there own teeth. This is negotiable if they are a superb musician.

    No, and I repeat, no waistcoats or trilbies. They are an "Old man in a band" cliche. You can be as old as you like but dont be a caricature.

    No ponytails, unless you are a woman.

    All members must have a well developed sense of humor, take the music seriously, but not themselves.

    Members must be reliable and dependable.

  15. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1495550385' post='3304689']
    [b]It probably wasn't a massive assumption, the "promoter" probably said it'd be fine[/b]

    I turned up to a gig last week, the drummer on before me said "where's your kit?" and seemed pretty annoyed that I hadn't brought it. The promoter told me he was bringing his kit. I just did as I was told! We found a house kit anyway, but still, we agreed to talk to each other directly in future

    Yup. Bet the "Promoter" is taking a cut for hire of equipment, then telling the support acts to supply there own for the use of all the bands.

  16. What is this "Lending" thing? Three American bands have come to Britain to do a tour and have made no provision for equipment? I would hire them the gear, they are headlining and they will be making the money from this. It all seems very last minute and lame to me. What if your guy had not contacted them and you just pitched up with breakables?

  17. Look at it from another perspective. A newbie with well off parents. First gig. New Fender Roadworn, Barefaced rig, lots of effects pedals. Musicians in the audience expect a certain level of performance, as you would, but kid is ok at best. Opens him up to the "All the gear no idea" argument. Who cares what is written on the headstock, really? If it plays the way you like, play it, and if it sounds great to the audience they dont care either. Also other bassists will wonder how you get such a great sound out of a no name instrument, and where can they get one.

  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495329807' post='3303031']
    You guys still have hippies?


    Hippie is a state of mind, nothing to do with clothes or hair anymore. Once a Hippie always a Hippie.

    Anyway, I am looking for a generator and I did a search for the Shonky Company and I cant find them anywhere. Can anyone help?

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